A road rage incident


Riding with the King
Nov 2, 2007
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Southern NY
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Yesterday was primo riding weather in NY-CT. I was out on the highway, doing fine, minding my business.

I was slightly exceeding the speed limit, slowly passing cars in the right lane, and a Wagoneer was a little behind me. Not too close, but he was there.

After a bit I hit the throttle and sped over to the right lane, to let him pass. He comes aside me and holds. I look over, and with his big ham-hock hand he very aggressively flips me off, then speeds off ahead.

My first reaction was, yes, please, do get out of here, don't let me hold you. Then I felt sorry for the kind of life someone with that level of residual anger would have to live.

But then I considered what I could have done differently. I didn't have a clue this guy was going to be angry. I thought he was going to indicate a running light that was out, or something. But I think the next time this happens, for defensive purposes I'm going to, no questions asked, move to the opposite side of the lane for starters, and then be ready to hit the brake if the guy decides flipping me is not enough and that he wants to run me off the road. Because swerving and braking are a BAD combo. Only then will I look over to see what the issue is.

I suspect that some people get angry at motos because they're jealous. Or maybe some moto was irresponsible to them in the past. But whatever a particular motorist's motivation, when on a bike it pays to ride defensively.

Be blessed,
Yesterday was primo riding weather in NY-CT. I was out on the highway, doing fine, minding my business.

I was slightly exceeding the speed limit, slowly passing cars in the right lane, and a Wagoneer was a little behind me. Not too close, but he was there.

After a bit I hit the throttle and sped over to the right lane, to let him pass. He comes aside me and holds. I look over, and with his big ham-hock hand he very aggressively flips me off, then speeds off ahead.

My first reaction was, yes, please, do get out of here, don't let me hold you. Then I felt sorry for the kind of life someone with that level of residual anger would have to live.

But then I considered what I could have done differently. I didn't have a clue this guy was going to be angry. I thought he was going to indicate a running light that was out, or something. But I think the next time this happens, for defensive purposes I'm going to, no questions asked, move to the opposite side of the lane for starters, and then be ready to hit the brake if the guy decides flipping me is not enough and that he wants to run me off the road. Because swerving and braking are a BAD combo. Only then will I look over to see what the issue is.

I suspect that some people get angry at motos because they're jealous. Or maybe some moto was irresponsible to them in the past. But whatever a particular motorist's motivation, when on a bike it pays to ride defensively.

Be blessed,

you have to be defensive in a car, let alone a bike. LOTS of people dont even watch for bikes. ive been many incidents, thankfully most were in a car. there are tons of idiots with a license. my idea is if ur over 65, u have to take another test. you fail you get ur license taken. if your under 21, u should have to come back and retest each year before u turn 21. fail? take your permit all over again. if not that, atleast make the driving test last more then 3 turns and 5 minutes!!!
I agree that we have to do something to improve the quality of driver, considering the traffice densities we're now dealing with. I think periodic retesting is a good idea.

I've been very lucky so far. Most of my near-misses were my own fault, in the beginning. Things have been smooth of late; hope they stay that way.

Strangely, I felt a peculiar compulsion to pray for myself and other drivers before I took off yesterday. I'll let the reader form his own conclusions, but I believe this wasn't an accident.

Aside from any religious or spiritual perspectives, you handled yourself very well IMHO.....anger begets anger, but you stopped it there and introduced independent thinking and a more constructive attitude. That takes a big person. We need more people like that. It is amazing to me how a smile and a kind response can immediately turn around a negative confrontation. It is hard to do sometimes, but always cracks me up when they look almost confused when you don't respond with the same hateful, angry attitude. However, it is the best direction to go in those situations, normally.:Flash:
i wish i had your patience. there is a reason why i carry small ball bearings in my joe rocket jacket!
That's why you need to carry a 45 pistol with blanks in it. After firing a couple of shots in his window he will be a believer.
Your post doesn't make much sense. It starts saying you were in the right lane, then moved into the right lane to let the guy pass... Does that mean you were in the left lane then moved into the right lane?
lol. it's funny to see the various reactions. I get as angry as the next guy, but it was a great relief to see this guy take off to meet his destiny, leaving the road to reasonable people again. I think it was more a case of self-interest than patience.

Jman, I agree with you on the dynamics. It's better to diffuse tension when at all possible. "As much as it depends on you, be at peace with all men" -Rom 12.18. The prayer thing is a spiritual layer that the reader is free to take or leave, but for me I think it helped set things up so that it didn't take an uglier turn. But that's faith speaking, not something I can prove.

On the mechanical/tactical side, I'll reiterate the importance of making the lane position adjustment before the confrontation. That way the brakes can subsequently be hit, if need be, with the front wheel aligned with the bike's forward movement, without undue fear of destabilization and high siding.

be blessed,
none - I can see how it's a little ambiguous. Let me rewrite that sentence:

I was slightly exceeding the speed limit, slowly passing cars that were in the right lane, and a Wagoneer was a little behind me. Not too close, but he was there.

Yes, I was in the left lane of a two lane highway.

I get these morons also sometimes. They think that they own the lane if they were going at a faster clip than somebody who moves in front to avoid say a slow moving semi or just anybody who's going relatively slow in another lane. Some/most of the times, they would've had to slow down ANYWAY because of traffic ahead but they get twisted/get their panties in a bunch because they were TRYING to prevent you from getting in front of them. But, as in your case, I guess you probably didn''t IMMEDIATELY move over for him because he wanted to maintain his 85 MPH clip or something and he was pissed off because he momentarily had to discontinue the clip he was going at even though you both were STILL passing traffic in the lane to the right. "It's all good" is not a saying that applies here; he was a stupid, angry-over-nothing, and lousy motorist. Too bad, yeah, too bad that there wasn't a highway patrol behing to witness him flipping you off after the whole episode. If I was a traffic cop I would go out of my way to cite these kind of whimpy, immature and childish motorists.
Some people are just douches, but I normally don't sit in the right lane unless I'm greatly exceeding the speed limit or overtaking for a very short period, because lots of people do go much faster and they want a clear run. To be honest I have to respect that because the right lane here is the fast lane, is it the opposite in America? (not sure about opposite side of the road stuff).
Even I find it very irritating when someone sits in that lane trying to overtake without braking the limit and slowly inching past people. (Its normally a sign of someone who isn't leaving the proper buffer zone, and constantly feels the need to overtake since the car in front is so close)
That wouldn't be my normal reaction, but to me overtaking should be done as quickly as possible and if I need to break the speed limit to do it, then I either do it fast or not at all. That puts you with less time in peoples blind spots, less time passing people, less chance for someone will pull out on you, and your back in a lane you shouldn't be getting tailgated for being too slow in.

Its going to sound harsh, but to me thats a road awareness issue, you should probably have merged into the slower traffic and let him pass, then moved back out. People can argue all they like he was speeding, he was in the wrong etc, but its just good riding skills. Doesn't matter who was 'in the right' when someone runs you off the road.

Can't say I agree with the comment on the under 21's though, people who do the wrong thing should be punished, not everyone in a certain age group. Thats called discrimination. The reason young people are more likely to have issues is because they don't get the proper training and experience, and are more likely to do something reckless. Two of those things could be fixed.
none - I can see how it's a little ambiguous. Let me rewrite that sentence:

I was slightly exceeding the speed limit, slowly passing cars that were in the right lane, and a Wagoneer was a little behind me. Not too close, but he was there.

Yes, I was in the left lane of a two lane highway.


I get these morons also sometimes. They think that they own the lane if they were going at a faster clip than somebody who moves in front to avoid say a slow moving semi or just anybody who's going relatively slow in another lane. Some/most of the times, they would've had to slow down ANYWAY because of traffic ahead but they get twisted/get their panties in a bunch because they were TRYING to prevent you from getting in front of them. But, as in your case, I guess you probably didn''t IMMEDIATELY move over for him because he wanted to maintain his 85 MPH clip or something and he was pissed off because he momentarily had to discontinue the clip he was going at even though you both were STILL passing traffic in the lane to the right. "It's all good" is not a saying that applies here; he was a stupid, angry-over-nothing, and lousy motorist. Too bad, yeah, too bad that there wasn't a highway patrol behing to witness him flipping you off after the whole episode. If I was a traffic cop I would go out of my way to cite these kind of whimpy, immature and childish motorists.

I'm guessing you don't have these in NY:

Hate to say it, but it's all right there... The left lane is the passing lane, not the meander at your own pace so you can hold up people behind you lane. If someone is behind you, that is because they want to go faster than you, time to move over and let them past. now. Spend some time in Germany where most people know how to drive and you would have just about gotten your ass ran over doing that.

Say what you want, even that you were "slightly exceeding the speed limit", as soon as that guy came up behind you, YOU became slow traffic. That being said, i try to restrain myself from flipping people off, i just give them the "WTF are you doing" glare...
Kris, none - Perhaps you had to be there to judge to the degree that I'm reading. This guy came on me pretty quickly. I was a) objectively exceeding the speed limit and b) passing other cars.

In my book that gives me two good reasons to be in the passing lane. But even then, I will defer to a fast car if I can. However a) this guy came on me too quickly for me to foresee the situation and b) I had one more car to pass before the right lane was clear for reentry.

When I saw the situation, after a moment I did speed up and merge right. But it wasn't good enough for this guy. In this case, he was completely in the wrong.
I'm guessing you don't have these in NY:

Hate to say it, but it's all right there... The left lane is the passing lane, not the meander at your own pace so you can hold up people behind you lane. If someone is behind you, that is because they want to go faster than you, time to move over and let them past. now. Spend some time in Germany where most people know how to drive and you would have just about gotten your ass ran over doing that.

Say what you want, even that you were "slightly exceeding the speed limit", as soon as that guy came up behind you, YOU became slow traffic. That being said, i try to restrain myself from flipping people off, i just give them the "WTF are you doing" glare...

I completely disagree with you. Sounds like guy behind paul 1149 was trying to act like a big shot, can't keep it under a certain speed w/o getting unglued. What's one supposed to do if, when passing a slower vehicle and some impatient and discourteous motorist behind dangerously tailgates: immediately veer right and run the other motorist on the right off the road? As for Germany--I have spend many months there, even did about 500 kms riding in a Porsche Carrera Turbo (I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging) crusing at 265 kph. As I recall, Sometimes, there was somebody in the process of passing a vehicle on the right and doing 100 kph slower than what we were doing. So what? Time to slow down. Sure, motorists on the Autobahn know how to keep the fast lane clear but if a motorist is already in it while pasing a vehicle before the max speed car even arrived, there's not much such motorist can do until adequately passing the vehicle. Patience!
The guy in the wagoneer was totaly wrong he should have waited his turn to pass the two car's!! he was endangering everyones lives on the two lane road!! You should have been flipping Him the Bird!!
The strangest thing that happened to me was one day whan I was coming home from work. In one area of the freeway it's ALWAYS bumper to bumper and the traffic is going about 5mph to 25 mph so I just split the lanes (I live in CA). I'm looking ahead as far as I can and I see a pickup a little ways ahead move to the right just enough to take out my path. I start slowing down and I'm just about to stop, traffic is stopped now, and then suddenly this jerk in the pickup jerked to the right as far as he could without hitting the car next to him and turned around, looked straight at me, and flipped me off. So I just cut in between the cars in the next lane to my right, went around them AND the jerk in the pickup, then cut back between the cars just ahead of Mr. Jerk, ending up right in front of him, then started splitting lanes again to get as far away from him as I could. It didn't really slow me down any, but I'm sure I made Mr. Jerk pretty unhappy. I never saw that idiot again.
That's why you need to carry a 45 pistol with blanks in it. After firing a couple of shots in his window he will be a believer.


the timing of your post was awesome lol

if you're being serious, I don't think that pulling your pistol while riding a bike on the freeway with a truck next to you is your safest option, but I am sure it'd look bad$ss on youtube :eek::D
So the context of the incident are so important to the response...
Southern NY? Does that mean long/staten island? If so there are just TOO many reasons (not excuses) for unecisarily aggressive driving.

Also, the driving on the left for passing only would be great if there weren't exits so close to each other on NY roads especially if you were below Rockland County. Sometimes they have people driving at 40 MPH (low speed limit) in a 55, while the second lane has people at 75 and youre happy to do 60.

Lastly, if it was on Sunday, some people are just miserable because they just saw their family and/or pissed because they have to work the next day.

But, in all of these cases and probably your best bet for an explanation the guy is probably a douche... People rarely think/realize that they could effectively kill us on 2 wheels with a turn on the wheel...