Visor cleaning



Am sure you all have your favourite cloth/sponge/sleeve for this, but here's my latest find;
These are 4 for £1 in a well known £1 high street store, and are EXACTLY the same as the v2 except not v shaped and work very, very well.
V2 Sponge, visorvision, visor cleaner,
Am sure you all have your favourite cloth/sponge/sleeve for this, but here's my latest find;
These are 4 for £1 in a well known £1 high street store, and are EXACTLY the same as the v2 except not v shaped and work very, very well.
V2 Sponge, visorvision, visor cleaner,

That looks like good value for money :thumbup:.

I use the muc off visor cleaner compact set, after a (UK) mate of mine gave it to me (he got it as a freebee). Its got a semi riggid case which is handy to take with you :thumbup:
Here's a review on MCN.
Looks like a handy thing to have with you on trips.

For me commuting, I just remove the visor about once a week when it gets dirty. Wet a clean microfiber in hot water, wring it out, wrap the shield in it, come back 10-20 minutes later, and everything comes off like butta. Do the same for the helmet.
Wet a clean microfiber in hot water, wring it out, wrap the shield in it, come back 10-20 minutes later, and everything comes off like butta. Do the same for the helmet.

You hit it; the key is to allow warm water to soak into the bug guts first. It doesn't matter how soft the "scrubber" you're using is, if you're breaking bug exoskeletons loose by force they WILL scratch the plastic.
I use a paper towel to soak my visor. Its been said that even a paper towel will scratch plastic, but I haven't seen that; I let it soak 10-20 minutes, wipe it off in one stroke (along with all bug guts), and then dab the remaining moisture away with a kleenex. A couple times a year I polish it with Plexus and a microfiber cloth. When I retired my EXO-1000 after six years of this treatment, the clarity was just fine. :thumbup:
I've used some of those magic eraser type sponges and was under the impression there might be a very fine abrasive impregnated in the material.

I will try this on and old shield and see if there is an abrasive. I would test an area out of your vision first and then look toward a light or the sun to see if the shield becomes abraded.
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I wax the outside of my visor. Bugs wipe right off and if I get caught in the rain it beads up and runs off as I go.
I tried a Mr. Clean Magic sponge and there was no abrading. Cool!
I still just use a microcloth and some cleaner.
There's nothing impregnated in them, they are slightly abrasive in their makeup. As is a microfibres cloth. Been using both for a while with no adverse affects. And aye, I use Raincoat after..
I use acrylic sealant on my visor - the same stuff that I use on the car. Any bugs etc just wipe straight off that slippery surface, dried or not ;)