Fight in Ybor city near tampa

It is so very typical. Nothing new.... :)
If you're in law enforcement it's a very hard job because besides the emotional deficit of the people fighting you have the other hominids that find it entertaining and are all for egging it on.
I like stuff like MMA and boxing because there is work, strategy and character that must be employed. This stuff is no different than watching animals at the zoo throwing poop all over because they are caged.
Hooker shoes and a crop top. If that ain't fighting clothes, I don't know what is. Lol
Did you see that black cop picking on that white woman?!?! It's an outrage! Oh wait, she deserved it.

These people exhibited the same mentality as my second graders. It's embarrassing, as an American, that this is what our society has come to. It's amazing the restraint these officers (and other all over this "great" country of ours) show in these situations. I wouldn't. I'd go all teacher on them. It isn't pretty. Luckily, I am all bigger than the first and second graders I deal with on the playground daily. I keep it in my mind that I am trying to prevent behavior like this when they are adults. I hope it works.
Did you see that black cop picking on that white woman?!?! It's an outrage! Oh wait, she deserved it.

These people exhibited the same mentality as my second graders. It's embarrassing, as an American, that this is what our society has come to. It's amazing the restraint these officers (and other all over this "great" country of ours) show in these situations. I wouldn't. I'd go all teacher on them. It isn't pretty. Luckily, I am all bigger than the first and second graders I deal with on the playground daily. I keep it in my mind that I am trying to prevent behavior like this when they are adults. I hope it works.

I think 2nd graders act more mature than this but the cop did gave her couple extra knees to the back for no reason, she wasn't going anywhere. Would this made news if it was white cop with his knee on a black women? :)
I think 2nd graders act more mature than this but the cop did gave her couple extra knees to the back for no reason, she wasn't going anywhere. Would this made news if it was white cop with his knee on a black women? :)

You didn't happen to notice that she was interfering with the police trying to arrest the guy on the ground did you?

Apparently she wasn't listening to lawful commands so the cops could finish arresting the guy who WAS COMPLYING.

If SHE didn't interfere, she NEVER would been in the video nor in hand cuffs, PERIOD..

You may want to do some research on "force continuum" .
You didn't happen to notice that she was interfering with the police trying to arrest the guy on the ground did you?

Apparently she wasn't listening to lawful commands so the cops could finish arresting the guy who WAS COMPLYING.

If SHE didn't interfere, she NEVER would been in the video nor in hand cuffs, PERIOD..

You may want to do some research on "force continuum" .

honestly I wasn't listening either, I watched this vid with one eye and no volume, was hoping for some crazy knockout or something in that nature and move on, and obviously I wasn't the only one that noticed the little extra kick or whatever you would call it. Watching drunk sloppy chicks throwing shoes gets boring quick. And that girl without a doubt was interfering but at the time of the knee on her back she wasn't moving or trying to get away and in fact I think she was thrown on top of that guy but since I wasn't listening, I do not know what she was saying to the cop. I get that you guys get a lot of heat and according to the media more so if you're a white cop, which is very sad. And if she didn't interfere than this video would have been more lame. Stupid drunk people in cuffs is funny
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First duder cuffed didnt forget his manly insticts (drunk, cuffed, knee in back)! Notice his ground level view up her skirt! lol....
You didn't happen to notice that she was interfering with the police trying to arrest the guy on the ground did you?

Apparently she wasn't listening to lawful commands so the cops could finish arresting the guy who WAS COMPLYING.

If SHE didn't interfere, she NEVER would been in the video nor in hand cuffs, PERIOD..

You may want to do some research on "force continuum" .

I think we were being sarcastic....

She definitely was behaving badly and needed to be arrested. There were a few others in the video that deserved to be arrested for their bad behavior but the cops were outnumbered. I saw that they used good judgement to calm things down and apprehend the biggest troublemakers (regardless of the skin color of the cops or citizens). I seriously don't know how they do this. I am sure it's good training and experience. I have one 2nd grader this year that is quick to hit others and curse. I have been dealing with him since last year at recess and actually asked to have him in my classroom this year to try to improve his behavior (it's not the first time I've done this). I have been working with him to make better choices and to solve his problems without resorting to fists or swearing. I am hoping that he won't end up in a video like this someday, but chances are he will. :disapprove: Hopefully, I can make a difference. That's why I became a teacher.