2012 Mileage Figures Anyone?


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May 5, 2007
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Anyone who is interested in officially recording their 2012 mileage/kilometers for 2012 can post your picture of your odometer at the beginning of the new year. We can all do the same at the end of the year. This is not a contest, just for entertainment purposes only. Let's see how much or how little we ride.

Must provide pictures and please state Mileage or Kilometers!

Andz..............50,000 km
mave2911.......23,869 km
corsara...........26,553 km
skyworm..........53,980 km
stink989..........33,429 km
Jayson............12,757 km
Tagger............8,381 km

AngelFZ.........15,242 mi
Raptorman53..11,975 mi
yamihoe........17,834 mi
ChevyFazer....23,321 mi
lytehouse.......8,530 mi
GTPAddict......13,903 mi
VEGASRIDER...73,403 mi
yamahaboyz....6,347 mi
texcollect.......10,000 mi
Dave.TX.........10,973 mi
mikw73.............9,721 mi
Clovis..............17,062 mi
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I'll play......we are thinking of riding to Carson City this year for the Women's AMA Conference. :Sport:

And I'll get the beginning pic as soon as the snow melts in 2012!
Count me in. I'll get a picture soon although it wont be changing until roughly March.



6,119 for me
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Mine's already in storage for the winter, but I'll see if I can get a picture of it... Otherwise, you may have to take my word for it as I do record this data in a spreadsheet for maintenance purposes.:thumbup:
sounds good. i have the front of the bike disassembled for maintenance to the forks and steering head so I cannot get a reading right now. Will remember to do this once I get it back together
Oh great... you just gave me a reason to ride...
Guess i'll put the cage in the barn and hook the trickle charger up lol.:spank:

Great idea! I'm definitely in!
I'm not going to win any mileage contests, this was taken on Christmas Eve 2011... The bike was delivered new on 5 April 2004 :spank:

Yeah, that's not very many Km's for something that was acquired in April of '04.

I have close to 120,000 km's and my bike was acquired new in April of '07.
I have at the moment 57446 kms, bike met the street for the first time on December 19 2008, this year unfortunately just about 8000 kms no commuting, a lot of work during weekends and not the best economic situation I have been in haven't allowed me to go on longer rides.
Ok Kenny but everyone who lives in fairweather states or countries has a definite advantage for max mileage.

considering i used to live in southcentral Pennsylvania, Ga is fair weather:rolleyes: but 37degree rides from coweta to kennesaw in ga,,,,, get reallyyy old REALLY quick ......but even Chevy is goin down:D

are we counting whatever the odo reads or actual mileage? cuz even my odo was like 6% off until i corrected that and the speedo...
so now i rack up miles wayyyy slower lol ;)
considering i used to live in southcentral Pennsylvania, Ga is fair weather:rolleyes: but 37degree rides from coweta to kennesaw in ga,,,,, get reallyyy old REALLY quick ......but even Chevy is goin down:D

are we counting whatever the odo reads or actual mileage? cuz even my odo was like 6% off until i corrected that and the speedo...
so now i rack up miles wayyyy slower lol ;)

Sorry bud but you ain't got a chance....lol.... I got my bike in June with about 10,??? Miles on it and it's sitting on 23,??? Now. Since your close we will deffenetly have to put some miles on together next year and if you want maybe even put a "friendly" little wager on it? .......
Weather has been actually perfect around here but with lots of family visiting makes it had to take the bike for a ride. Not today, I was able to go on a nice little ride and now here is my picture:View attachment 39680

15,242 miles. As a reference I got my bike 03/31/2010 brand new (with 3 miles on it). Of course this figure won't win any contest as some of you put more than that is less than 6 months (and I actually can ride any time of the year around here) but little by little and trying to ride more and more.

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Here's mine (2005 FZ6S), although I wish I had taken the photo before I rode the 80kms home from work this morning!

(remember, it's metric, so these are kilometers!)
