Worst oil change ever...

Why dont all Oil filters have a Hex nut on the end of them!

They do! K&N... but I'm not willing to spend 5 times more for one of those. The only time I've had issues removing filters was when someone ELSE did last oil change on my bike/car.. and I haven't allowed anyone to touch any of my machines for many years now :D
Well, if it makes you feel any better.....there have been a couple of 'worse' stories than yours!
But look on the bright side, now that you've done one, next time will be a breeze. :D
They do! K&N... but I'm not willing to spend 5 times more for one of those. The only time I've had issues removing filters was when someone ELSE did last oil change on my bike/car.. and I haven't allowed anyone to touch any of my machines for many years now :D

My last oil change was the last time I will ever pay for someone else to do it. I can pay for synthetic oil, with uber expensive oil filters, and still come out way cheaper that having the stealership do it. I will definitely be looking at the K&N's in the future, but will see how easy my next change is with the Mobil 1 filter I put on myself. If it comes off with no problems, I pretty much know where the blame for the oil change from hell will go... :spank:
Dude - I would have lost it long before finishing that job. Sounds like you kept it together pretty good.

There ain't much space to get ahold of that filter. I just use some oil filter pliers and grip the thing so hard that I crush it before I turn it. At least it doesn't slip, and it's a throw away anyhow.

Good on you for winterizing - I haven't done it yet and we're WELL into winter here. :disapprove:
I've done mine only a few times and it's tricky but I manage. Sand paper and a filter socket work for me but I've never used foil for draining. I always make a mess but I put cardboard down.

I just changed mine about a week ago with no real problems. Then I finally put it away and put stabil in it and smelled something burning. After turning it off a while I checked the oil and it seemed too full. Was perfect when I checked it after the change (with a start to circulate) so idk how it could be too full now. :don'tknow:
Hmmm there seems to be a lot of threads starting off as Worst something Ever? You and Sawblade.


Wonder what's next?

His trumps mine. My bike is fine, not a mark on it, and my ego has healed as well. It'll be a bit before his bike is up and running... At least he is ok though :thumbup:

Dude - I would have lost it long before finishing that job. Sounds like you kept it together pretty good.

There ain't much space to get ahold of that filter. I just use some oil filter pliers and grip the thing so hard that I crush it before I turn it. At least it doesn't slip, and it's a throw away anyhow.

Good on you for winterizing - I haven't done it yet and we're WELL into winter here. :disapprove:

I wanted to lose it so many times! I tried the oil filter pliers, but couldn't get em to grip. By that point my filter was no looking so hot though... but like you said, it's a throw-away.

I kept putting off winterizing waiting for that 'one more day' of nice weather. Then I realized I live in the Maritimes and was kidding myself. Bike is in hibernation mode now, to be woken up for random winter mods! :cheer:

I've done mine only a few times and it's tricky but I manage. Sand paper and a filter socket work for me but I've never used foil for draining. I always make a mess but I put cardboard down.

I just changed mine about a week ago with no real problems. Then I finally put it away and put stabil in it and smelled something burning. After turning it off a while I checked the oil and it seemed too full. Was perfect when I checked it after the change (with a start to circulate) so idk how it could be too full now. :don'tknow:

I had never thought to use sandpaper... will remember that for next time :thumbup: I had to take off the sub-cowling to use the tinfoil as per bd43's oil change walkthrough. Worked perfectly - no mess, until I had to screwdriver the filter... then it got dicey :D

You might have dripped some oil onto the pipes during the change? Once the flow is down when draining it can run down the side of the oil pan and drip onto the pipes, etc.