Close call


just a rider
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Central Florida
Well today I could have been hurt / killed or ended up in trouble --- thankfully nothing happend other than a good emergency stop and
two 20+ year olds who were quick at closing windows and locking doors

the stop was a good one ---- the near dragging out the window and beating not so smart.

here is the readers digest version

I was cruising a backroad along a sceninc river at about 50 mph in a 45 when a car with two young men roar past me at about 70....

I was like WOW....they are moving. THEN they JAM on the brakes and come to a complete stop to talk to two girls walking.

I execute a very hard stop --- quite well I might add... THEN ... pulled along side dropped the side stand and approached the car while not exactly saying nice words.

They closed the windows and locked the doors as i let them have a share of my adreneline.

I got back on the bike and continued .... they caught up to me --- I was going slow now about 5 under.... the little squirmers followed at a safe distance not wanting any other problems.... after about 5 miles I waved them by....

allowing them to tend to their soiled britches....

not my brightest move but the stop was at least good:thumbup:
solid showing man, quality maneuvres.

idiots, jeez. i had an incident of my own today. lady merges onto highway, cuts across 3 lanes of traffic into my lane (far left) and she sees me in her mirror and stops merging into my lane....then as she has straightened out her car i move up and let off the brake, and she swerves hard into my lane again this time entering the lane. i brake kind of hard and we stop at red light. i pull up next to her she is having a normal convo with her passenger friend doesnt care she almost hit me. i know on her window, give her finger, then SHE GIVES ME THE FINGER BACK!!! wow I made a motion to threaten like i was gonna break her window I was so mad at the audacity but back of my mind told me naw man dont do it not worth the hassle

Wow...that reminds me....time to practice quick stops. I'm glad that you guys survived the idiots and sufficiently restrained yourselves so that stayed out of the newspapers
solid showing man, quality maneuvres.

idiots, jeez. i had an incident of my own today. lady merges onto highway, cuts across 3 lanes of traffic into my lane (far left) and she sees me in her mirror and stops merging into my lane....then as she has straightened out her car i move up and let off the brake, and she swerves hard into my lane again this time entering the lane. i brake kind of hard and we stop at red light. i pull up next to her she is having a normal convo with her passenger friend doesnt care she almost hit me. i know on her window, give her finger, then SHE GIVES ME THE FINGER BACK!!! wow I made a motion to threaten like i was gonna break her window I was so mad at the audacity but back of my mind told me naw man dont do it not worth the hassle


You need to use Horn! You see her coming or you even think she's coming, use it. I'm not sure about the rest of you folks, but when I hear a horn blasting at me, it scares the **** out me because I immediatley think I screwed up. Make sure you put that same thought in those cagers who aren't paying attention. They deserve a brown pants moment.
Well today I could have been hurt / killed or ended up in trouble --- thankfully nothing happend other than a good emergency stop........ :

Nice skills Mike, good job you was on the ball :thumbup:

as for the rest I think they got the message, although it doesn't make up for the extremely dangerous driving at least they (vaguely) acknowledged the fact that they were wrong.
I think I should move around with a scratching tool or my screwdriver so that I can scratch all the cages that near misses me, of coz all at the red traffic light and without them watching me.
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"You need to use Horn! You see her coming or you even think she's coming, use it. I'm not sure about the rest of you folks, but when I hear a horn blasting at me, it scares the **** out me because I immediatley think I screwed up. Make sure you put that same thought in those cagers who aren't paying attention. They deserve a brown pants moment."

i was on the way back after my tire disaster i have another thread up about that here.....and my electrical system had shorted out from wires crossing in the big ugly mess of my rear fender horn was not working when that happened. i was on my way to the shop right then.
You need to use Horn! You see her coming or you even think she's coming, use it. I'm not sure about the rest of you folks, but when I hear a horn blasting at me, it scares the **** out me because I immediatley think I screwed up. Make sure you put that same thought in those cagers who aren't paying attention. They deserve a brown pants moment.

i was on the way back after my tire disaster i have another thread up about that here.....and my electrical system had shorted out from wires crossing in the big ugly mess of my rear fender horn was not working when that happened. i was on my way to the shop right then.

If your horn isn't working, you shouldn't have been ridiing. But if you were on the way to get it fixed, well I guess you have to do whatever it takes to get it fixed. Remember, your horn is one of your most important defence. Learn how to use it. Meaning, start praticing your reaction time hitting the button, and it might be a good idea to cover the horn if you think you may have to use it. I would feel naked riding without it. It's like riding with no gear. I check to see if my horn works before I leave my driveway I ride in a lot of traffic, so like I said, it's one of my most important tools that I use on a daily basis to get me where I want to go. Don't be shy, use it, let them know that you are there.