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  • Hello Chemiker,
    I gave a visit to Sporttech. he said he would charge me 200 bux. But since its been raining like cats and dogs all week, I didnt take my bike out. No, I bought it just a week back from a guy in Davis(close to Sacramento). I had seen his ad in CL. I didnt waste a min and grabbed the deal. This is my first bike here in US. I have to say its has been such a wonderful experience riding this fantastic bike. I have put abt 120 miles(I came riding from Davis to San Jose). I am still getting used to the bike. I am kinda comfortable already. But I have to still take it to twisties. I am waiting to get its first service done. After which I hope if weather permits and u r willing we can go out for a ride together. I would definitely want to learn how to change the oil and some small maintenance on the bike. I would definitely appreciate if you could teach me that.
    Thanks a lot again
    I am a new member here to the forum and also to San Jose. I just bought 2007 FZ6 RED..last weekend...and what can I say? its just awesome...I found it here that you are from SJ too...feels good to know someone is here ...I have no clue abt this place..since im very new to SJ. My bike needs its first service done..its already 800 miles and hasnt had any service. Any recommendations as to which mechanic is cheaper/better? I have no clue abt doing it by myself/nor do I have the tools.So any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks in advance and hope to see u on road soon! Weather hasnt been helpful last few days to take it out for a spin. But I will very soon.
    Hi ya,
    I guess you do need to be a Mod to sticky. I will do it for you.

    Congrats to you too Travis! It was totally unexpected, but always fun! Especially when I can get out & ride in December.
    Thanks very much, I have been slightly misleading, I have won an interview process.
    as long as my Police checks and references are OK the offer will be made.
    I do not anticipate any problems.

    Thanks for the rep point :) I'm glad the chat night was a hit, thanks for showing up!
    Hey Chem - can I be your friend????? :) I don't know what it is, but your username just sounds bad ass.... Good choice, Thanks for the post on the interview - you rock!
    Thanx Chem! Much appreciated when someone recognizes that it is hard to do. Makes it worth it :)

    Happy belated birthday! Sorry I was out of town on our birthday and haven't had a chance to spend time on the forum since I've been home.
    Thank you for changing your profile picture back LOL!! Bugger off, can't a handsome fella like me show his mug now and again lol.

    Sorry I thought you sent me a message asking me if my user name was the same as another "I believe" forum or something.
    I'm not real up on all this how it works internet, please forgive.
    No don't know what Pas...k is or maybe I do but don't...
    I'm ChromeX via the, site. Mine has a lot of extra pieces chromed.
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