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  • Cool banana' people still say that! Anyway, cheers for the ASBK "porn", err, i mean photo's!
    Yeah i was off of here all day yesterday....crazy, busy day & night with work, and my best buddy from Byron Bay turning up for a "flying" visit! Have a sore head today!
    Something needs to be done about the goes there!!! That's why i would ask Dennis to set up a new the main forum, for this & Bike of the Month!
    Hey thanks! I thought it wasn't till tomorrow until I saw where you were located.
    Cheers mate. Hope you enjoyed the rumbo. Been off the forum for a while concentrating on the dirtbike riding.
    Sounds just fine to me.....i am pretty easy when it comes to itinerary, i will just be happy to get away and chill with no kids...i will be the most relaxed human ever...riding, eating, drinking, chilling, smokin! phone off, and hanging with my girl, and like minded dont get much better than that!
    Thanks for the rep Daniel. The one shot was the long dark brownish bridge which they normally turn on the waterfalls on stat holidays. Apparently, they haven't done that for over a year because it is fresh clorinated water that runs out and it's not good for the fishy!? Buggars! Hopefully they'll have a solution soon, I kinda miss it. :D

    Thanks for the rep mate. Just call it like I see Speaking of seeing....I can't....the colour of the writing in the blue boxes just above seems almost precicely that of the blue box :D
    Your boy is our hero after the game.:bigkiss: And he's got the captaincy from Gidley :D:D:D

    Roll on S O O # 3
    Thanks for the rep Dan!

    Also, big kiss to Trent :D:D He won for us yesterday.....
    And i reckon the Ol Monty Python....come back here, i'll bite your ankles off...will get there before midnight too!
    thanks Daniel...I was hoping "one" day, I'd get BOTM!! Persistance pays off
    TTYL....when I get home ;)
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