Where do you keep your gun???

Is odd how in the USA having a gun isnt a big deal but here in the UK obviously is against the law. Is it difficult to own a gun in USA or can anyone literally buy one in a gun shop?
Is odd how in the USA having a gun isnt a big deal but here in the UK obviously is against the law. Is it difficult to own a gun in USA or can anyone literally buy one in a gun shop?
Yep, pretty much! There are obviously laws on who can buy and own guns. There are waiting periods before you can take possession... You know so you don't go buy a gun in the heat of the moment and go do something foolish. BUT if your a law abiding citizen, a clean record, and have the correct license, you can own almost any kind of gun.
I've seen MANY bears while on my ATV and on my fz6, not to mention while walking in the woods. never needed access to a firearm in a hurry unless it was hunting season, and the animal was trying to leave. Ah we timid Canadians
There was only one time i could have made use of a gun while on my FZ6. When i saw a bull moose munching on willow buds 5m from my cabin. My .30-06 was in the cabin. I watched a 500kg worth of steaks run away.
I'm glad I dont live in the US... I dont have to worry about where to keep my gun as the nanny state here has decreed that we are not stable enough here to own a handgun at all, a hunting rifle if you own a County and have shooting rights or a shotgun as long as it isnt automatic or if it is - like mine- you have to have it restricted to two in the magazine and one up the spout.

Oh- you are allowed to have an air gun as long as it isnt too powerful.... we are not even allowed to carry a knife anymore

:eek::eek: Wow. Its unreal what we can get used to. I guarantee that every other car or truck in Mt. has a firearm in it. Its an expected thing here, I guess that makes no sense to some people and we seem like rednecks to the others! :D
I had a friend who lived in Switzerland. Every household is required to own at least one firearm and required to participate in yearly firearms trainings.

Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates per capita of any advanced nation...IN THE WORLD.

Canada has twice the crime rate of Switzerland!

Why would a country where everyone owns a gun have a lower crime rate than a country where gun laws are strict?

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

Criminals prefer to target unarmed victims.
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I plan on carrying a Glock 19 in a concealed holster for riding in rural areas. I would never pull it unless I knew for sure my life was in grave danger.

If you have a concealed weapons permit in Florida USA you can purchase a handgun at a gun show right on the spot.

One aspect of citizens owning weapons is the fact that an invading force would have a difficult time over taking the local population that are armed to the teeth. Most countries have a good military that is trained for fighting outside their country but when it comes to the internal protection we can find ourselves flatfooted. Kind of like 9/11 when we could not respond quickly enough to stop the second plane from hitting the towers.
Is odd how in the USA having a gun isnt a big deal but here in the UK obviously is against the law. Is it difficult to own a gun in USA or can anyone literally buy one in a gun shop?

The laws in the states vary greatly from state to state and also vary by type: long guns vs handguns. It took me a few months to get permit in CT and buy a handgun. In NY, and especially New York City - it's really difficult to get one. Automatic weapons are generally banned UNLESS you purchased them prior to certain date, or you have special permit. And then there are intricacies. Example: AR-15 rifle is a semi-auto (one trigger pull, one shot),but some states consider it an assault weapon (making it equivalent to auto - one pull, multiple shots) and specifically ban it.
i keep my 9mm XDm in a holster on my belt, or bodyguard .380 auto in my pocket (not not both of them at the same time, unless i'm going to a range). :rockon: The latter is actually very easy to forget in a pocket, so i have to think twice before i cross state lines.

I am not sure how police would take me if i was riding with what is clearly a rifle case (let's say i am going to a shooting range) on my bike. I guess i just need to go fast enough so they dont notice? :spank:
I plan on carrying a Glock 19 in a concealed holster for riding in rural areas. I would never pull it unless I knew for sure my life was in grave danger.

If you have a concealed weapons permit in Florida USA you can purchase a handgun at a gun show right on the spot.

One aspect of citizens owning weapons is the fact that an invading force would have a difficult time over taking the local population that are armed to the teeth. Most countries have a good military that is trained for fighting outside their country but when it comes to the internal protection we can find ourselves flatfooted. Kind of like 9/11 when we could not respond quickly enough to stop the second plane from hitting the towers.

You'll probably need your Glock more often while riding in urban areas than in rural areas. I'm more worried about home invasion than I am something trying to eat me while I'm out riding. Okay well maybe a dog bite.
On the home invasion deal. Your weapon has to be where you can get to it quickly and easily at the ready. That means not locked away from others and you might imagine the many scenarios in that equation. If I was a farmer in a rural area I would definitely want a firearm. I think it's great that we have the right to have weapons and we do have a lot of open land where there are still critters that will eat or hurt you.

To tell the truth we probably have more wild animal encounter mishaps because of stuff like this:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khKrd1RNy2U]YouTube - Deer Attack[/ame]
One aspect of citizens owning weapons is the fact that an invading force would have a difficult time over taking the local population that are armed to the teeth. Most countries have a good military that is trained for fighting outside their country but when it comes to the internal protection we can find ourselves flatfooted. Kind of like 9/11 when we could not respond quickly enough to stop the second plane from hitting the towers.
This is the reason that Japan decided not to invade the US mainland after Pearl Harbor...practically every citizen was armed! The militias that would have formed to protect our home land back then would have been larger than any army on earth.
Is odd how in the USA having a gun isnt a big deal but here in the UK obviously is against the law. Is it difficult to own a gun in USA or can anyone literally buy one in a gun shop?

It varies wildly by state. Some cities, like New York, guns are illegal all together. In most states, as long as you have a clean record, and they have instant backround check, you can "cash and carry". Whereas in Kalifornia, there is no instant backround check(waiting periods), you need a handgun safety certificate which is good for who knows how long(they keep changing it), and piles of paperwork that need to be done. If ANYTHING is wrong with the paperwork, the gun shop can be fined, you don't get your gun, and even you can be fined. Honestly, I'm surprised any gun shops exist in this state. There's loads more on this, but it's too much to type, and not entirely relevant to your question(basically I'd really get to ranting). lol

As for carrying on motos, depends on where you live! If I were riding through Oakland/Berkely, I'd carry, legal or not. Mainly I see people on dual sports carrying stuff, either for hunting or defense.

As for the gun debate, I always like to add that people don't only use them for defense! Some of us like them for the hobby! I just want to shoot paper targets and cans and other random stuff that's fun and safe to shoot. I don't buy guns for defense, but for the hobby. I don't know about everyone else, but I have no desire to discharge a .45 indoors, unless as a last resort. Deafeningly loud! That would be instant hearing damage.
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at 3:20 seconds ..... alot a beer ... a lot of girls and a lot of cursing / 22 automatic on my person / Got my ...hand in my pocket and my finger on the trigger"....... Beastie Boy's LOL I had to post those lyrics the title of the thread set my brain into motion... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: :thumbup: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrWud7T8q5A"]YouTube - Beastie Boys - The New Style (...mmm drop!)[/ame]
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Some cities, like New York, guns are illegal all together.

my first response when i read that was "how can they do that?" i started digging. here is the wiki page on the laws by state. i looked under NY and it's not all out illegal. i still don't understand how they can make those laws under the constitution, but they aren't all out illegal.

Gun laws in the United States (by state) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I had a friend who lived in Switzerland. Every household is required to own at least one firearm and required to participate in yearly firearms trainings.

Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates per capita of any advanced nation...IN THE WORLD.

Canada has twice the crime rate of Switzerland!

Why would a country where everyone owns a gun have a lower crime rate than a country where gun laws are strict?

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

Criminals prefer to target unarmed victims.

As far as I know the gun laws in Canada aren't particularly strict. You need to take a training course and a relatively clean record. Canadian Gun Laws
As far as I know the gun laws in Canada aren't particularly strict. You need to take a training course and a relatively clean record. Canadian Gun Laws

Compared to the USA...that is very strict. In order to purchase a firearm here all you have to do is pass a 10 minute over the phone background check (the gun shop calls them and if you have a clean record you take the gun home). I bought my Sig Sauer at a gunshow...had to wait 30 minutes for them to clear my background check and I walked out of there with it and 10 boxes of discount ammo!:rockon: