Recent content by FzPilot

  1. FzPilot

    backwards tire?

    well, it got me! :ban:
  2. FzPilot

    backwards tire?

    is it me or is this guy's tire mounted on backwards? from the thread pattern it looks to be backwards... I can't stress it enough how important this is in wet situations, this style tire mounted backwards would pretty much...
  3. FzPilot

    Newly completed naked

    Please post couple more pictures of your conversion. I would love to see a front view! :)
  4. FzPilot

    bulb question

    Thanks for the link, looks interesting, a bit pricey. I saw LED bulb that did this, sounds like a much less expensive solution. I'll let ya know if i find it.
  5. FzPilot

    bulb question

    Gents, i am looking for a replacement light bulb to go into my stock rear light housing, I want to get the kind that flashes few times when the brake is applied and then goes solid. Any ideas? Thanks!
  6. FzPilot

    Show us your FZ6 in Touring mode!

    Last year, considering going with hard cases this year.
  7. FzPilot

    i scratched my whole bike using this!

    I do hope you can get it all polished out.. but seriously... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???
  8. FzPilot

    All fairings for Naked setup trade.

    bumpydy bumpy bump :)
  9. FzPilot

    What's your biggest fear whilst riding?

    a big hornet flying in my helmet and stinging me in my eye... yup that's my fear!
  10. FzPilot

    All fairings for Naked setup trade.

    I've been toying with an idea of converting my bike to naked version. So here is the question: Is there someone out there who has naked version and is interested going to the faired version? Yes I would consider switching tank and other pieces to match the color.
  11. FzPilot

    Decently priced Security System

    I have this and love it, the best part, it was only $50 It has already paid for itself once, someone bumped the bike at night and set off the alarm. It works well.
  12. FzPilot

    Yamaha Sport Bags

    where and how much??? I can't find them anywhere! :(
  13. FzPilot

    what are the co's??????

    is it strange that my factory settings were both at 0? I went up to 15 on C1 and 20 on C2 but can't tell any difference so far.
  14. FzPilot

    A Taste Of Tampa, Florida

    I'm in Clearwater this week, what a difference coming here from snowy Chicago!!! working on a project with Lockheed Martin, awesome company!
  15. FzPilot

    INCREDIBLE aircraft save!

    you guys.... are joking right? :D now, the f15 is a real story and quite amazing but also easily explained by aerodynamics laws. Bringing an R/C plane back with one wing in a knife-edge has been done many times, usually caused by the pilot in the first place :D oh.. forgot the wing bolt...