Illinois considers new M/C license requirements

Forcing the student to take the course on their own, larger bike is the wrong way. Providing one would be prohibitively expensive, unless the course carried huge fees and insurance.

I would be for getting a junior license that limits the bike somehow (power, size), or has other limitations (time of day, no violations) for a period of time.

AFAIK that is what they do in Europe. It didn't make a difference in the mortality rate.
What did make a difference was legal lane splitting;

The root of motorcycle fatalities is that traffic laws are written for automobiles. That is because most vehicles on the rioads are automobiles. The second reason is the bureaucrats making the laws are not motorcycle people. Most bureaucrats closest experience with motorcycles is having one pull up next to them at a red light.
There was a major problem with trucks crunching cars back in the early 60's. Enough people got together to force the bureaucrats to change the laws for trucks and the death toll dropped.
What is needed is for enough motorcycle people to organize and force the bureaucrats to write laws designed to allow cars, trucks and motorcycles to co-exist on the same roads.
Until that happens, we are treating the symptom, not the disease.

I personally think motorcycle riders should be trained the same way helicopter pilots are. On a trainer. Many years ago, arcades would have a motorcycle machine that you could "ride" for 5 minutes for a quarter. Nintado and X-box killed arcades. High speed micro processors mean we could build a much better training machine. With the huge number of Go Pro type cameras, a library of traffic rides, twisty roads, slab jams, etc. could be assembled. Then the kids could have a chance to fail without it killing them.
150$ fine in AR for not having an endorsement. Good enough. Let people do what they want, why are we trying to save people from themselves? Everyone should get participation trophies as well.

Humor of course. :)
I don't think mentioned previously, BUT the mandatory class in Florida (I think its two full days) is NOT put on by the state, but by private companies. Harley Davidson is one of the largest "instructors" down here".

Once they have their certificate, they go to the D/L office and get their endorcement added to their licence.

For down here at least, the state isn't making anything to speak of, money wise.
I don't think mentioned previously, BUT the mandatory class in Florida (I think its two full days) is NOT put on by the state, but by private companies. Harley Davidson is one of the largest "instructors" down here".

Once they have their certificate, they go to the D/L office and get their endorcement added to their licence.

For down here at least, the state isn't making anything to speak of, money wise.

That is likely the same in most states. My state (Virginia) is the same way. The class is mandatory if you are under age 18, over 18 and you have to pass the DMV motorcycle road test as well as the standard M-class license test. The class is put on by private individuals, often retired riders who are certified instructors. The usually put the classes on at local community college parking lots.
That is likely the same in most states. My state (Virginia) is the same way. The class is mandatory if you are under age 18, over 18 and you have to pass the DMV motorcycle road test as well as the standard M-class license test. The class is put on by private individuals, often retired riders who are certified instructors. The usually put the classes on at local community college parking lots.
Yeah, both my sisters had gotten their M endorsements through the BRC community college near my house and I believe it used to be free but by the time I was ready... no free course (or any course) anymore. :confused:
I don't think mentioned previously, BUT the mandatory class in Florida (I think its two full days) is NOT put on by the state, but by private companies. Harley Davidson is one of the largest "instructors" down here".

Once they have their certificate, they go to the D/L office and get their endorcement added to their licence.

For down here at least, the state isn't making anything to speak of, money wise.

Here it's take the test, follow some 16 yr old kid around the block, the "cop" gets out and says "oh you're still here?" And signs the slip you then go and pay 25$ for an endorsement.

You say Harley puts on the class where your from? I wish they would here because I get tired of seeing backwards hats and skull face bandanas.but in the end I don't wish we had a law making them wear helmets, I just ask myself if I reckon that backwards hat and skull faced bandana will keep it all together atleast? I'm which case I reply "probably not"
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Here it's take the test, follow some 16 yr old kid around the block, the "cop" gets out and says "oh you're still here?" And signs the slip you then go and pay 25$ for an endorsement.

You say Harley puts on the class where your from? I wish they would here because I get tired of seeing backwards hats and skull face bandanas.but in the end I don't wish we had a law making them wear helmets, I just ask myself if I reckon that backwards hat and skull faced bandana will keep it all together atleast? I'm which case I reply "probably not"

Harley puts on / sponsors a class. There are other companies as well that puts on the class (at least one other company in my area that I know of).

Its not exclusive to anyone, HD, (to put on the class). I'm sure if you meet all the requirements, bikes, insurance, etc, (per the state) you could start your own company as well..

And to my knowledge, the price, is likely tied to supply and demand (keeping in mind basic costs for the company, instructors, etc). If the requirements, (per the state) are the same, there's nothing from stopping you from signing up for the cheaper class...

To expect, an MSF instructor to work two days, supply a bike, rent own a classroom, insurance for you and the bike and do it for a minimal amount of say $25, $100, etc, is un-realistic..
I've taken my ERC and SBRC. But your right they arnt cheap, the army paid for mine. Got a lot of good things out of it. But I'm just saying people will do what they want regardless, I have always wore a helmet, but never thought of anything else (besides boots) untill I bought the 9 then it was armored hoodie and gloves. Just my .02
I've taken my ERC and SBRC. But your right they arnt cheap, the army paid for mine. Got a lot of good things out of it. But I'm just saying people will do what they want regardless, I have always wore a helmet, but never thought of anything else (besides boots) untill I bought the 9 then it was armored hoodie and gloves. Just my .02
Ya, I'd love it if our state covered most of the cost though the ERC (or BRC2) is more reasonably priced...the BRC is digustingly expensive.

I do kind of see what you mean about people being free to not have a helmet or whatever... It's kind of natural selection in a way haha.
Yes because chances are and in my case it may hold true, I could wear all the gear in the world which is great because one day I may eat it. But you can be going through a green light with a bright neon flashing body suit that emits a siren that says "DONT HIT ME" and little miss 20 year old driving her daddies Mercedes benz SUV is talking on a cell phone, eating, and doing her make up hits you from the side at 50-60mph your survivability may go up a few % points for the gear, but how do you think it will really turn out?
Yes because chances are and in my case it may hold true, I could wear all the gear in the world which is great because one day I may eat it. But you can be going through a green light with a bright neon flashing body suit that emits a siren that says "DONT HIT ME" and little miss 20 year old driving her daddies Mercedes benz SUV is talking on a cell phone, eating, and doing her make up hits you from the side at 50-60mph your survivability may go up a few % points for the gear, but how do you think it will really turn out?
Ya, my gear's incomplete as I still wear cross training sneakers and just long cargo pants (or jeans rarely) :spank:
Yes because chances are and in my case it may hold true, I could wear all the gear in the world which is great because one day I may eat it. But you can be going through a green light with a bright neon flashing body suit that emits a siren that says "DONT HIT ME" and little miss 20 year old driving her daddies Mercedes benz SUV is talking on a cell phone, eating, and doing her make up hits you from the side at 50-60mph your survivability may go up a few % points for the gear, but how do you think it will really turn out?

While I understand your point; with a bad enough accident no gear in the world may save you. The fact remains that the grand majority of motorcycle accidents are minor, most riders wearing gear only have slight road rash, perhaps a broken bone or 2. I wear protective gear all the time because I would really hate myself for my stupidity if I had brain damage or a huge scar on my back from skin graphs because I was wearing a T-shirt and no helmet and someone's dog ran in front of me in town at 30 mph. An accident that I probably would have walked away from with only damage to my bike had I worn my gear.