897 mile weekend


I'm a girl dammit!
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Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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Thursday (6/20)we traveled to the border of VT/Canada to Colebrook, New Hampshire. What a perfect day! 300 miles to our destination. Rained every day we were there, but we were out riding every day. I hit alot of 'new' terrain for me. Dirt roads, uneven pavement up mountains, pouring rain, etc. We went to a Blessing on Sunday, that was a real nice event. We were going to go to Weir's Beach for a quick stop over on our way up but ended up in a circle due to a missed detour. Great weekend all around. I gained alot of experience and confidence. We rode home yesterday, Monday 6/23 and half way home it was all rain, lightning, winds.... but we rode on. Hit Boston around 4pm. crawling through the tunnel, I had to get the heck out of there.. noisy and crowded. We made it through finally and traffic was stop and crawl then started moving. We were meeting up at our friends house where some of the riders trailered, our son drove with them (he is only 15) well I was fatigued, and I cut the turn too late into the drive way, hit the trucks mirror, and some how hit my kill switch so I had no juice to correct, so down we went. My fairing is cracked.. my ego is bruised hugely. Just real disappointing all of that progress, and it ended that way.
Sounds like a great adventure. Did you get any pictures?

Hopefully you learned something about being tired at the end of the day; I learned this lesson a long time ago and still do silly things like push it during the last session of a 100 degree 2 day track weekend and end up making a mental mistake.

You didn't get hurt which you easily could have. Even low speed tip overs can gash or break your lower legs and beyond. :thumbup:
We did get a few pictures, but it isn't easy to carry around the camera, it is big. I will post them as soon as we get them downloaded. It was truly a great time. Nice views, nice corners, smelly cows hehe.

I did get a bruise on my leg just below the knee, but my boots protected my ankles. I did scrape up that damned Ford hehe.

We were soaked to the bone. We should have stopped for gas, that probably would have been enough to stretch and walk around a bit, but my hubby gets in the zone. Next time he said he'd stop. He blames himself, but I should have just pulled off. Lesson learned.
What a trooper you are! Glad you didn't get hurt. Thanks for sharing your adventurous ride. :thumbup:
Bummer for the weather and the end of the trip! Sorry to hear! But at least it was a slow one and you're going to be OK!

Being new to the bike and all, don't be afraid to beep and tell him to pull it over to rest, stretch and rehydrate. My wife lets me know when she's had enough because I also get in the zone and will ride on until she signals me to pull over. I'm going to start letting her lead so she can just stop when she's ready.

That's a lot of miles to put on in a weekend! We did 180 on Saturday by hitting the dealer then out to Weir's Beach for a pass-thru (mistake!) Getting thru wasn't the issue, but getting back out of there was long and slow. More stop than go! Be glad you did not stop there. ;)
The ending wasn't the best, but look on the bright side, others have ended their rides with far worse things happening. Glad the ride was good though.
Glad you're ok. Even with the weather it sounds like you had a good trip. I tip my hat to you on the mileage as I did my first single road trip (240 mi) on Sat. and man was my backside sore......Guess it's like most everything else, start out small and work up in increments.
Glad you're ok. Even with the weather it sounds like you had a good trip. I tip my hat to you on the mileage as I did my first single road trip (240 mi) on Sat. and man was my backside sore......Guess it's like most everything else, start out small and work up in increments.

I agree, that is a long ride as well. Do your knees ever hurt, especially your right knee?