New guy


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Sep 24, 2015
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Winston Salem, NC
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And soon to be new rider...

Never had a bike. (well, I had a dual sport something or other 25 years ago that never really ran long), and figured it's finally time. I've got a Yamaha jet boat, Yamaha jet ski, so it only made sense to go with mother yamaha on this venture as well. Through a fair bit of research, it appears the FZ6 is the bike for me.

With that said - anything I should look for in particular? Known issues? Some better than others? I'm working with about a $3500-ish budget. I have found an 09 FZ6R which seemed to be about perfect, until I researched more and realized I don't *think* I want the R. I could probably spend more if needed, but I'd rather not. Between the boat, ski, and 2 vintage cars...I've got alot fighting for my weekend time right now, and the season appears to be winding down.

Any and all advice greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Welcome, have you taken a motorcycle safety course? Even if you have your M endorsement, a refresher course is always a good idea. And always wear your safety gear! More the better.
Welcome, have you taken a motorcycle safety course? Even if you have your M endorsement, a refresher course is always a good idea. And always wear your safety gear! More the better.

Not yet! 2 weeks from tomorrow. Local college has a weekend long thing for $200. Seems like a no brainer. Picked up a helmet/jacket/gloves today at the local cycle place.
:welcome:to this great forum!

One of the bests bike ever made. When you think about the combination of things it does so well for the economics and reliability it'd very hard to beat. An earlier mode (2005) had a recall for the TPS. Every once in a while a cam tensioner (CCT) will need replacing but over all the FZ6 is pretty bulletproof and has lots of aftermarket support. I would say this bike is really reliable compared to other bikes.
Many of the members here, over the years, have changed bikes but have stayed friends here and frequent the forum often. :)
:welcome:to this great forum!

One of the bests bike ever made. When you think about the combination of things it does so well for the economics and reliability it'd very hard to beat. An earlier mode (2005) had a recall for the TPS. Every once in a while a cam tensioner (CCT) will need replacing but over all the FZ6 is pretty bulletproof and has lots of aftermarket support. I would say this bike is really reliable compared to other bikes.
Many of the members here, over the years, have changed bikes but have stayed friends here and frequent the forum often. :)

That's pretty much what my research has said thus far, but it's nice to hear it from those "in the know". I've got 3 Yammy 1.8L engines, and those things just seem indestructible. I've heard their bikes are pretty well the same. I'm definitely beyond ready... Put this off for way too long now.
The FZ6 was a great bike for me and I loved it. I have since replaced it with an FZ1 but I still have fond memories. With a budget of $3500 you should easily be able to pick up a lower mileage S2 model which is years 2007-2010. The big advantage to this model for me at least compared to the earlier S1 is a little more adjustment in the suspension and upgraded brakes. Your right about the Yammy motor, it's pretty bulletproof with only minor maintenance. Those Japanese really know how to make a small motor! Good luck with the purchase, you won't be disappointed and welcome to the forum.:welcome:
:welcome: to the forum
FZ6 is a great all-rounder. Great riding position for long drives, enough ground clearance to do a knee drag on track and mountain roads. Half-faired to have a sexy look along with providing a lot of accessibility for general maintenance and that windshield to shield you from fatigue on your hands on freeway's high winds.
Welcome to the forum!

As noted, the bike is pretty bullet proof .

Unless your very acquainted with bikes in general, I'd bring along a trusted mechanic for the final inspection..