Outpatient Surgery with anesthesia


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May 5, 2007
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I will be having ACL surgery in ten days. Part of the requirement for me to be released is to have an escort, who will remain with me for 24hrs. I'm single and live at home. I just checked on how much an escort cost, and most charge around $300 an hour, good ones more, even though most are hot looking!

Why is an escort necessary? This will be my first surgery and getting drugged up. What kind of strange affect will this anesthesia have on me? What can go wrong spending 24 hours after the surgery at home watching TV and trolling on various forums on my computer?
I will be having ACL surgery in ten days. Part of the requirement for me to be released is to have an escort, who will remain with me for 24hrs. I'm single and live at home. I just checked on how much an escort cost, and most charge around $300 an hour, good ones more, even though most are hot looking!

Why is an escort necessary? This will be my first surgery and getting drugged up. What kind of strange affect will this anesthesia have on me? What can go wrong spending 24 hours after the surgery at home watching TV and trolling on various forums on my computer?

LOL That was hilarious
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LOLOLOLOLOLOL Kenny, you are hilarious!

Good luck with that ACL surgery man. I read about how it happened, what a bummer ...

In terms of the anesthesia, I think it's a legal liability thing. Like other drugs, anesthesia affects people differently and they just want to ensure that you've got someone to drive you home and make sure you keep breathing for a day or so. Although presumably both you and your "escort" (har har) would go to sleep at roughly the same time, so I am not sure how they would monitor you overnight anyway.

Just call a cab and pay the guy a little extra to come inside and vouch for you as your "escort". Or, save up some cash and get a Vegas escort for the whole night. :D
Yeah I was planning to take a cab home until I found out that I needed an escort for 24 hours. The thought has come across my mind of just paying some stranger to pretend, and part ways in the parking lot. It's not like they are going to visit my home like when I use to be on parole.
LMAO @ hot $300/hour *required* escort!!

Kenny, I've had general anesthesia / surgery with same requirement (must have someone take you home, etc). I suppose everyone reacts differently to it, but once I was awake, I felt totally fine and could have easily driven myself.

I think it'll be sufficient to have the cabby (your "friend") walk in to pick you up (give him few extra bucks).

Best of luck with the procedure!!
I will be having ACL surgery in ten days. Part of the requirement for me to be released is to have an escort, who will remain with me for 24hrs. I'm single and live at home. I just checked on how much an escort cost, and most charge around $300 an hour, good ones more, even though most are hot looking!

What are you googling there Kenny? :eek:
Surely you have a girl friend or a buddy that will stop by and check up on you to make sure you haven't set your hair on fire.
Or your Dr. can recommend a visiting nurse service.
I will be having ACL surgery in ten days. Part of the requirement for me to be released is to have an escort, who will remain with me for 24hrs. I'm single and live at home. I just checked on how much an escort cost, and most charge around $300 an hour, good ones more, even though most are hot looking!

Why is an escort necessary? This will be my first surgery and getting drugged up. What kind of strange affect will this anesthesia have on me? What can go wrong spending 24 hours after the surgery at home watching TV and trolling on various forums on my computer?

nerve blocks can cause problems. they dont work on everyone and in rare occasions they can cause serious problems. its not really a big deal to get one, and they are optional.

Mine went fine for my shoulder Op last summer. it feels really weird though...
Kenny PM Dr. Rob.

As a person who has had 4 similar surgeries you will need help.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
Seriously, most folks come out of it without an issue and as posted, can easily drive themselves home.

I've had numerous surgeries over the years (knocked out fully) but never heard of a MANDATORY OVERNIGHT escort...

It'd be MUCH cheaper to pay your co-pay and get admitted in the hospital!!!

Didn't think about your new, temporary limitations (probably pretty much one arm for awhile)
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I will be having ACL surgery in ten days. Part of the requirement for me to be released is to have an escort, who will remain with me for 24hrs. I'm single and live at home. I just checked on how much an escort cost, and most charge around $300 an hour, good ones more, even though most are hot looking!

Why is an escort necessary? This will be my first surgery and getting drugged up. What kind of strange affect will this anesthesia have on me? What can go wrong spending 24 hours after the surgery at home watching TV and trolling on various forums on my computer?

:rof: :rof: :rof: you funny bugger Kenny :rockon: :rockon:

As for the escorts.... If they are REQUIRED would they not be covered under your health insurance ??? If so, then to hell with a $300 cheapie :eek: Blah Blah Blah

24 hours of heavily medicated time in front of the computer can have disastrous effects !!! you could end up scarred for life. Or worse, married to an Brazilian Ladyboy :eek: :eek: :eek: ;) ;) ;)
Kenny, I've had general anesthesia / surgery with same requirement (must have someone take you home, etc). I suppose everyone reacts differently to it, but once I was awake, I felt totally fine and could have easily driven myself.

I think it'll be sufficient to have the cabby (your "friend") walk in to pick you up (give him few extra bucks).

Best of luck with the procedure!!

This is the type of answer that I'm looking to see:thumbup:

Kenny PM Dr. Rob.

As a person who has had 4 similar surgeries you will need help.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

This is not the answer that I was looking for:(

Seriously, most folks come out of it without an issue and as posted, can easily drive themselves home.

I've had numerous surgeries over the years (knocked out fully) but never heard of a MANDATORY OVERNIGHT escort...

It'd be MUCH cheaper to pay your co-pay and get admitted in the hospital!!!

Insurance refused to treat the surgery as an inpatient surgery. I'm SOL.

I did manage to find a service that charges a half day or 24 hour in home care. They said they will cook, go grocery shopping, pick up prescriptions, etc. I can tell them to go pick me up a burger, and they will. This might be a good option. There have been some large items that I have needed for sometime and I haven't figured out a way to get it home.

1. Barbeque Grill
2. Mop and bucket for cleaning
3. More lamps, kind of dark in here.
4. More toilet paper that will last me more than a week.
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Are they prescribing a flexation machine and an ice pump thing? You'll need help getting in and out of those things.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
Best of luck with your surgery, but anytime anesthesia is involved liability is lurking close by. Surely you must know someone who can provide the requisite aid necessary. Everyone is affected to a different degree, but the rules have to govern everyone. On the other hand, a professional escort would not be the worst thing that could happen.....;)
I did manage to find a service that charges a half day or 24 hour in home care. They said they will cook, go grocery shopping, pick up prescriptions, etc. I can tell them to go pick me up a burger, and they will. This might be a good option. There have been some large items that I have needed for sometime and I haven't figured out a way to get it home.

1. Barbeque Grill
2. Mop and bucket for cleaning
3. More lamps, kind of dark in here.
4. More toilet paper that will last me more than a week.

Damn VR, you've got nothing to left to prove- everybody knows you're hardcore. Surely your health and independence are more important than being on 2 wheels for every trip in every season?
Be careful - I was very ill after anaesthetic - it can really knock you around. I was vomiting and having dizzy spells. Someone should be at least checking on you several times. Good luck with it all.

And you guys are 'escort' obsessed LOL

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Good luck Kenny. When are you going to have this done? Just have some one from work pick you up and stay for a while to see if you have any reactions to the meds and anesthesia. You are not a shy guy so I don't see any problems finding someone to help you out. I am fortunate my parents live close so they helped me when I did my rotator cuff surgery 5 years ago and carpel tunnel surgery in November. You're a stud you will be fine. :cheer:
I'm a big sports fan, an ACL is tear is a very popular, season ending injury. At least I will now know what these athletes must endure.

The 17th will be the day I will have this done. Will be renting a car later that week so that I have transport for the next few weeks, I'm guessing I won't be able to ride until I get that brace adjusted to a point that it has full mobility.

In the meantime, I'm having my bike worked on, getting a swingarm and damper replaced, new rear tire and possibly sending in my gear for touchup repair to Motoport. So the down time will not go to waste.
So they end up knocking me out and numbing my entire left leg. The doctor said it went very well, but what else are they suppose to say? Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned? The nurses were Hot! I requested for a sponge bath but was denied. The brace is huge, not sure how I'm going to change out of my underwear, might have to cut them off and go All Naturalle. Less than 24hours, I can get by limping around without crutches, putting some weight on the surgical repaired knee. Doctor said I could put weight on it. Lucky, experiencing no pain, maybe because I have been keeping up with the meds, but wondering if I should stop taking them. No side affects from the anesthesia, except that I was dizzy immediately afterwards but wore out. No vomiting, they even fed me lunch afterwards.
