Any other snow skiers here????

I enjoy skiing but only get out 2-3 times a year and i generally ski local up here in NH, sometimes i stray over to VT
I took very expensive snow boarding lessons in 98. This was on the synthetic burn your a$$ to bits surface. I got really good. Then a couple of weeks before booking a lads boarding holiday I highsided my ER-5. I was unable to walk for 12 months. So I never ever even got to see what snow felt like:(:mad::banghead:
The upside was I got to watch the entire world cup in bed whilst drinking beer lol.
I was just sitting here watching it snow... and thinking of skiing... and thinking of calling in sick tomorrow... maybe Stratton VT....??? Or maybe I'll just come to work and wish I was skiing!
Ahhh maaaan...I skied between 50 and 60 times my senior year in high school (a season pass at Gore Mtn., NY was just a tad over $200) but have probably only skied 10 times since moving to Chicago (8 years ago!).

Moving to Cali next year so I'll pick up where I left 191 paras should still be ready to rock.
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I'm moving to the bay area initially as my fiance has ties to the UCSF childrens hospital and would like to do her masters there (she's an RN). I have family up and down the coast so I'm not sure where we'll end up long term....

They are parabollic (SP?) but I'm tall and like to go fast :thumbup: You ever get those 160s caught in your skirt doing a back-scratcher? :D What are the longest skies they are making these days??? Remembering all those days I skipped school to go ski is making it hard to go to work right now...
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Water skiing, yeah. Snow skiing, no way Jose' there are way too many parked trees.....
I usually try to get out about 20 days a year which isn't that bad considering I have a job and live 2.5 hrs away from the nearest resort and now in the middle of december they are finally starting to get a bit of snow made here in the mid atlantic but I still have to drive 4.5 hrs to get anything other than beginner runs.

To answer defyinertia the longest skis they make now are race stock DH race skis that top out in the 215ish range. The longest normal consumer skis top out in the 185-190 range for powder skis.

I ski mostly eastern conditions and ski a 168 cm volkl allstar which is classified as an all mountain short turner but really it works great as an ice skate in eastern conditions. Living in Chicago if you planned on skiing the east you had better get used to short skis. They don't make any skis that grip on eastern hardpack in long lengths.
Living in Chicago if you planned on skiing the east you had better get used to short skis. They don't make any skis that grip on eastern hardpack in long lengths.

:confused: I live in Chicago now but skied out east from the ages of 3 to 18 so I'm familiar with the conditions. I have not been to a ski shop in a while...are they just all super shaped these days??? I've got the Rossignal Bandit X all mountain boards that came in a max size of 198 when I bought the 191s...thanks for all the info.

I just decided (this very second) I'm going go skiing in a couple weeks...probably at Gore! Good thread!
RandyHotX live
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..are they just all super shaped these days???

Yeah they are all pretty much extreme sidecut these days, there are no straight skis to be found. The new powder skis are close to straight but some of them have 125mm underfoot and are like having pontoons on your feet.

For an eastern ski I would look at something like a fischer rx-8, head supershape, elan speedwave, or a volkl tigershark. These are all frontside on piste skis that have excellent edge grip and hard snow performance. These are the kind of skis I enjoy on eastern conditions and they top out at about 175 cm in length. For someone my size at 5'9" and 165 lbs I would ski them at about 165-168 length.

For something that is more of a compromise east west ski, something along the lines of a volkl AC30 or 40, nordica hot rod series, or fischer heat series. These are more of a all mountain ski i would ski something like this in a 170-175 range. You give up a little bit of edge grip and hard snow performance for a wider ski with more flotation in powder.

These suggestions are by no means all inclusive but these are the skis that I would probably shop if I was in the market.
I skied the 160's back in the mid 70's when all the crazy stuff now popular in the X games was just getting started. Daffy's / back scratcher / helecopters etc ....

now & then at GORE you will see a woodchuck skiing 205's straight skis

not sure how long they make them but 174 is probably the most common
I love snow skiing but only get to go 1 week a year as there are no slopes near Mississippi. I used to ski multiple places in Colorado and Utah but have been skiing Big Sky Montana for the past 10 years or so. I've often told my non-biking friends that riding reminds me most of skiing or flying a plane.