2008 Toy Run - attention SA FZ6 riders!

Ok re the Toy Run, gotta say i am a bit worried, have got to thinking about all those bikes so close to each other.....would it be better to find somewhere to watch it from...like a pub at Hahndorf...were we could watch all the bikes come past, have lunch, and our SA FZ6 Forum Christmas party, all in one?????

Just an idea that came out of a conversation with Gary (z1000)..........
Get in the middle of it, smell the bikes here the bikes low five kids as you go past, have a pillion throwing lollies (almost tipping the bike over with big throws), its all fun. No we aernt all riding real fast around death defying corners but still a damn good experiance.
Get in the middle of it, smell the bikes here the bikes low five kids as you go past, have a pillion throwing lollies (almost tipping the bike over with big throws), its all fun. No we aernt all riding real fast around death defying corners but still a damn good experiance.

LOL!was not concerned about having to ride slow!just a bit freaked by the numbers!
We get to rub elbows with harley riders, off road side cars, if its hot it is a wonderful aroma, and the fumes will cure any asthma, havent seen any bump and grinding of bikes, but sure it does happen. It really is a experience.
We get to rub elbows with harley riders, off road side cars, if its hot it is a wonderful aroma, and the fumes will cure any asthma, havent seen any bump and grinding of bikes, but sure it does happen. It really is a experience.

If my bike gets a scratch on it...i will cry! :justkidding:
Scratch ! My brother wrote his Harley off on a toy run once , back when it used the old road ..............but it is fun ...........really:D

Just don't get stuck behind a two stroke !
Just don't get stuck behind a two stroke !

Think it was back on the 2005 run, I was just going along with the flow, and this retard on a 2 stroke decided it was a good time to pull a few mono's... in the middle of a pack of 1000 bikes :spank:

No accidents or anything, most people just gave him a bit of room and hoped he would stack it without bring other people down.

Ok folks, i have bitten the bullet, so to speak, and have put my fears aside re the number of bikes.....i will be there, who else is coming?

Right, that's 4 of us.....am sure Ozzieboy (Aka, Mike the mileage king) will be there.....could not see him letting us get a few extra K's on him!!!

Where to meet, and what time? Any suiggestions...as i am a "newbie" to this one!!!!!

I,m leaving from Cross rds ,just before the Marion Rd intersection there is a car park on the left.We take the kids there to watch and catch the lollies :)

To much congestion down the Bay now and they have thinned out a little by the time they get to Cross rd .
I am happy to go with a Marion Rd/ Cross Rd start point? What time would i need to drag my sorry butt there?

The run leaves Glenelg at 11am ,I usually get to Cross Rd at about 10:30 so we can get a spot .

I will look out for you guys on the way past if you want to start at the Bay .