American Flag

What you don't understand is, most of the mexicans here are illegal. As I have said before, they hurt our economy and ruin our neighborhoods. They come here illegally and get free medical, help with housing from the government, welfare, free education and us Americans pay for it. They have no morals and have brought their filthy culture to our country along with no respect what so ever.
To answer your question about them stabbing the American Flag if I lived there.......I wouldn't live there if you paid me $1 million.
Here's a question for ya. If they "like" our country so much, then why do they come here and expect everybody to learn THEIR language? I get tired of calling local business' and the employee's answer the phone in spanish.
They shouldn't have any rights here. I put in 7 different applications for a job and my application was declined because I don't speak spanish. Do you think that's fair?

I am sure that "some" of the mexian people are illegal...but not all of them are. What you have said is very unfair, you said "filthy culture"...who are you to comment on the culture of a whole nation. That is like me saying that the African culture if filthy because of the many illegal immigrants here in Ireland, and who in fact are looked after well by our government while we pay for it! EVERY culture is good, just not every person!

Over 300 languages are spoken in the USA. The most spoken language is English, the next is spanish. Just because you must have spanish as a language when applying to particular jobs that does not make it a mexian problem. The first people to colonise the USA were Spanish....thats where the spanish language came from! Just remember where your ancestors came from...Spain, France, England, Ireland, Germany etc.... So technically speaking...your culture is a mixture of many cultures...and your remarks about the Mexican people as a whole have been completely inappropriate and shortsighted considering the fact that the USA's proud roots came from these European countries. Embrace culture man, dont live with hatred towards others, it wont bring you any peace because there is nothing that you can do about it. Such is the way of the world, multiculturalism is the only way forward. Through understanding eachother then maybe we can make proper, educated judgements on ones culture.
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First off, there hasn't been any "particular" jobs that I have applied for, that should require spanish.....basically, speaking spanish should be a requirement only if you are applying for a job as a translator. I applied for a job at the grocery store, gas station, restaurant and a secretary for an attorney office. I was told by the attorney that I would make his company lose money because I didn't speak spanish. I call that discrimination. It's funny (not really) how mexicans can wear a brown pride shirt or blacks can wear their shirts, but yet, if white people were to wear a shirt that said white pride, we would be considered a Nazi and being part of the KKK.
A little story: My neighbors are mexicans........I have to listen to his car stereo EVERYDAY, (doesn't matter what time it is.) The bass is sooooo loud that my walls are vibrating and pictures are rattling, and often times thinking we are having an earthquake. I have asked them politely to at least turn the bass down (at least 8 times.) Since they did not comply those 8 times, (and just dealing with it) I started calling the Sheriff, they come out everytime, but as soon as they leave, they put the music back on. I went from being nice and saying hello ,to, giving hard looks and saying nothing to them. I'm tired of the DISRESPECT. One day, I come outside and there is a rock laying of the roof of my Jeep, I see a 3 year old picking up rocks and no adult outside with him. The adult comes out and I said,"he is throwing rocks and one of them landed on my Jeep." She said," No, he wasn't throwing rocks." I said,"you weren't even out here." I knew the kid had thrown it and she completely denied it....if she had apologized and said it wouldn't happen again, I would've accepted it, but it really pissed me off. Because I was upset about someone throwing rocks at MY property, she was mad at me and accussed me of being part of the KKK. How in the hell does she get KKK out of me being pissed about my vehicle? I didn't say any racial remarks whatsoever. That is what I'm talking about, they are so quick to pull out the race card. They turn everything around to make it look like they're the victim.

I know someone who filled out an application online for the united states postal service (white man).....he told one of his employees (mexican) about it a week later. The white man got nothing in the mail, the mexican did, only because he checked the "mexican" box when filling out the form. I know several other white men that also got no response. They are being cattered to, and once not fair. Maybe you should come see what we go through on a day to day basis, maybe you would have a different opinion. Employers don't hire the person right for the job, they hire by race. If a white man was right for the job, but they had already hired a white man, they would hire a mexican or a black, even though they're not right for the job. When a black man or mexican is fired from their job, they always throw the race card and try to sue for racial discrimination, but white people can't do that because no one would see it as racial discrimination.
We have our own opinions and that is that. I don't make excuses for them and try to justify their actions, I call it like I see it.
Futhermore, that mexican claims he didn't know that what he did with the flags was illegal? Then why (now knowing that it was illegal) would he buy another american flag and once again put below the mexican flag? If that's not disrespect, I don't know what is. It was just another slap in the face. If we did that in his country, we would be killed.
Your post has said it all... you have had many personal problems with the mexican people in your life.

My posts have focused on your approach to the mexican people as a whole and I suppose that if someone like yourself has been faced with so many problems in your own country then I suppose your response and your stance on this one is somewhat justified. My latvian neighbours are great, but if they played music all day and night I'd probably go outside and rip their radio out of the car to shut them up...and I'd have a problem with latvians after that....especially when your home is ment to be your space.

No offence ment on my behalf from my posts but if I were in your position I would think my own stance on this issue would be different.
Your post has said it all... you have had many personal problems with the mexican people in your life.

My posts have focused on your approach to the mexican people as a whole and I suppose that if someone like yourself has been faced with so many problems in your own country then I suppose your response and your stance on this one is somewhat justified. My latvian neighbours are great, but if they played music all day and night I'd probably go outside and rip their radio out of the car to shut them up...and I'd have a problem with latvians after that....especially when your home is ment to be your space.

No offence ment on my behalf from my posts but if I were in your position I would think my own stance on this issue would be different.

I understand that you're looking at it as a whole and no offense taken. I feel that you're an outsider with an opinion and you haven't experienced this problem, so your opinion is what it is. It's kinda like a person that doesn't have any kids and says what kind of parent they will be when the time comes, but things change dramatically when you actually experience it. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to make a point.
..Or like a person who has never left his home town, never mind the country, telling everyone that he lives in the best country in the world.
I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to make a point.:p:D
The only 'political' issue with that video is how PC minded the media has gotten and how polarized the average politically minded citizen has gotten...the vet did what needed to be done, and nuff said.

There's dirt bags among ALL groups/races/peoples/wealths/colors/brand x likers/right handed folks/people who hate yellow gold/ect
Personally, I feel that it should be illegal to fly any other flag other than the stars and stripes anywhere except places where its appropriate (foreign embassies, etc).
Excuse my language on this bit, but if they like their god damn country so much they want to fly a flag for it, why are they here? Go the hell home.

Our country was founded on the beliefs that we all have the right to express our own opinions and ideals, the right to believe what we want to believe and like what we want to like, including something as stupid as another flag. I completely understand and appreciate your patriotism and related enthusiasm, but saying that they shouldn't be able to fly another flag by LAW goes directly against the ideals our country was founded on. A true patriot (and I'm not saying you aren't one, don't take this the wrong way) believes and stands for his beliefs as you are doing, but also appreciates that his country is so ****ing awesome that other people can do the same, even if their beliefs are unconventional or different than your own. Be happy that you live in a country strong and proud enough to see somebody fly another flag in our country and give it a blind eye, because making it illegal is just as slippery slope towards removing other freedoms - and once our freedoms start being taken away, even if they are freedoms that you don't agree with, the country you love today might not be the same tomorrow.
Sorry, I was doing a forum search for "etiquette" to read about the proper way to pass, etc, and saw his post in the results and couldn't help myself. My bad!

Hey no problem- no bad. I just couldn't resist being it was a 3 year old thread. I fly a flag on my house everyday!
wow..cant believe they would make such a stupid mistake with the australian flag. In my country you cant make that mistake! :D but seriously, they have laws against that.

I must relation to this thread. Its an oldie...and I've to admit that i'm somewhat of a flag if anyone has a good resource for buying flags it would be greatly appreciated. The only top quality flag that I do own is the USA flag...surprising since I'm not american. Its fully stitched with individually stitched and raised stars. There is no place I can find on the internet that sells flags for the Republic of Ireland with this quality...granted I bought the flag in Chicago at $50 so quality was pretty much assured.
Kool! Nice video. Good thing that there weren't members of "La Raza" around, though, when it happened. (could've turned violent).