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  • Thanks for the rep Dan :)

    There were some stunning bike there. The older, the better. Beautiful machines. Waiting to hear if John won best in show for either the Senna :drool: or Sheridans brutale america.
    The Pack looked really good once again. Giants/Cowboys this weekend. I'm concerned that the new coach will fire that team up at the wrong time for the Giants (who are in danger of reading too many good things about themselves).
    If I get a good pic on the weekend I will mate.
    Hopefully everything will be ok when I get on the thing,just gotta get my nerve back.
    Thanks for the rep, Dan!! Everybody likes boobies!! ;-) When I was searching for an avatar, I saw a cancer survivor's t-shirt that said "Hell, yes, they're fake! My real ones tried to KILL me!"
    Some random thought on the NFL- The Pack is slack. The G-men finally have some defensive pride, although Eli looks like a rookie lately. Favre is just plain old and Moss is in a no-win situation. The Jets got game. SF is a team in total turmoil. I've like McNabb since his college days at Syracuse. Kolb? Doesn't matter who takes the snap.... Philly has 2 of the best QB's in the game. The Bills are....well...the Bills. Ditto the Cowboys. Cheers, mate!
    My G-men exact some revenge for you over 'da Bears! Where was that defense in the Giants first 3 games, I ask? Meantime...The Pack let the Lions hang around. Too close for comfort. Playing down to the competition perhaps?
    Thanks for the rep mate. But full credit must go to Set it up for me to smash outta the park :D
    Hey Hump. Sorry about the Packers last Sunday. I watched the whole thing. Self destruction, but 2-1 is a good start. On my end....I'm a Giant's fan. I'm not talking to ANYBODY at the moment. Looks like a long year ahead.
    Getting there mate,have rotation back in my wrist,but no backwards movement yet.
    Foot and knee still swollen and sore and can't walk without crutches.I,m back off to the Dr's tomorrow to get my knee redressed.
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