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  1. Jez

    MSF Riding Tips

    Saw this on another forum and thought it might be of interest to new riders:
  2. Jez

    Any UK riders replaced Steering Head Bearings?

    Mine's doing the old clunk click over bumps and feels a bit loose. I had it in to the local Yamaha dealer for a TPS recall and just out of curiosity asked them how much to replace steering head bearings. The stock bearings alone (which as we know weren't much good) came to £100 odd. Add labour...
  3. Jez

    Clonk, bang, rattle, scream...then silence

    My musical bike. It sounds like a bagful of spanners. I should explain that there are three separate problems going on, each with their own distinctive sound. And I'm wondering if anyone else will recognise the tune. First, clonk. The front end seems loose somehow. Every little bump there's an...
  4. Jez

    Both lights out

    The other night as I was riding along I switched on the main beam, and immediately lost both headlights. It's the default setup where left beam is on dipped as soon as the ignition is switched on. The sidelights were still working. Given that both blew simultaneously, would I be looking at a...
  5. Jez

    Bogging down - loss of power

    My FZ6 is a bit poorly. Ever since it came back from a service 2 weeks ago it's been getting worse. I noticed on picking it up that the throttle response was very jerky, both on the gas and off. At the time one of the mechanics who rode it asked if it was restricted in any way, because it felt...
  6. Jez

    Maxxis Supermaxx SportsTouring

    Well I just got myself a set. Not had them long, so I can't comment on treadlife, but from looking around they seem to last quite a long time - definitely longer than the Dunlop Qualifier RR's which are down to the minimum in 3500 miles. I was looking at the Dunlop Roadsmarts, but the price...
  7. Jez

    Mugabe and the White African

    Saw this movie last night, all about the invasion of Ben Freeth's farm and his subsequent campaign in the international court in Windhoek to have the farm invasions declared illegal. It's a very important film, made on a shoestring budget but well put together, and I think should be seen by...
  8. Jez

    On The Nervousness of New Bikers

    Hi! Just got your first bike? Feeling nervous about taking it out? Well don't be! Because you're a Biker now! I've been riding 7 months, roughly. Passed my DAS in June and bought a Yamaha FZ6 soon afterwards. It's a big bike. Big, fast and scary. Sure, there are 1000cc sportsbike owners who...
  9. Jez

    Near miss - 2 lane roundabout

    This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, but I'm posting it just as something to bear in mind, because I saw a similar situation develop today on a different roundabout with a couple of cars in front of me. It's not something I've given much thought to previously, but now I'll never let a car...
  10. Jez

    The Suffolk Bike Show

    It was the perfect day for it. After the gales of the previous afternoon, it was a bright morning promising good riding weather, and ideal conditions for the Copdock Bike Show. But there was a chill in the air when I set off shortly before 9am, ambient temperature registering 7 degrees, and it...
  11. Jez

    Triumph Rocket III

    An insight into the construction of the world's largest production motorcycle. Contains very British humour. YouTube - TRIUMPH ROCKET III - 21ST CENTURY MOTORCYCLE MANUFACTURE
  12. Jez

    Copdock to Aldeburgh Ride Report

    When they said the meet-up was at Washbrook Service Station in Copdock I'm not sure what I pictured - I think I was mentally calculating how many bikes you could get on a garage forecourt in a village outside Ipswich. Maybe 30 bikes, perhaps 50 at the most. Whatever I was expecting, it wasn't...
  13. Jez

    Clutch wear

    Just got a couple of questions that hopefully aren't too dumb. I had the bike (2004 FZ6-S) up on the centre stand today idling in neutral, and noticed when I revved the engine a bit that the rear wheel would turn when I gave it some revs. Not much, but over about 4000rpm the wheel would slowly...