Harley rider refuses to pull over

the cop is obviously wrong and need to be fired and prosecuted. who agrees? you can't ram into someone who simply refuses to stop, especially someone on a motorcycle!
the cop is obviously wrong and need to be fired and prosecuted. who agrees? you can't ram into someone who simply refuses to stop, especially someone on a motorcycle!

I agree, especially since he was clearly in a parking lot when they hit him, he had no where to go anyway.

I'm not sure why the rider looks so confused. Is it just me or is there no sound in the video? How do we know the cop's loud speaker was even working? Maybe the rider actually couldn't hear the orders?
I agree, especially since he was clearly in a parking lot when they hit him, he had no where to go anyway.

I'm not sure why the rider looks so confused. Is it just me or is there no sound in the video? How do we know the cop's loud speaker was even working? Maybe the rider actually couldn't hear the orders?

I think the cop had all the right in the world to do what he did. Yea, there is no sound in the video, but you see the rider look back directly at the cop more than once while he is getting ready to leave the initial parking lot and make a right onto that road. Then the cop is clearly following the rider for some time, not sure exactly how long as the video jumps, and then hits the guy who still continues to ride!

It is that kind of pompous cavalier attitude that totally warranted the cop blasting him in the parking lot and then tackling him off the bike to ensure he got the point and was stopped and in cuffs. The dude is a moron, period.
the cop is obviously wrong and need to be fired and prosecuted. who agrees? you can't ram into someone who simply refuses to stop, especially someone on a motorcycle!

Hell no I don't agree with you. Just bc your on a bike does not mean that a cop shouldn't do what ever is necessary for him to stop you. And what do you think the cop should have done instead??? followed him until he ran out of gas?

FIZZER6 said:
I agree, especially since he was clearly in a parking lot when they hit him, he had no where to go anyway.

I'm not sure he had no where to go. Its pretty hard to block in someone on a bike with one car and I've seen videos like this where cars looked blocked in but find a way to squeeze their way out.
It's hard to say since the video doesn't show everything, if the guy on the bike was putting other people in danger then by all means the cop did the right thing but from the video I don't really see any reason for the cop to have used that much force...
I think the cop had all the right in the world to do what he did. Yea, there is no sound in the video, but you see the rider look back directly at the cop more than once while he is getting ready to leave the initial parking lot and make a right onto that road. Then the cop is clearly following the rider for some time, not sure exactly how long as the video jumps, and then hits the guy who still continues to ride!

It is that kind of pompous cavalier attitude that totally warranted the cop blasting him in the parking lot and then tackling him off the bike to ensure he got the point and was stopped and in cuffs. The dude is a moron, period.

Hell no I don't agree with you. Just bc your on a bike does not mean that a cop shouldn't do what ever is necessary for him to stop you. And what do you think the cop should have done instead??? followed him until he ran out of gas?

I'm not sure he had no where to go. Its pretty hard to block in someone on a bike with one car and I've seen videos like this where cars looked blocked in but find a way to squeeze their way out.

I hope you guys are not looking in career in law enforcement because you would not last long. You don't ram someone on a motorcycle, especially when when rider is not wearing a helmet, for obviously reason. How much force does it take for a head to crack open when it hits concrete? Heck, a simple fall off a nonmoving bike and you fell on your head will cause serious injury. You simply cannot do that and shame on anyone who's on the cop's side. All for what, so he can get a traffic ticket? It's not worth it, let him go. LET HIM GO. You have his license plate, get him another day. Please value human life!

If he was pointing a gun a you, that's a different story...but obviously he wasn't.
I hope you guys are not looking in career in law enforcement because you would not last long. You don't ram someone on a motorcycle, especially when when rider is not wearing a helmet, for obviously reason. How much force does it take for a head to crack open when it hits concrete? Heck, a simple fall off a nonmoving bike and you fell on your head will cause serious injury. You simply cannot do that and shame on anyone who's on the cop's side. All for what, so he can get a traffic ticket? It's not worth it, let him go. LET HIM GO. You have his license plate, get him another day. Please value human life!

If he was pointing a gun a you, that's a different story...but obviously he wasn't.

The video doesn't show everything, how do you know the rider just didn't kill someone, or rob a bank, the possibilities are endless without seeing the whole video and it's all speculation
As a law enforcement officer...never just "let him go". You want to talk about not lasting long. Try telling your supervisor "I wanted to pull him over but he wouldnt stop so I just let him go. When a person refuses to stop it goes from whatever traffic infraction to felony evading which makes it reasonable to suspect intox, posession, or other crimes of an even more serious nature. Just "let him go" doesnt cut it. Now Im not saying due regard was exercised when ramming the bike but I dont know how much back up was behind that patrolman, if he had attempted other methods before hand, if more threatening behavior was shown, but I definitely dont fault the cop entirely. He also didnt hit the guy that hard.
As a law enforcement officer...never just "let him go". You want to talk about not lasting long. Try telling your supervisor "I wanted to pull him over but he wouldnt stop so I just let him go. When a person refuses to stop it goes from whatever traffic infraction to felony evading which makes it reasonable to suspect intox, posession, or other crimes of an even more serious nature. Just "let him go" doesnt cut it. Now Im not saying due regard was exercised when ramming the bike but I dont know how much back up was behind that patrolman, if he had attempted other methods before hand, if more threatening behavior was shown, but I definitely dont fault the cop entirely. He also didnt hit the guy that hard.

sometimes you have to let your pride/ego go and LET HIM GO. It's not worth someone dying for traffic violation, assuming that what it was. It's not the end of the world for this biker to get away. And yet, letting him go will make you last longer. That officer was fired and criminally pursued. Also he is being civilly sued. Was that worth the traffic ticket? I hope not.
sometimes you have to let your pride/ego go and LET HIM GO. It's not worth someone dying for traffic violation, assuming that what it was. It's not the end of the world for this biker to get away. And yet, letting him go will make you last longer. That officer was fired and criminally pursued. Also he is being civilly sued. Was that worth the traffic ticket? I hope not.

You know this for a fact? Links?
luckily the guy was wearing a fat suit to protect him.

the guy got what he deserved.
I hope you guys are not looking in career in law enforcement because you would not last long. You don't ram someone on a motorcycle, especially when when rider is not wearing a helmet, for obviously reason. How much force does it take for a head to crack open when it hits concrete? Heck, a simple fall off a nonmoving bike and you fell on your head will cause serious injury. You simply cannot do that and shame on anyone who's on the cop's side. All for what, so he can get a traffic ticket? It's not worth it, let him go. LET HIM GO. You have his license plate, get him another day. Please value human life!

If he was pointing a gun a you, that's a different story...but obviously he wasn't.
How do you know he hadn't just committed a crime? Just because you're on a bike, doesn't mean you don't obey the police.
the last thing i'm going to say about this is please value life. Remember Trayvon.
Don't bring that kid into it. No comparrision. That kid was shot by someone who claimed he was carrying a gun. It was skittles. He just wore a hoodie. The guy is facing a murder charge, and so he should.

Really, this compares to an child being shot?
I hope you guys are not looking in career in law enforcement because you would not last long. You don't ram someone on a motorcycle, especially when when rider is not wearing a helmet, for obviously reason. How much force does it take for a head to crack open when it hits concrete? Heck, a simple fall off a nonmoving bike and you fell on your head will cause serious injury. You simply cannot do that and shame on anyone who's on the cop's side. All for what, so he can get a traffic ticket? It's not worth it, let him go. LET HIM GO. You have his license plate, get him another day. Please value human life!

If he was pointing a gun a you, that's a different story...but obviously he wasn't.

Nobody is above the law, and this officer made a point of showing that. He lets this guy go and then what do you suggest? He needs to let the next c0cky @sshole who thinks he doesn't have to obey a police officer go as well? That would just start a vicious cycle.

If the rider would have just done what any rational law obeying citizen would do, which is listen when an officer of the law gives you a direct order, all of the subsequent actions could have and would have been avoided.