FZ6 Mulholland Crash


Junior Member
Jun 24, 2014
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I hope it's not one of our guys!

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Get some NEW tires! Plenty of ways to go Faze out, dont let a $et of tires be one of them! :thumbup:

So, draggin parts at low angles... Dang - that sucks!
I have new tires, just haven't put them on yet due to not even having the weather to ride until recently. I'll have my first ride of the season this weekend (hopefully...)
Looks to me like he hadn't taken the hero blobs off the footpegs and the peg dug in.

Bad luck really. The FZ6 desperately needs some aftermarket rear-sets for additional ground clearance.
was it just the peg or did the center stand dragged as well?

Probably wasn't the peg that downed him or the center stand. My pegs always scrape far before anything else. It also seems to me that the kickstand would scrape before the center stand.

I'd blame it on a combination of poor riding and road conditions.
A lot of the crashes they film are from a higher elevation from the roadway and it looks like there is less lean on the bike than there is. A lot of the riders don't look like the body is off the bike enough for the speed in the turn.
The FZ6 really compresses the suspension when you enter the turn and you lose important clearance. Once you're on metal parts you better have a sticky tire because now you start to unload the rear. The rider was also unsure in the turn and was making quite a few adjustments. That spot on the road always looks like it's extra slippery but when you hear metal????
I guess... I'm still going with rider error.

I'v scrapped my pegs more times than I can count and it's never anything more than "oh, I guess I shouldn't lean it over anymore".
^^ I've scrapped boots from bad rider position (toes out) but never bits underneath and even then, it was a banked turn that compressed the suspension with force. Of course neither end is stock suspension wise. Tires have a tiny bit of chicken on each end too if that matters.

Vid above it looked like the back came shortly aft contact. Hope he's ok. Knee took a good hit.
That is the world's dirtiest corner. It's full of dust and dirt. It's also a decreading radius so it surprises people.
That is the world's dirtiest corner. It's full of dust and dirt. It's also a decreading radius so it surprises people.

Excellent point about decreasing radius corners, unless you know it's a decreasing radius turn, an unexpected encounter with one I'm guessing most riders have left little cushion to execute the corner safely.
My guess is people get surprised, throttle back, weight transfers from the rear to front, rear tire unloads and slides out. Ooops.
yeahh very famous Mullholland road...

my boss and couple workers always ask me to join them in the weekend ride (I ain't no time to join them!). They ride up there for coffe, breakfast..etc. It's a pleasant ride though and very beautiful views!.

You don't have to lean if you don't want too :) it's your choice. Most of the guys lean to get the perfect picture as Rnickeymouse's popular spot and then you go to his web site to get the best shot :)

If I ride that road, I wouldn't lean lol...it's expensive to crash due to money and skin, flesh and bone!

It's all about choice...

one of the mullholland biker performed this to grab the camera..is that cool Blah - he's pretty good, lot of skills, experience ...leaned as knee-dragging, one-handed..! Awesome!


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awesome pic, for those of you that traveled that road, what would you say the speed should be around that corner? Most of the slip and slides on youtube seem to be in that spot
It amazes me how many people are standing around that corner to help the rider up after a crash, it's like they know it's coming. Do riders crash everyday?

How do you know that the photographer didn't spray some slippery liquid on that part of the corner the night before to ensure he keeps getting fresh crash videos for his website?
I have slash cut pegs. Once on South Grade Rd. on Palomar Mountain we were on a pretty brisk ascent. There was a right hander with decreasing radius. As the radius closed I ended up hard on the peg and the slider on my boot. Wasn't that new an experience but there was a little dip that compressed my suspension enough that the rear popped up (pole vaulted)very hard and I thought it was going to low side. I just corrected and kept my eyes through the turn getting through it. When we got to the top of the mountain my rear brake lever was bent at 90 degrees! Lol!. I was running the Bridgestone BT-016 Pros and although I'm a decent rider, I believe the tire compound kept me hooked up.

I hate to think that someone sprays that turn on Mulholland but I'll bet it comes down to lack of experience and the wrong rubber being the main components.

Photographers add to the equation and you see accidents on the weekends on the South Grade of Palomar because people want a cool picture in the turns. Any place people are going to get their picture taken.....:rolleyes: