Tank Slapper!!


Aug 11, 2010
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According to cap'n, I had a tank slapper:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTFkJAhtskQ]YouTube - ‪Tank Slapper cropped‬‏[/ame]

I wasn't going very fast and went over a bump or something. Then the handlebar jerked violently. I put a death grip on it and it went away after 3-4 shakes (although I think it was the wrong thing to do). At the end of the video I check whether I soiled my pants. I didn't :rockon:.
Well, that's not REALLY a tank slapper, lol. That's more just a little shimmy.

But yes a death grip is the wrong thing to do. Short of installing a steering damper, the best thing you can do is stay steady on the throttle and let the bike find its equilibrium again on its own.

In fact, you're lucky your death grip didn't turn that INTO a proper tank slapper.
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I know the video didn't do justice on what I felt the handlebar was jerking around. I believe this was a minor tank slapper and didn't get a chance to oscillate to a 'proper' tank slapper. Since this was my first experience at tank slapping, it scared the crap out of me. Sounded like a bee buzzing.
I am glad that it did not turn into a proper tank slapper, and that you are ok. Especially since, and I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but at about 17sec I noticed that the upcoming light was yellow. Just before the intersection the light went full red. I did not notice any attempt to stop for that light and believe there was enough time do do so even if you had been going over the posted speed. What is worse is that you appear to have been in uniform when you look down at the end of the video. Riding your bike like an idiot might give riders a bad name, but doing it in uniform reflects on soldiers as well. Do you represent any group you are part of in a professional and responsible way?
I am glad that it did not turn into a proper tank slapper, and that you are ok. Especially since, and I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but at about 17sec I noticed that the upcoming light was yellow. Just before the intersection the light went full red. I did not notice any attempt to stop for that light and believe there was enough time do do so even if you had been going over the posted speed. What is worse is that you appear to have been in uniform when you look down at the end of the video. Riding your bike like an idiot might give riders a bad name, but doing it in uniform reflects on soldiers as well. Do you represent any group you are part of in a professional and responsible way?

I'm questioning whether you are really glad that I am ok. You hate me so much as to...whatever. This video isn't about me blowing a red light or doing so in uniform. It's about me experiencing for a first time tank slapping. I think our riders should be informed about this since this is the first time I've even heard of it. I'm sure not everybody knows what a tank slapper is or what causes it. We should all be informed so we know what to do and not panic and over-reacted. Ok?

Back to the red light, I feel the need to defend myself. Yeah I blew it. I made a conscious decision to blow it. There was no way I was going to brake suddenly and have my tires lock up. Been there, done that, not fun. And yes I was in uniform since I was going to drill. I'm a hero, x2, so I've been told. :Flip:
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...It's about me experiencing for a first time tank slapping. I think our riders should be informed about this since this is the first time I've even heard of it...

If you want to do some more research on the causes/fixes I would search "Head-Shake" which I believe is the more proper term for what you are experiencing.
If you want to do some more research on the causes/fixes I would search "Head-Shake" which I believe is the more proper term for what you are experiencing.

Now I'm more confused, is there a difference to 'head shake' & 'tank slapper'? Is the tank slapper a more severe instance of head shake?
i'm glad you posted the video, we can all learn from the mistakes and be safer because of it:

1) the light was a 3 second or less amber. in my neck of the woods that's a 30-35 MPH zone, not to mention surface streets- you were flying. i'm guessing 50-55MPH.

2) you're right, stopping on slick crappy surface streets isn't fun at all.

3) something is up with your suspension, front end, etc - something

i'm not an expert by any means, but have read a little. there are lots of causes for headshake, including improper torquing of the axle, rear sag, rebound, the list is long to my understanding. if the fz had awesome fully adjustable suspension, i'd say take it to an expert and find a root cause. given the circumstances, i'm betting on just crappy transitions at an intersection, and too much speed.


i've seen so many folks hauling ass, i used to just shake my head. now they get biiiiiiig :Flip: flipoffs wether i'm on the bike or caging it. you'd be surprised just how much influence a fellow biker giving you a big middle finger has. one guy pulled over, apologized for being a squidly douche, offered to show me some good roads, and slowed the hell down too.

i'm slipping into rant mode now... hang with me 2 more minutes, ok ?

the main reason people berate you for this kind of stuff is:

1) they want safer roads, for them, and their families
2) they want LESS FREAKING ATTENTION FROM THE LAW if their bike is a little bit louder than stock
3) it just looks bad to the wife when she sees people hauling ass everywhere on "those damned crotch rockets"

get it ?

wether you wanted to admit a mistake or two or not, you still educated us. you can go on and find the root cause of the headshake (bad road? bad suspension?) and post it up. educate us morrrrrre. help us be safer. do your part......

ride on, ride safe

- ohgood
I do not hate you, and do not wish harm on anybody that does not wish harm on my family, friends, country, or myself. I am however, disappointed in the immature way that you, a previously deployed NCO, chooses to conduct himself in and out of uniform. Furthermore I am concerned that your behavior will end up getting you hurt, and there is nobody that can tell you different.

As far as the information on a tank slapper/ head shake, yes it is a possible situation that everyone should know how to handle.

Have you ever heard of humility. Calling yourself a hero, really, then using it as a justification for inappropriate behavior. Your actions deteriorate the respect that we have collectively earned through our service. Just in case you forgot who I might be to call you into question, I have been in the Army for nine years, I am a SGT in a Infantry company, and I am preparing to go to Afghanistan which will be my fourth deployment overseas. So in your words Hero X3 and one more to be, so I have been told. How about not letting it go to your head. Next time somebody says you are a hero smile, say thanks, and realize that they are thanking you for what we have all done, and be proud of your part in it.
I do not hate you, and do not wish harm on anybody that does not wish harm on my family, friends, country, or myself. I am however, disappointed in the immature way that you, a previously deployed NCO, chooses to conduct himself in and out of uniform. Furthermore I am concerned that your behavior will end up getting you hurt, and there is nobody that can tell you different.

As far as the information on a tank slapper/ head shake, yes it is a possible situation that everyone should know how to handle.

Have you ever heard of humility. Calling yourself a hero, really, then using it as a justification for inappropriate behavior. Your actions deteriorate the respect that we have collectively earned through our service. Just in case you forgot who I might be to call you into question, I have been in the Army for nine years, I am a SGT in a Infantry company, and I am preparing to go to Afghanistan which will be my fourth deployment overseas. So in your words Hero X3 and one more to be, so I have been told. How about not letting it go to your head. Next time somebody says you are a hero smile, say thanks, and realize that they are thanking you for what we have all done, and be proud of your part in it.

I'm no hero. But people seems to think so because I wear the uniforms (police & military).
I'm no hero. But people seems to think so because I wear the uniforms (police & military).

Be proud to be part of that, and conduct yourself in a manner that shows that pride, and continues to gain that respect.
My concern is truly for a fellow soldier/rider. Be smarter, live longer.
This will be my last post in this regards so that we can focus on the intent of this thread.
If you do not know what a tank slapper/ Head shake is please look it up and be prepared in case you ever experience it.
Back to the red light, I feel the need to defend myself. Yeah I blew it. I made a conscious decision to blow it. There was no way I was going to brake suddenly and have my tires lock up. Been there, done that, not fun. And yes I was in uniform since I was going to drill. I'm a hero, x2, so I've been told. :Flip:

Be proud to be part of that, and conduct yourself in a manner that shows that pride, and continues to gain that respect.
My concern is truly for a fellow soldier/rider. Be smarter, live longer.

It sure would be a shame to read a PLR in the pisser about a guy wrecking on his way to drill, but based on your pattern of posting I think this is the way you are heading. I hope you take Gpostarmys words to heart.
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It sure would be a shame to read a PLR in the pisser about a guy wrecking on his way to drill, but based on your pattern of posting I think this is the way you are heading. I hope you take Gpostarmys words to heart.

How the hell did this thread go from tank slapper to slapping tcmalker around. I think I need to crop that video a little more. All I wanted to show (for humor) that I was checking my pants for poop!

Let's get back on topic people!
How did this thread go from tank slapper to slapping tcmalker around.

in a way i have to agree with you. you posted about tank slapping. thank you for doing that. i already knew about it, but there are always new riders and people needing to learn. and bring it up every now and then allows for discussion and reminders on how to stay safe.

as to how this turned into a thread about your safety... honestly you bring it on yourself. you've been on this forum and you know that for the most part the people here are interested in safety. you have built a reputation for yourself that you could care less about your safety... or anyone else on the road for that matter. since you've set that standard, don't be surprised when people notice stuff and start talking to you about it. if you don't like it, change your reputation.
Back to topic. I've heard adding some throttle can help by lightening the front end, but I find that approach hard to believe considering it's going to be difficult to be graceful with the throttle application with the bars whipping around violently. Seems it'd be easy to make it worse that way. Not to mention my bars get the wiggles when I get on the throttle heavily anyways :).
I did a little search on slapping and this is what I came up with....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVj958WNwSg&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Three Stooges(Color Slap Attack)Color Doop Mix‬‏[/ame]

Put your bike on the center stand and from the front grab each fork and push and pull to see if you have head bearing play. Don't pull so hard that you pull the bike off the center stand. It would even be better if you could have the front wheel off the ground when you try this.

My opinion is you had a good front end shake from uneven anomaly on the road way like some very uneven patchwork.

I do agree we hardly ever discuss the reality of tank slap here. I've experienced short oscillations at high rates of speed when the FZ6 has been completely airborne. It did this when it left the ground and returned to the ground. The front shuttered leaving and entering contact with the surface. I had a Matris steering damper. The bike in front of me was a Honda F4i and the head shake was so scary I thought he was going to bite it and I got around him. He slowed considerably. Depending on the bike and suspension settings there will be a minimum that will allow the front to go into oscillation if the right conditions exist. It's keeping it out of that realm whether mechanical or technique that's important but most import getting it stable again once it occurs. I have not experienced it enough to have a technique to cure it.
How the hell did this thread go from tank slapper to slapping tcmalker around. I think I need to crop that video a little more. All I wanted to show (for humor) that I was checking my pants for poop!

Let's get back on topic people!

That wasn't a tank slapper. It looked like rough pavement. When you cleared the rough pavement, your head-shake stopped. A tank slapper typically requires acceleration hard enough to get your front tire awfully light or slightly airborne.

Back to the red light, I feel the need to defend myself. Yeah I blew it. I made a conscious decision to blow it. There was no way I was going to brake suddenly and have my tires lock up. Been there, done that, not fun.

You ran the red light, and claim to have done it on purpose... which only makes it worse. It certainly would not have been a difficult stop if you were paying attention. Or if you practice emergency stops. Or just braking. The light turned yellow when you were over 250ft from the intersection. Standard parking spaces are 24' long and I count 10 vehicles parked to your right when the light turned yellow. There's additional space from the last car to the intersection. And the camera angle doesn't capture the additional cars parked directly to your right.

Honestly, I do not believe you ran it on purpose. I don't think you even saw it. If I come up on a yellow light, you'll hear me accelerating or decelerating. You did neither, and then ran a red light, which leads me to believe that you were so focused on your "tank slapper" that you didn't even notice the light. Not bashing you for it. It doesn't make it any safer, but at least it's an explanation. Better than making a conscience effort to blow a light that turned red 45 feet before you entered the intersection. Doing that only proves that your timing and sense of speed/distance is way off, or your judgement is poor. Either one can get you killed pretty quick on a motorcycle.

I don't hate you. I don't want you to get hurt. But whenever some squid posts about their riding on this forum and many of us try to talk some sense into them, you're always there to champion their recklessness. You claim to have superior riding skills. You imply that those of us with skills, experience, and most importantly judgement, are somehow less talented than you. Or just not as brave as you. Thank you for posting this video. In it you clearly demonstrate a disregard for your safety and that of other motorists, as well as a general lack of riding skills (I didn't even coast around in neutral when I was a squid).

I have no problem with you expressing your opinions on this forum, but please stop pretending to be a superior rider. I am not concerned about you, but those inexperienced members who may be influenced by your posts without knowing that your ego is writing checks your riding can't cash.
Your bike is new and you live where summer is the 4th of July :) so doubt the head bearings are gone. (My sister used to live in Michigan.) When my head bearings were going the front would shimmy whenever I accelerated hard in first and the front wheel would come up. When it set back down there would be a wobble which I would just ride thru. If I was slightly leaned it was worse but never bad, just something that prompted me to replace the bearing before I had a problem.

The head angle on the FZ6 is less steep than an R6 and one of the reasons is lessen the chance of head shake occurring. If you have lowered the front by sliding the triple clamps down the forks that will change the geometry and make head shake more likely to occur.
I know the video didn't do justice on what I felt the handlebar was jerking around. I believe this was a minor tank slapper and didn't get a chance to oscillate to a 'proper' tank slapper. Since this was my first experience at tank slapping, it scared the crap out of me. Sounded like a bee buzzing.

Before you grow accustomed to it, a two inch wheelie will feel like a 2 foot wheelie and a bit of a shimmy will feel like a tank slapper. As you continue to develop greater bike control (as opposed to just moving into larger bikes), you will be able to predict and deal with each of these much better. You will eventually just continue on through a shimmy now and again as though nothing had happened.

As for "what do I do in a tank slapper" just google it if you really want a ton of info/discussion on it. There is nothing that can be said here with respect to that that hasn't already been discussed ad nauseum on the interwebs.


But for the sake of discussion, I disagree that heavy throttle is what you want to do. Steady throttle is what you want to do. Trying to make the front end light when trying to bring the bike back into line and find its balance again seems a needlessly aggressive way of achieving that.

How the hell did this thread go from tank slapper to slapping tcmalker around. I think I need to crop that video a little more. All I wanted to show (for humor) that I was checking my pants for poop!

Let's get back on topic people!

It does because you go out of your way, at times, to express how "dangerous" you are and seek attention/approval for it. You would catch that flak for it even if you weren't a cop/etc. The fact that you are adds MORE fuel to the fire because that's the biggest thing that gets on many people's nerves.....getting speeding tickets from people who speed themselves. I am firmly of the opinion that supposed "enforcers" of the law are much of the time not worthy of my respect as "officers" of any sort and your antics confirm my opinion. There are those who work tirelessly to justify the respect those institutions command, and you piss on that. Yet you are happy to do so. The people who hold more respect for those institutions than I do are quite upset by this. Personally, I simply see those groups as government-ordained gangs with a scattering of truly honourable officers scattered in their midst. So for that reason I'm not really upset by your antics.

ohgood had a great post explaining other reasons why it all gets on people's nerves a little bit too. Most riders enjoy a spirited ride. Many riders routinely obey the regulations their own sense of personal safety lay out....and not the written and posted regulations. But....we do it in a way that promotes the sport rather than in a way that draws negative attention to it.

Another thing is many road users are our wives/mothers/sisters. It is possible to share the road with them, not startle them, and enjoy a spirited ride all at the same time. If you cut in front of my mother with your shopping cart at a grocery store causing her to stub her toe I would ream you out for it.....let alone buzzing past her when she is hurtling around in her car causing her to panic and slam on her brakes and get rear ended by a bus. Not all motorists are competent drivers. Be courteous. They are good people and deserve some slack. I don't get why being on a road makes people bigger jerks than they would be in a supermarket? The risks are greater on the roads and the people are the same....

In the end, being a courteous road user who enjoys a spirited ride is possible and in the long run it is more sustainable and thoroughly more enjoyable.

P.S..........an aggressive attitude with respect to intersections of any sort will eventually result badly. You're putting yourself in a bad part of the "probability" spectrum.
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