Helped pickup another rider's bike the other night


I'm a girl dammit!
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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I am going to the grocery store with my son and his friend.. and I see down a side street a helmet in the road and a yellow motorcycle on it's side. I quickly turn around thinking there is someone under this bike. When I get back, I see the rider and another woman (maybe 60) walking quickly toward the bike. The bike was off the side of the left hand side of the road on it's right side. The bike was in the dirt, but the right fairing was on the shoulder. She walks past me and I am not sure, but I think I caught a whiff of alcohol, but I don't want to speculate as I did not smell it again. The girl is wearing a tank top, gloves, jeans, and boots. She grabs the handle bars, I grab the back end of the frame and we easily lift the bike up. I try to assess the damage with her, and she just wants to get on the bike and leave.. but she has not verified any damage to the bike, much less if it will start, since I assume she could not lift the bike without the help of the lady she ran to get. Anyway, I told her I had just had a wreck myself so I understood and we should check out the bike for damage. The fairing was scratched up pretty good but other than that seemed fine. She did not appear hurt... I was bummed by her stand-offish way since I was a rider too and she just wanted to bail. maybe she was embarrassed or really upset.. but I was trying to be friendly and she wanted no part of it. By the way this bike was HOT. I think she said she had just bought it. It was a yellow CBR F4i.
Real good of you to help out. :thumbup: For whatever reason, bummer she didn't seem to appreciate what you did, but some folks are like that, or maybe she had things on her mind. Anyway, kuddos to you.
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Well if she wasnt drinking I hope she gets up and rides more. If she was I hope she stops drinking and riding. Good on you for helping her though.
Kudos to you mate for helping; you hit the nail on the head though she is a rider and you are a biker. The same but worlds apart.

Good for know that only a fellow biker would have stopped and know what to do to help her get the bike up off the ground.

If that ever happens to me, I hope someone like you would be a round to help.:thumbup:...and It would not bother me if that person was a wife rides too and I am Damn proud her.;)

Catch you later!:D
Good for know that only a fellow biker would have stopped and know what to do to help her get the bike up off the ground.

If that ever happens to me, I hope someone like you would be a round to help.:thumbup:...and It would not bother me if that person was a wife rides too and I am Damn proud her.;)

Catch you later!:D

Let this be a reminder to everyone! Make sure you know how to properly pick up your dropped bike! Help is always nice, but just in case there isn't any help, make sure you know how to pick it up. Doesn't really matter how big and heavy the bike is, or how strong or how small of a rider you are, if you do it the right way, you will be able to do it.

Pink Ribbon Rides
you left out some pretty important info.... was she hot?????

either way it was nice of you to help it. could be a million things why she wanted to get outta there. none of them being any good, no license, drunk, embarassed, not her bike, etc etc.

maybe she was sick of sitting in stupid cape traffic for three hours so she just ghost rhode the bike into the woods in frustation with all the bad touristy cape drivers.
hrmmm.. I think she thought she was hot.. I didn't think she was particularly hot.. and I am not the type that will say that another woman isn't because I am not a jealous type. The bike was HOT! maybe you guys would have thought she was..I have a teeth fetish.. she didn't have particularly nice teeth..
Let this be a reminder to everyone! Make sure you know how to properly pick up your dropped bike! Help is always nice, but just in case there isn't any help, make sure you know how to pick it up. Doesn't really matter how big and heavy the bike is, or how strong or how small of a rider you are, if you do it the right way, you will be able to do it.

Pink Ribbon Rides


Good point...I do know the proper way and have practiced it, but sometimes when you go might just be a little shook up...sometimes a little help is a welcome thing;)
My guess is she was probably drinking and wanted to get out of there before the cops showed up and she got arrested for drinking and riding.
There has been loads in the press and at bike meetings about dropping bikes and not being able to pick them up by yourself.

In Denmark I have been to meetings where they demonstrate how to do it and find the smallest women bikers to pick up some big bikes.

I am sure someone posted a video of something similar a while back.

And anyway put your hand up if you have ever dropped a bike.........

Ok those who didn`t put their hands up have either not been riding long enough, far enough or hard enough.

ya prob just caught up in the moment of dropping their brand new sexy bike

i know when i dropped my bike (although i was going 60 kph at the time haha) when this guy passing by stopped to help me pick up the bike (something i can do by myself when my back, wrists and shoulder arent throbbing with pain) i didnt thank him or shake his hand and only afterwards recalled he had paused expecting a thank you or something. but i was just concerned with laying down on the side of the road and chilling for a while as my system was in shock.

with this girl maybe it was the same kind of thing...her adrenaline was just pumping a little and there was a lot of frustration at dropping her bike.

or maybe she was drinking and didnt want to stick around and fill out a report or anything and be caught for it (this was a collision with a car right?)
ya prob just caught up in the moment of dropping their brand new sexy bike

i know when i dropped my bike (although i was going 60 kph at the time haha) when this guy passing by stopped to help me pick up the bike (something i can do by myself when my back, wrists and shoulder arent throbbing with pain) i didnt thank him or shake his hand and only afterwards recalled he had paused expecting a thank you or something. but i was just concerned with laying down on the side of the road and chilling for a while as my system was in shock.

with this girl maybe it was the same kind of thing...her adrenaline was just pumping a little and there was a lot of frustration at dropping her bike.

or maybe she was drinking and didnt want to stick around and fill out a report or anything and be caught for it (this was a collision with a car right?)

She claims she took a left onto her road a little hot (not her term, mine) and over corrected.. she ended up on the left side off of the road itself, but the bike's fairing was laying on the shoulder :(

Maybe she was in shock as she just sat on her bike, the other lady kept telling her, her pant leg was caught on her peg, she wouldn't fix it. I fixed it. And she just sat on it and wouldn't start it, I wasn't going to leave until I knew it would start.. else she'd have been pushing it home. It was just odd for me, I am sure she was just embarrassed, and I am just not the type to be embarrassed around..