Things you've dropped while riding


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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I was sitting here thinking about how stupid I was a few weeks ago. I was bs-ing with a friend while gearing up at night, and I put my bag on the rear seat but forgot to actually strap it down. About ten miles down the freeway I felt something bump my back, and I felt behind me and almost had a heart attack when I realized my bag was gone. I turned around, but by the time I got back to my bag it had been run over. My phone was crushed, some keys were bent, a new can of PJ1 exploded all over my wallet, and my sunglasses were in a million pieces. An expensive lesson learned, if I may say so myself.

So...what kinda things have you dropped while riding your motorcycle?
Nothing that bad, thankfully.

I lost a pack of smokes once. And when I worked at Dell I had my corporate badge on one of those retractible belt clips. At about 90mph it unspooled itself and got caught in the rear wheel. The string broke and I never saw that badge again.
I have a luggage top case box, and once i forgot to close it, while riding it opened half-way due to the backwind and it scooped out a tube of crazy clue i had to use once when my heated grip came loose one day i was riding. I noticed because i do a shoulder check and i had a plastic bag in there and it was half out in the wind, i stopped and closed it Once my buddy forgot to zip up his backpack and i saw a pen fly out in front of me, lol, i signaled him and luckily he pulled over and zipped up before his wallet & iPod could fly out...
An expensive leather holster for a 4" revolver. I got it back, but not after it had been run over, scuffing up the leather and taking some rivets out.
my rear fender with turn signals, and liscence plate fell into my rear wheel, shredding it. does that count?
The side plate to my helmet came off at a supralegal speed. Thats all for me.
I left my tank bag sitting on the back of the seat after I filled up. Luckily it didn't fall off when I noticed 10 miles down the road, so I grabbed it and stuck it to the tank at 80 mph. I've lost one of my detailing towels because it popped out from above the cluster before I could grab it.
Like an idiot, I had forgotten to close the top of my lunch box. On the ride home somewhere along US1, my spoon fell out.
l lost the spare key to my old bike, i think 2 cell phones, and probably some $ out of my pockets, i have a bad habit of not zipping my jacket pocket...
Brand new GPS just 4 hours out of the packing dropped while wheeling ... the edges got beaten up ... but still works fine ...
Nothing that bad, thankfully.

I lost a pack of smokes once. And when I worked at Dell I had my corporate badge on one of those retractible belt clips. At about 90mph it unspooled itself and got caught in the rear wheel. The string broke and I never saw that badge again.

Ha! ha! ha! Too funny!

On my bicycle I was in a tuck going down 360, north from 2244 on that big hill at about 45 to 50 mph, my iPod ear bud popped out, and was flapping in the breeze. I tried to grab it and the other one popped out! I felt a tug and the whole thing was caught in the rear wheel of my bike. The result was one dead ear bud system, which was really okay. I bought some ER 6i's to replace them and I'm much happier now.

On the MC I've never had anything fall off, but I used to keep old spark plugs in my tank bag for jackass cagers. If one was giving me a hard time I simply dropped it under my arm and it went bouncing along. Usually left a good dent in their cage. I haven't done that in 20 years. Statute of limitations, right???
Had my GPS taped to tank. I went round a turn a little too briskly and GPS popped out. Thought it would be trashed but when I finally found the darn thing it was still working and not a scratch.
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Two raincovers, one from a saddlebag another from a tankbag. In hindsight, probably shouldn't have been doing 90+ (mph) in the rain.
Nothing yet....

Dropped 5 pounds in sweat on the Covered Bridge Tour! Does that count? :D
I placed my broken left side mirror in my backback to see if a local mechanic's shop could fix it. Riding on the freeway, I thought I heard someone honking way in the back, but it stopped so I continued. Arriving at the shop I noticed that my backpack zipper had oppened and there was no mirror inside :eek:.

So that's what that mysterious honking was...
I placed my broken left side mirror in my backback to see if a local mechanic's shop could fix it. Riding on the freeway, I thought I heard someone honking way in the back, but it stopped so I continued. Arriving at the shop I noticed that my backpack zipper had oppened and there was no mirror inside :eek:.

So that's what that mysterious honking was...

Strange how many things we miss when we don;t pay attention... it probably broke the dudes windshield and he was hoping you would pull over and pay for the damages... he couldn't keep up though because of the hole in his windshield...
I was following a pickup earlier this that had a plastic playscape sorta strapped into the bed, and right when I exited the highway it blew out onto the road! He stopped pretty quick to up that thing up.