Greating from AT


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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We got boots on ground at 1945 at beautiful Ft. Polk and found that ADVON did an awesome job setting up the DTAC.

Got the Joes and Josephines to bed and got the download from the Sergeant Major that I'm do a RIP with.

Today I found that on our local network if a Soldier had not CAC'd into a PC prior to leaving the State of Texas on the TXNG network, they couldn't log in, that included me, not good as I've got the responsibility to posting our G3 BLUE reports.

So.....find out how many other shops in the DTAC have the same issue and load up a 15 PAX van with Soldiers and PCs and head back to Texas.

Use Google maps to get a route from Polk to Nacodgoches (the oldest community in Texas BTW) and begin the 260 miles round trip drive. Along the way Google maps takes us on LA-474. WOW what a road, 8 miles of clean, new pavement, 35 mph corners over rising and falling hills. Man I wish I had the FZ!

Got to Nac-a-no-where, fix the problems and head back.

The "war" begins in two more days so we got a bit more time to get the kinks ironed out.

Blackdeath 7

Hee hee. Gotta love the Army acronyms

ADVON - Advanced Party (A small team the prepares and area prior to the main group of Soldiers arrive)
CAC - Common Access Card (ID Card)
CUB - Commander's Update Brief
DTAC - Division Tactical Command Post
RIP - Relief in Place, ie: Battle Handoff (taking over a responsibility from the person who was there before you
G3 - Division Operations Team
BLUE Report - A daily summary of the Commander's Narative

and everyone's favorite....

MRE - Meals Rejected by Ethopians
awesome, Top! sounds like a normal training exersize to me..... take some pics for the civies on here.

I don't have a camera anymore. My wife's purse was stollen in New Orleans the week before last and my camera was in it. :(

We are on one of those simulated Iraqi FOBs (Forward Operations Base). Just a bunch of cans (trailers), C-wire, MOUT (military operations on urban terrain - city fighting play area), mosque and motor pool. No Haji call to prayer however...thank goodness...that 0500 call is pretty early after you get to sleep at mid-night!

If I can get to WalMart I'll see if I can get a new camera.

The cool part is I get to sit in the TOC (Tactical Operations Command) all day and drink coffee in the AC (air conditioning). All we do is battle track, roll up reports and prep for the General's brief in the afternoon.

We do have a very cool satellite internet connection that works pretty darn good. Got love the G6 (communications) when it all comes together. Got to see part of the Lakers and Celtics game.
damn up and ups sittin in the a/c while the boys are sweating to death........If you hadn't earned it I bust your balls for it :thumbup:
I'm doing my Annual Tour right now too, although instead of playing in the field, I'm sitting in a three-week Munitions Inspector class. Got 92% then 96% on my first two block tests, so all's going well.
Great break from my cubicle farm, if nothing else. :thumbup:
man i spent 4 years in polk. hot as hell w/ mosquitoes that will carry away little kids. have fun

So far so good on the weather, hot but dry of all things! No bugs either. Like I said, so far....

I'm just happy that we've got this great up-link.
I'm doing my Annual Tour right now too, although instead of playing in the field, I'm sitting in a three-week Munitions Inspector class. Got 92% then 96% on my first two block tests, so all's going well.
Great break from my cubicle farm, if nothing else. :thumbup:

Gotta like a good school for AT, however I would like to spend a bit of time play with the boys and girls on the STX (Situational Training Exercise) lanes. IED lanes, battle drills, all that hooah Army stuff.

You know you are getting old when the Army makes you stay in the TOC the whole time.