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  • well good luck on your course
    best of luck
    if im around town i might drop down with my fazer, provided its not raining
    if you have time you share safety tips for safe driving, as im new to 600s considering that i have only driven scooters beforehand
    is it a court date?
    cos theres a big red bricked court there that deals with traffic offences and such
    Thanks Neil, I think you made the right decision about the cupcakes pic... I liked it!
    Nice pic mate :thumbup: Glad you had a great day out on the lawn , i'll shoot you some tips for facing the quicks via PM later :D
    Hi Nelly, I just created a folder in my DROPBOX account, you will get an email about it.
    drop a copy of the photos in the folder I will collect them and put processed ones back into it and let you know when to pick them up
    I am BEYOND happy.
    Triple Crown :steve:
    Italy at Cardiff next game - it's a given.
    Then France.
    You can take the gal out of Wales but you can NEVER take Wales out of the gal.

    Cheers Neil
    Thought I'd pop by and say 'hi'...haven't chatted since August?!
    Any of the Transformers broken yet?!?!LOL
    Well, in the early 90's, I was in elementary school!
    When you head to Texas, let me know and I will meet you for a "Whataburger"
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