Adjustable kickstand for FZ6?

Ok maybe I'm just pissy tonight, but why is it so hard to get a simple question answered without an opinion? Remember, it's not always about YOU!


But as far as the kickstand in question, I don't see why one from another model (ie R6) wouldn't work. Or if you want it longer go with a kickstand from a taller bike. I don't know about the bolt pattern though... just thought of that while writing this.
I'm not sure what resources you may have but if a hacksaw and a vise are on the list try cutting the end off the existing stand and then bending a new end on the stand. No torch required but you may want that hockey puck with you to make up the difference when the ground is uneven the other way.
So instead of offering a answer to the question, you question the question! If you don't have the answer for a question, why would you even bother to post a reply? It would have been posted as a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"what do you think\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" or \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"poll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" if he wanted your input as to what he should do. He asked a simple question, which desirves a simple answer.

I've learned from many years of forum use to put a disclamer in y post if I'm asking a question. It goes something like \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"opinions not needed, just looking for facts\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".

Ok maybe I'm just pissy tonight, but why is it so hard to get a simple question answered without an opinion? Remember, it's not always about YOU!

I'll go with pissy for $1000 Alex.

FYI, if it was 'about me', this whole thread would be in trash can about 2hours ago.

Sorry for trying to find out some details (that wern't made known in the OP). As I previously mentioned, sometimes if you know more information, there may be other options or alternatives or helpfull hints or experience others can pass along. If you get that worked up over other people's opinions, then I would suggest not using or posting on a PUBLIC INTERNET FORUM.

Might seem 'simple' to you, but to others here (myself included) it immediately sparked the question "why". Not to mention in my 4+ years of riding and modding an FZ6 and being on several FZ6 forums, I've never even heard of this question raised before. And why are we getting nailed to the cross for asking "why"? Just as it's your 'right' to ask a simple question, so it is equally our right to ask 'why' and/or give our 2 cents; hence this being both PUBLIC and a FORUM.

Sure I was being a bit of a sarcastic arse by mearly pointing out the obvious to park somewhere where the pavement is not so uneaven. At the time, no one knew that it was his assigned parking spot that had the uneaven surface. Is answering "park somewhere else" not an acceptable answer to "if you often park in a place where the pavement is uneven"??? I know I've moved my bike to a different spot due to a bad or uneven surface. He failed to mention that "often park" reffered to his assigned parking spot.

Now knowing this, I offered a suggestion of using a piece of metal to help stabilize his bike/kickstand on an uneven surface. This is a proven method, one that's I've used and have experience with as well as others suggesting the same thing. Since by the initial looks of it, there seems to be no off the shelf adjustable FZ6 kickstand, would this method not be an acceptable and possible solution for parking on an uneven surface? Yes it is not a link to an adjustable kick stand, but maybe the OP does or dosen't know that this might be a perfectly acceptable solution to him thinking he needs an adjustable kick stand? We are only trying to help and offer suggestions and other possible ideas (some of them a tad sarcastic I'll admint, but that's just how I am).

And let's see, if I go with just answering the simple question, then I might as well delete evey post and just reply with a big fat "NO" becasue after 3 pages of posts, no one has answerd his 'simple question'. But as I'm sure you have learned from your many years of forum use, that that would be soon followed by replys to the effect of (and this is from my experience on Internet forums):

"Gee, people arn't very helpful here"
"Why is nobody replying to my post"
"Anyone have any other ideas?"
"It's been weeks and no one has posted anything?"
Or better yet, if said adjsutable kickstand is found, inevitably the next question is (and usually from the person who started the thread) "does anyone have any experience with these?"....

So dammed if ya do, damned if ya don't. Ya get what ya get. You don't have to take or listen to the advice of people's posts, but at least people are taking the time to not only ask why, but are also offering other possible solutions to the OP's question/situation.

If you don't want opinions, other views, personal preference and experience, than why post here in the first place? You want a simple answer to your simple question; it's called GOOGLE. It will be more than happy to give you just your simple answer and is pretty damn good at it too.
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I realize this might be getting a little off-topic, BUT... I found this to be funny while googling... Here is a shot of a stand that a guy cut down when he lowered his R6, they modified it again when he raised the bike back up.

Well, I think it's funny anyway, and wanted to share...

Also, I guess you could say that it's adjustable now :)