How young is too young...


I used to be Jethro
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Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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To ride on the bike with you? I have a 6 year old daughter who rides with me sometimes, I have a strap that buckles her to me so she doesn't move around at all and she wears all her gear all the time and my wife wouldnt let me take her if she thought it was too dangerous.

I was chewed out from a lady who told me I should go to jail for riding with her on the back. She has only rode with me in town at slow speeds and while I know I take a risk every time I do this, I really dont think Im being unsafe. Does anyone else take small children for rides?
I don't, but at least you have gear on her...kudos for that. I have a neighbor who picks up his kid on the back of his Harley wearing only a bicycle helmet! :spank:
Boils my blood everytime I see it.
well as long as ur super safe and shes all geared up...i dont really see a problem...i was riding w my grandfather around that age as well and this was in a different country(no helmets) and dirt roads
At 5 / 6 my son logged hundreds of miles with me on a honda 650L . He loved it and we made many memories. He is now 12, and doesn't ride with me much. So enjoy the time you have now and be safe....
To this day I still remember my dad taking me home from Kindergarten one day on his bike - I was so proud!

I don't dig the Harley guy's no gear/bicycle helmet thing (shame!), but if you're riding safely and conscientiously, ATGATT, your spouse is in agreement and on the same page, and you feel the child understands the rules and how to be a safe passenger, I'd say you're welcome to go for it.

The question isn't really about is it COMPLETELY safe and devoid of anything dangerous - if it were, we wouldn't take our kids to amusement parks, or let them play sports, or hire babysitters. There's risk in everything. It's weighing the potential risk with all the other factors, and gear/spousal agreement/etc mitigates some of that risk.

Honestly, the simple fact that you're concerned/thoughtful enough to consider and ask others around here their opinion shows me at least that you are going to be safer and more mindful. props.

All that said, would I take my child on the back of my bike? Probably at some point? At 6 y/o? Not sure yet...probably partially depends on the child and maturity/trust level.

Do I think there is unsafe things about carrying children, things that scare/concern me? Yes. But again, lots of unsafe things in life, even for children, we take as "acceptable risks". Still on the fence on this issue right now though, could still change my position to "not acceptable". :) Interested to see what others have to say...

BTW, are there any laws on minimum age for passengers anywhere?
I was 5 and I never looked back my first time. I rode with my dad EVERYWHERE. I loved it more then anything. Almost all my best memories come from the rides we took together. It led to me getting my own and now I ride beside him.
To ride on the bike with you? I have a 6 year old daughter who rides with me sometimes, I have a strap that buckles her to me so she doesn't move around at all and she wears all her gear all the time and my wife wouldnt let me take her if she thought it was too dangerous.

I was chewed out from a lady who told me I should go to jail for riding with her on the back. She has only rode with me in town at slow speeds and while I know I take a risk every time I do this, I really dont think Im being unsafe. Does anyone else take small children for rides?

Can both of her feet firmly reach the passenger pegs? Is there an age restriction for passenger's in your municipality? If you answered yes to the first question and no to the second one; ignore the lady.
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Im nearing this junction too. My daughter is 7, my ex-wife is ok with it. My GF's son is 6, and she is ok with it too. I have not taken the kids yet but am considering it.

My grandfather use to pick me up in grade school on his '83 Goldwing......I was in HEAVEN riding on the back. That would date me as to being 8 at the time. My dad would get pissed when he found out I was on the bike(both parents worked in hospitals), but Gramps still picked me up! That too, was during the time of no helmet laws.

My issue now is finding gear that the 2 kids can share, if its possible.
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In Florida the law is they have to touch the pegs and wear a helmet. I'm insisting on a jacket and gloves as well. As soon as my kids can do that, I'm sure they'll be on the back. I'd love to pick up my daughter from Kindergarten but she might not be able to touch the pegs by then.

Hopefully though. She can toe the pegs now.
If you are going ATGATT then you should be fine. Heaven forbid something happens, that kid is going to bounce back way before you do =). And since you are so concerned already I highly doubt ANYTHING will happen in the first place. Good luck with whatever your decision is. :rockon:
With enough bungie cables and maybe a ratchet strap I'm sure you could get any child of any age on there pretty securely.

Hard luggage may be a better solution though. The search option will yield you a lot of info on luggage.

Good luck!
Does anyone else take small children for rides?

Not to take any suppositions for granted, they probably should be *your* small children, or at least ones that you know...strange childrens parent's may not be appreciative. ;)
my rule for my kids was reaching the rear pegs comfortably...they do make rigs that go around your waist, with hand holds and stirrups for their feet, but I feel that if you need that youre too young. Along with the gear, I dont see a problem with that and would probably gave the "lady" a :Flip:
I'm in the same boat, tho my daughter is 17 wants to ride on back just to see but so far I only have an extra jacket and helmet. She needs to have all the gear I have.

I do draw the line at this: if they are too young to be fully aware and capable of holding on on their own, I think they should not be strapped to you!

Can you imagine landing on them from 4 feet in the air at speed. Tying two together just doesn't seem right to me. Just my 2 cents. Then again I didn't let her get her ears peirced by her mom at 2 months old either. I said she can grow up and make that choice herself if she wants holes in her head.
The point, they need to be willing and able to FULLY understand the consequences of their choices and I'm not certain a 6 y/old is going to get that.

Anyone see my other rant about scooter mom with a kid on the back in bike helmet??? Yes, i chewed her out the stop light telling her to get off the raod and get someone in an auto to take her daughter home. I'll repost if anyone wants more details.....
If their feet can reach the pegs that is a big plus. If they can't get some leverage to steady themselves I am always wary of kids riding on the back. If they start sliding off to one side there isn't much to keep them on the seat. 99.9% of the time there is no problem, but the same can be said of helmets .... just because you get away from injury doesn't mean it is a good thing to do.
Anyone see my other rant about scooter mom with a kid on the back in bike helmet??? Yes, i chewed her out the stop light telling her to get off the raod and get someone in an auto to take her daughter home. I'll repost if anyone wants more details.....

I didn't see it
Its from this thread. . .
Didn't exactly belong but....

Do I dare tell a short story?
I was in the auto and some D/A lady pulled in front of me on a scooter nearly getting herself ran over (failure #1). She had Shoei helmet, tank top, shorts and 6 year old girl on the back with foam bike helmet on (Failures # 2 - 10,000). Here it's against the law to 2up on a scooter(moped).
- By chance she ended beside me at the light and I let her have it for having child on the back in a skirt and crocks with a bike helmet on. She wasn't too happy when I said they could both be skinned alive in a second for her careless driving, lack of safety gear and breaking the law. I told her to PARK IT and phone a friend to pick up the child (among other things).

The whole thing P/O'd me that the child probably didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Mopeds are designed for one rider only—the driver. It is unlawful to carry a passenger on a moped in Oregon. Carrying more than one person or heavy items is unsafe and can damage a moped." Notice where they placed the importance here???

/end rant