Anyone ever hit a Rabbit / Hare


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Jan 31, 2011
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I was coming down a back lane and to be honest it caught me by surprise that a rabbit was running along side me obviously spooked by the noise / headlights.

Instinctually I applied the front brake to try and slow, but as soon as I did it shot out into my path. What i did next was squeeze the brake a little harder which I'm still undecided if that was the correct thing to do. It wasn't hard enough to be classed as an emergency stop so I think I did ok.

I can only work out that the rabbit must have got through my wheels and missed death because I didn't feel anything so I think it was a lucky escape.

Reflecting on this I think I should have perhaps just released the brake as soon as I saw it bolt into the road - Road was clear. Do you agree?

Also does anyone have any experience on how the bike behaves when you hit a small animal.

I've just knicked a cat, only a feeders ago, but not enough to count as more than a bump; note to all riders, a cats tail is barely noticeable.
Cant say I have ever hit a rabbit but I have hit a frog

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I did hit a jackrabbit in nevada on a CBR600. I was headed back into town from a day on the lake about 12:30 am on a brand new section of black top interstate and was going about 65, when I thought I saw something on the side of the road. I instantly eased off the throttle and moved to the other side of the road as a huge stupid suicidal jackrabbit came streaking from the sagebrush and attacked my front tire. Wham-o. Nothing else I could have done. The front tire washed out a little when it hit the rabbit, but thankfully didnt topple me. I was probably doing 40 mph when I hit him and I am really lucky I didnt crash. It was the freeway and there were other cars around but none close, thank heavans. I pulled over to the side of the road, changed my shorts, waited for the shakes to subside, then headed home. I bet that dumb bunny was about thirty pounds. Those things are huge in Nevada. I did toss him off the road a bit so no one else would hit him or have to swerve on the road.
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I was riding with a guy on a ZK14 and he was doing a rolling burn out. Then a rabbit ran out of the bushes and into his rear tire. That thing went flying out of there. The other guy that was riding next to him got some guts on his pants. Thankful it all missed me. I've had groups of 3 or 4 turkeys run out in front of me twice this summer. I was able to stop before I reached them both times, so no problems.
I hit a hare on average 3-4 times a week :eek: on my ride home from work of a night along the highway there is hundreds of the buggers & they are merely a speed hump on the road :thumbup: You would have to be seriously unlucky for one to bring you down....... I can post pics of my headers stained with bunny blood if you like :BLAA:

If its not the hares then its the 44 million cane toads that POP underneath me :D They are in plague proportions here & after a bit of rain we get out & golf them for hours :rof: :rockon: :rockon:
I hit a chicken once.
The chicken came 2nd.

It ran straight out, I braked, it went in front of my wheel then turned around and dived under it. Not the brightest of animals those chickens :rolleyes:
Apart from a small bump as I went over it I didn't feel a thing. I suspect the chicken felt slightly more... briefly.
I squarely hit a big black lab one day. I felt terrible about it. It was one of those things.

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A cat darted out at me, at first I wasn't sure what it was. I hit it with the back tire and got me out of shape in the corner and got into the gravel shoulder . I must have been on the front brake because the front of the bike disappeared and I did a header straight into the asphalt and gravel! I didn't even kill the cat!
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I was once severely used by a raven in order for him to get dinner. This is no lie.

I was running down a dirt road on my DS bike and noticed this huge raven sitting on a fence post, he would look at me and then look down in the bushes, back at me, and then back in the bushes. WTF I thought.

Just before I got to him he swooped down and scared out a rabbit, which proceeded to run out right in front of me.

Yep squish with the front tire.

Said bird swooped down to eat said rabbit and I swear I heard him say thank you on the way. :thumbup:

Squirrel, Cat, Dog, so far, scares me everytime I come close to one, I avoid if I can, but depending if I'm riding solo or not.
seems to be a lot more rabbits out around dusk, especially when the roads are quiet and the weather warm

think i ran over the tail of one a few weeks back, didn't have much time to see it or react to it. I think it's better to carry some speed though and the bike will stay upright

there's sometimes some stray sheep around on the roads, i wouldn't like to hit one of those!
I hit a deer in a car at about 70mph once. Very dead deer, very dead car!!! I was lucky to survive that one.

The other day a pigeon flew at my helmet at full speed, the fact I too was going really fast meant if it had hit I may have suffered a broken neck. But I ducked with the skill of a pro boxer, so much so I nearly came off the bike. My bum hole pinched the seat and I think my heart actually stopped for a few seconds.
A small birdy and snake in the sun.

Bird: It was warm out so I had a T-shirt and no liner under my jacket. Bird kinda stung at 55mph. No mess and missed the fairing.
When I first read that link I was thinking ya sure cut in half

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