Any wheelie tips?


Junior Member
Aug 4, 2010
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Kansas, US
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Hey so I've been workin on pulling wheelies lately, im not really that good yet though. (sorry I'm aware theres some older threads on the topic)

so far i found it easiest to just pop the clutch in first gear. i ride at like 5500 rpms (25mph) then rev up to about 10,000/11,000 and let the clutch out and it comes up pretty easily.

Apparently most people are doing power wheelies on the fz6 in first gear revvin to about 8000 rpms, stopping throttle then WOT throttle. I havent had very much luck with this method (or maybe im just not doing it right?)

anyone got any tips? I'm not trying to ride a wheelie on balance point or anythign just gettin the front up and let it down smoothly

oh and btw im riding a 2009 fz6 if it makes any difference.
I doubt you will get much info here, not a lot of wheelie riders here and a lot of people don't support it here either. I myself have never pulled the front end up on my bike, guess its just seems scary for me. I have nothing against it, just be safe while doing it. You dont need me to tell you that though :D
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Ok...ignore all the boo-hooers...wheelies are fun.

I'm not that good at them, but I do know the clutch method is the way to go. Just keep working on that.

two of the best vids out there for the FZ6
[ame=]YouTube - yamaha fazer fz6 wheelie with speed meter HD[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Over the screen[/ame]

and just for fun...(watch in HD full screen with volume up)
[ame=]YouTube - How to Make Friends and Influence Bikes[/ame]
OP, when I'm getting the front end up I like to start between 15-25mph (usually closer to 15) then just blip the throttle up to about 8-9k and work the clutch. I'm not the best at them, lots of guys I ride with can out-wheelie me but they also can start in higher gears whereas the fz6 just doesn't have the steam to do it without gearing down. From a first gear start I can ride through the gears all the way up to 4th so far. Once going into 4th though the bike would want to come down. I use the acceleration for help with balance, I'm not that good with the slow, technical stuff yet.

Standup wheelies with one foot covering the rear brake and the other on the passenger peg are fairly easy because your weight is a little further back on the bike. The only thing I don't like about those is you can't shift through the gears (unless you ride switch, but I like to cover my rear brake). If you don't have that low speed balance and control you'll rev out pretty quick and the front end will come back down. Standups were usually done in first gear. Second gear was doable but it took some clutch abuse to get it all the way up and I didn't like that so I quit the 2nd gear stuff. A slight gearing change would help nicely though I think.
Seems to me that guys who can do wheelies like in the third video have tremendous throttle control and probably grew up on dirt bikes as kids, etc. I personally don't like the idea of introducing a maneuver that is really not part of riding that could cause me to crash. On the hand, I personally don't have the experience riding dirt bikes or street at a very young age so everyone has to evaluate their skills and do what they feel is appropriate. I have to factor in some degree of safety in my riding based on my situation.
Like this??? What's fun about that?

[ame=]YouTube - Motorcycle Wheelie Crash Fail[/ame]
Wherever you practice, make it OFF the streets. Trick riding is fine, wheelies, stoppies, whatever, just do it in a controlled environment. Oh, yeah, and be sure to pay for the damage to your bike (when you drop it) out of your own pocket instead of reporting it to your insurance company that way everyone else's insurance rates don't go up.