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lovin' life
Oct 30, 2007
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Aurora, CO
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Day started great, woke up feeling good and was ready to ride into work. Plugged in the ipod and took off for my ride into work. Saw another bike getting on the freeway and I'd seen him before so I knew I had a riding partner into work. As I got on the freeway I was behind a semi truck and trailer, I don't like that situation much so I kicked it up a notch and got into the left lane... something didn't feel right. I looked in my rear view mirrors and saw what I thought was a police car but I wasn't sure and I kept my pace. Then the red and blues came on... damn it. Pulled over right away she clocked me 70 in a 60, took my license and registration told me she was going to ticket me and in the end I got a speech and a warning :D

First time I've been pulled over in almost 20 years.
Wow.. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting pulled over for doing just 10 over limit here in NJ. Having said that, I try to not go more than 9mph over limit :D

Glad you only got a warning!

"Sorry, ma'an, but I was trying to keep safe distance between me and the cars behind me!" :D
...I was behind a semi truck and trailer, I don't like that situation much so I kicked it up a notch and got into the left lane... something didn't feel right.

I don't like that situation, or being right next to a semi, so I often kick it up a notch to get past, then slow down. I always figure if I get pulled over, I'll explain that I was just trying to be safe and hope for mercy.

Wow.. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting pulled over for doing just 10 over limit here in NJ. Having said that, I try to not go more than 9mph over limit

A couple of years ago my son took a driving maneuverability/safety course. There were some state troopers there to assist. Regarding speeding one of the troopers said something along the lines of "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine." I would not take that to the bank, as any LEO can pull you over and ticket you for 1 MPH over if they feel like it, but 9 over or less is where I try to stay. (Of course I have to correct for the dang FZ6 speedo error in my head all the time. “Let’s see, 65 MPH speed limit, so I can go up to 74, plus 7% error, 70 x .07 is 4.9, 4 x .07 is 0.28, so 4.9 + 0.28 is 5.18, plus 74…what was the speed limit again?”)
Did you try using the "my speedo is not accurate from the factory" excuse??

I worry about leo's all the time when i ride because i just cant catch em early from behind like i can in a car :spank:

And the whole speedo thing drives me crazy. When i drive my 350z i keep it right on the speed limit, maybe im OCD
Yeah we were really lucky last week! Three of us got pulled over and the officer pointed at me and said you're the fastest! :eek: The LEO's were good guys and didn't want to hurt us.:D
Still yet to get nabbed on the FZ6...that's nearly 14,500 LEO free miles! :BLAA:

It helps that I don't drive in the city.
Still yet to get nabbed on the FZ6...that's nearly 14,500 LEO free miles! :BLAA:

It helps that I don't drive in the city.

Ditto. As I write this I'm 'knocking on wood'...

Nice that the LEO let you off, but when she was all done you had to ride on and re-pass that truck! :rolleyes:
Make sure you do the lottery.


That was one of my first thoughts. :thumbup: although by a warning only I think I won already.

Here in Washington insurance isn't required on motorcycles but I have it. I offered to give her my insurance information along with my registration and of course I have an endorsement on my DL (I'm not sure that's too common given her questions). She didn't accept it but appreciated that I had insurance and along with my driving history I believe she accepted that it was a fluke rather than a habit.... little does she know... :D
Just after I got my sportster many years ago I was pulled over for speeding, my excuse was the speedometer on the bike was in KPH not MPH and I still wasn't sure how fast I was going. Well it worked. That time. He gave me a warning to figure it out and I told him absolutly I will. I was headed down the SAME road two months later and, you guessed it, pretty red and blue lights in my mirror. I figured I would give the same pathetic excuse and play dumb. Wrong-o it was the SAME COP!! Got a ticket that time:spank: