Rejected by the cruiser gang


Distance Rider
Mar 22, 2008
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I got some heat from a co-worker today about my FZ6 (I bought it last month - he hadn't seen it until today). For background, we've done several rides together including some pretty long distance ones (1000+ miles). He's a Harley fanatic and never bothered me about having a metric cruiser (my last bike was a Shadow). He and his HD buddies just politely ignored my ride, which was fine with me. I have nothing against HD for the record (I just don't want one - everyone I ride with has them and it's not my style). In general, I've enjoyed riding with this guy and his HD friends though - they're experienced riders and generally look out for others.

Now that I have an FZ6 he seems upset to the point where I'm not sure I'll be riding with him anymore. I guess my departure from the world of cruisers does sort of set me apart (here in the upper midwest cruisers reign surpreme - it's tough to even find an FZ6, Bandit, or V-strom around here).

Honestly, I'm so damn happy with my FZ6 that I don't care (much). Ride your own ride. Sadly, he'll never know what he's missing (superior handling, power, brakes, sitting position). His parting comment was "you'll certainly never be able to tour on that thing". Funny.... that's EXACTLY why I bought it! A hell of a lot more comfortable than a cruiser IMO!

My question is.....have any of you taken crap about your choice of an FZ6 (as opposed to a cruiser or full-on sportbike?) Obviously, most of us take some crap for riding in the first place, but I just laugh that off.
I have not experienced that mate, I feel for you.
I would have a hard time considering someone my buddy if they are giving me the brush off just because of the bike I ride.
In the UK as there are generally less people on two wheels there is still a kindred spirit.

were lucky I guess.

I got some heat from a co-worker today about my FZ6 (I bought it last month - he hadn't seen it until today). For background, we've done several rides together including some pretty long distance ones (1000+ miles). He's a Harley fanatic and never bothered me about having a metric cruiser (my last bike was a Shadow). He and his HD buddies just politely ignored my ride, which was fine with me. I have nothing against HD for the record (I just don't want one - everyone I ride with has them and it's not my style). In general, I've enjoyed riding with this guy and his HD friends though - they're experienced riders and generally look out for others.

Now that I have an FZ6 he seems upset to the point where I'm not sure I'll be riding with him anymore. I guess my departure from the world of cruisers does sort of set me apart (here in the upper midwest cruisers reign surpreme - it's tough to even find an FZ6, Bandit, or V-strom around here).

Honestly, I'm so damn happy with my FZ6 that I don't care (much). Ride your own ride. Sadly, he'll never know what he's missing (superior handling, power, brakes, sitting position). His parting comment was "you'll certainly never be able to tour on that thing". Funny.... that's EXACTLY why I bought it! A hell of a lot more comfortable than a cruiser IMO!

My question is.....have any of you taken crap about your choice of an FZ6 (as opposed to a cruiser or full-on sportbike?) Obviously, most of us take some crap for riding in the first place, but I just laugh that off.

What a bunch of douches! I ride with a ton of other rider, and they could care less what you are on. It's not a fashon show, but suppose to be a good time. As long as you are not unsafe and are willing to ride they could care less what your on. Sounds like your friend is not really one.
Agreed with others reply, sounds like "friends of convenience" more than friends... just ride your own ride, to hell with em...
I've never caught heat from any of my friends, we're just happy to get out there and ride together. I do ride with mostly sportbikes and a younger crowd though. But if one of them didnt want to ride with me because of the type of bike I rode, I'd probably re-evaluate why we were friends anyway.

He's probably just jealous he cant keep up with you anymore ;)

Dont sweat it man, as long as your happy with your bike ride on!
the usual group I ride with includes:
BMW K1200GT, Honda VFR800, Triumph Sprint ST, Honda CBR100RR,
Honda Valkyrie, and a 1982 Suzuki GS750T. Oh, and the best one, a
2008 Black FZ6. Pretty diverse and we all wuv each other so

We just ride and enjoy the trip. I do get pretty tired of hardly ever getting a return wave from the HD crowd. Kinda makes me wanna slap them upside their helmetless heads with my gloved hand.
wow thats surprising have never had that. Mostly the people around here rode the faster nimble bikes when they were younger and now that they are older they either go the big HD or Goldwing way. Haven't met a single person around here that even remotly tries to treat me like that.. Thats pretty sad!
So sad that some "riders" think that way. It's unfortunate enough that there aren't enough riders out there, but to see such a demarcated line between a sportbike and cruiser or any other type of bike on someone else's mind is just plain poor mentality. Like someone said... It's not what you ride, but the fact you ride.
At least you got family here.
it's not what you ride but that you ride

+1. Couldnt have said it any better. :thumbup:

Sidenote. I do take some guff from my older co-worker who rides a Goldwing, but it's just friendly ribbing. He's always down for a ride if I ask him. (I dont ask him very often :p)
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I get a similar kind of treatment from one guy at work. He always does it, know he's going to every time I see him, so I just ignore it.

There's another guy at work with a HD and he ribs me a little in fun, but with him it really is harmless. Besides, I rib him back for being a "fair weather" rider. :)

Sorry you're having to put up with it. It's really just plain childish.
it happens in my town too,even my coworkers rib me for riding a "cricket".I have noticed that population plays factor in this "divided line", for example; I live in a town of 40k people and all of the "hog" riders snob the sport bikes,but my cousin lives in a town of only 3k people and theres a lot of bikes,but every rider knows each other by there first name,go figure?
What a knob. Here's a tshirt you need to get and wear it into the office just to piss him off:


You really want to make them feel like an idiot. Tell them that the FZ6 will out perform their cruisers in just about every category if they think the bike is such an issue, rather than the rider.
I've taken flak, but it's alway been in a joking way. you know the typical H-D vs non H-D bike thing. whats funny is when I bought my Sportster the same guys joked with me about "why I didn't but a real bike" so when I showed up at work the first time on my (late) FZ6 I told them I took there advice and bought a real bike. LOL!!! after that it kind of ended the teasing. no one said anything negative about my R-1, only comments like "I guess 150 MPH wasn't fast enough huh?" but all joking aside one of the first big group rides I went on was with 25 H-D's and me on my FZ6. all I could say about that was "talk about the slinky effect!!! where I normally go riding one of my stopping places is the hideout, it's a Harley bar, everyone there is always really friendly. we seem to agree on the different strokes for different folks thing. to bad about your riding "buddy" I can't imagine being that narrow minded
I get no end of slams & jokes from the guys at work- there are typically 25+ bikes in the plant parking lot, and mine is the only one that is not a fully chromed v-twin (with a side of extra chrome & leather). It is all in fun, though, and I dish it right back telling them about the mileage & performance of mine, and that it cost 1/4 of their rides. We each have our own styles, and that is O.K.

Actually, most of them have been whining lately about driving their motorcycles TOO MUCH. It seems they all bought them as "investments" to ride for show more than go, but they are now trying to save money over their 4x4/dually/lifted trucks, that average 12-15mpg. Apperantly every mile on their "investment" hurts its resale. Oh well, I'll turn over 10k on my '07, and I can't quit smiling!
I get no end of slams & jokes from the guys at work- there are typically 25+ bikes in the plant parking lot, and mine is the only one that is not a fully chromed v-twin (with a side of extra chrome & leather). It is all in fun, though, and I dish it right back telling them about the mileage & performance of mine, and that it cost 1/4 of their rides. We each have our own styles, and that is O.K.

Actually, most of them have been whining lately about driving their motorcycles TOO MUCH. It seems they all bought them as "investments" to ride for show more than go, but they are now trying to save money over their 4x4/dually/lifted trucks, that average 12-15mpg. Apperantly every mile on their "investment" hurts its resale. Oh well, I'll turn over 10k on my '07, and I can't quit smiling!

It's not just the mileage. That sparkly chrome looks nice, but it will dam sure rust if it's left out in the rain very often. Even the time spent polishing is daunting if you use the "investment" as a daily driver. I suspect the majority of "investment" HDs get less than 1000 miles per year because of such issues.
these guys are not true friends... it is not at all about what you ride...

I ride with a bunch of guys there are Harleys, and FZ1, my FZ6, a bmw rt1200... several types of Hondas, and so on...

we are friends... and the bike they ride is not important....

it is wind in the face.... good food and conversation shared

enjoy your FZ6 ....there will be others to ride with :thumbup: