Speeding Towards a Cop...


TopEnd.tv Guy
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Madison, AL
My journey home from work has a short straight-away (somewhere around a 1/4 mile or so) in which I usually punch the ole Fazer. Today was no exception. Being such a beautiful day here, and feeling a little randy, I go a little faster than usual, which isn't much compared to some around here, I'm sure. Anyway, I kick it in and get up close to 95Mph (in a 35Mph zone, no less :eek:) before I have to slow it down at the intersection, and low and behold, directly across the street in the oncoming lane is a cop car sitting at the light. I'm sure most everyone here has had something of a similar situation where you immediately wonder:

  • did the cop see me?
  • am I going to get pulled over?
  • am I going to jail for going WAYYYY over the speed limit?
  • did I bring an extra pair of underwear? because I think I crapped myself just a little bit.

Luckily, either they didn't have the radar on, didn't see me, or didn't care, because I was able to continue on without them pulling a u-turn and flashing the lights at me.


Yah...it's happened to me more times than I can count!:spank:

Sometimes it just feels good to put the spurrs to the fazer...can't resist!:rolleyes:

Glad they did not get ya!:thumbup:
That's when I use my rear-view mirrors more than ever, wondering if the cop is turning to follow me! Thanks for sharing. ;)
been there, one time to many. the last time is going to cost me, he sited me for going 80 in a 65.:(
It seems to me that when you are going that fast and look in your rear view mirrors, you see about five of everything behind you! :rof::rof::rof::rof::rof:
yea, I've gotten a quick headlight flash before, but I guess it's a quick warning if they know that most people speed there and it's relatively safe...is it safe to do there?

For the most part, it is safe to speed there. There's an entrance to a business near the end of the stretch, but I always try make sure that I slow it down to near speed limits before I get to that point.

Yep! Been there...

It is tough to keep the agility, speed and spirit of the Fazer at bay sometimes. I wouldn't care to be pulled over for 95MPH in a 35MPH speed zone, be careful, but techniques of Sport Riding can get you in trouble as well.

Like hanging-off on twisties or tucked in under the windscreen etc., flying or not can play tricks with LEO's eyes - they sometimes interpret the techniques incorrectly and take the fun out of it.
I think that most if not all of us has been in this situation. I have turned quickly to my sidemirrors to check if the police officer is going to turn around to catch me or not, and at the same time I've slowed down enough to look for alternate route that the police officer might not think off. Luckily I haven't been pulled over on my fizzer.
After reading all the post's I have to laugh! As mentioned, I'm POSITIVE that we have all been there! Also, after reading it reminded me of my close call.

Was a nice sunny day, long straight road (roughly 3 miles), just got the FZ a few months back and no traffic. :rolleyes: I grabbed a fistful and away I went. I take a peek at the speedo and I'm runnin' a buck 20! Then, I come over a slight hill and there was a car ahead of me. I thought to myself it may be a cop but kept going and sure enough......damn. I slowed down to 115 in 3rd and had a dumb thought, "what am I doing? I'm on a bike, he can't catch me." So as I passed the cop I nailed it to 140mph! I look back in my mirror and he was about 1/2 mile back and just kicked the light's on. I was moving! I get near the end of the road and it T's at the highway, only a left or right turn. Crap, what do I do now? Which way to go? That decision was made for me when I came on another vehicle that just started to turn left, so I made the turn too, right behind him and screamed past. About a 1/4 mile down the road was the back way to my place so I took it. I looked back and the fuzz was long behind me but still moving! The back road was a good idea.....until it turned to dirt.....:eek: Pucker factor was off the charts completely now! (not that it wasn't already) I finally make it home and I'm free and clear and heart pounding like it was about to burst. Later that evening I drove my truck to meet up with some friends at a bar and drove right by were the cops last saw me and sure enough, he was sitting there with another car. I made an evil laugh as I drove by and promised myself to never do that again! It was exciting but the consequence's were too great. Needless to say, I wore my other coat for awhile and rode like grandma every I went for about a month. So far I am cop chase sober for almost 2 years now and plan to stay that way!:D


I deserve the spankin' but I had to come clean......:scared:
After reading all the post's I have to laugh! As mentioned, I'm POSITIVE that we have all been there! Also, after reading it reminded me of my close call.

Was a nice sunny day, ... So far I am cop chase sober for almost 2 years now and plan to stay that way!:D


I deserve the spankin' but I had to come clean......:scared:

Wow very amazing and entertaining story...
be careful out there everyone.

I know Im trying, it has been raining a little here and all the oil has come up.

problem is it hasn't rained enough so the oil is not washing away...

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I was going way too fast on a stretch of freeway on my commute to work. I looked up and suddenly there was a motorcycle cop on the side of the road with his radar gun out. I could see the whites of his eyes as he squinted through the sight on the radar gun as I passed by. But either he didn't bother to zap me or he didn't care because I never saw him after that. It really makes me wonder if motorcycles have some sort of favortism with the cops in that area. I see a lot of bikes speeding but I never see bikes getting tickets, and on that day I was one of them. I split lanes and I go 15 over the limit and I still get passed by guys on R6s and GSX-Rs. I'm sure the cops know what's going on so I'm left wondering if the cops just don't give a damn.
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It really makes me wonder if motorcycles have some sort of favortism with the cops in that area.

IMO it's because you are in Cali. When I was in Cali I felt the same way and NEVER had a problem with law enforcement, but now that I'm in GA, sh!t man they are like Nazis. I got pulled over in June on my FZ. Cop walked up to me and twisted my left hand behind my back till it hurt and then was like get off the bike. It's not like I riding wheelies or doing dumb :squid: sh!t, I was going 89 in a 55, which is retarded because it was on the freeway with 8 lanes and EVERYBODY else was flying. I think he picked me because I was on a sportbike and not on a Harley, which is a big target around these parts. UGH the frustration. Did I mention I HATE Georgia.
...So far I am cop chase sober for almost 2 years now and plan to stay that way!:D


I deserve the spankin' but I had to come clean......:scared:

Thanks for sharing! That was a great story. I don't think that I would have the guts to try to outrun a cop.

