Out of hiding


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hillsboro, NH
Visit site
Peekaboo!!! Can you see me?

Wow, it has been too long. So long in fact I have too many posts to dig through to find the good stuff.

If I have missed anything important in the last 4 months or so, fill me in, otherwise, let's just say it is great to be back and hopefully I can find some time to pop in every now and then and keep in touch :)

In the meantime, please accept this super cute picture of the reason I have been away so long:
HEY!!! Why are you posting pictures of my kid? also the same reason that i have slipped to the #2 poster.... I am back too since the weather is getting cold...
Welcome back...not much has changed! No-one has done any frame drilling mods, or put any ebergy drink in their tank, thinking it was a performance additive for their bike...or anything like that...

Welcome back...not much has changed! No-one has done any frame drilling mods, or put any ebergy drink in their tank, thinking it was a performance additive for their bike...or anything like that...


Yeah, but you have modded your bike beyond recognition... again... that thing is looking drop dead sexy now BTW...
Welcome Back! Amazing how busy children keep ya, isn't it? You blink your eyes and they are practically grown up. She is looking very healthy & happy....great job Keira & Rob!
Welcome Back! Amazing how busy children keep ya, isn't it? You blink your eyes and they are practically grown up. She is looking very healthy & happy....great job Keira & Rob!

Very healthy. Being home and out of daycare has that effect! Since quitting my terrible job last June, I have found myself among the millions of unemployed Americans, the upside of which is that I get to spend my days with my precious little girl, watching her grow up. It's amazing to think that she was ever as tiny as she was, or that she could be turning into such a ham!
Welcome back Keira & Rob, we've missed you guys. I am hitting the roads today with Tom and Dan Katz if either or both of you wish to join! We're meeting at the Marriot in Newton at 1:30pm if you'd like to come along, I know short notice.
Welcome back Keira & Rob, we've missed you guys. I am hitting the roads today with Tom and Dan Katz if either or both of you wish to join! We're meeting at the Marriot in Newton at 1:30pm if you'd like to come along, I know short notice.

Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately Saturday was the LRRS Racing Banquet, so we spent our afternoon/evening in Manchvegas eating and chatting it up with our racing buds. I am also not really riding much anymore because I am a pansy and it's cold out, but rob is still going out every now and then.
Wow - I can't believe how big she is! Very, very cute!!!! Better start cleaning the shotgun Rob, it won't be long before she's a teenager and the boys are knocking down your door.