No work here at cadillac

The Toecutter

Hero for Hire
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Dec 17, 2008
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i'm just standing here checking the dispachting system for a job to do......have'nt pulled a single repair order in over 30mins...... can't make a good check like that.... anybody else having similar issues at work??
It was getting like that at BMW, but no dispatch system to speak of other than 7 greedy team leaders that took all the good work for themselves and their closest buddy.

They were the official work dispatchers...a tech as a dispatcher..yeah...great idea. NOT!

So now I do paint touch up on cars... outside...and its too cold for that, so I have no work as well. Havent worked other than plowing snow a few times for months.
Just before Christmas we lost 20 out of our workforce of 60. We make sails for yachts.

We are now taking people on again and I am working overtime Tues, Wed, Thurs and Saturday morning.

Someone must be buying yachts again which must be a good sign.

It was getting like that at BMW, but no dispatch system to speak of other than 7 greedy team leaders that took all the good work for themselves and their closest buddy.

They were the official work dispatchers...a tech as a dispatcher..yeah...great idea. NOT!

So now I do paint touch up on cars... outside...and its too cold for that, so I have no work as well. Havent worked other than plowing snow a few times for months.
Man sorry to here that.the automated dispatcher does make the work being handed out fair..maybe you could get on with an independant shop....its worth a try anyway.
Shoot, here in California the economy is really bad. Unemployment is around 12% (actually higher). Big layoff notice is due to be released any day now here in my school district. Hundreds of layoffs---and this is a public school. Cops, fire, everybody is getting layoff notices. Thanks, big banking/loan firms for being so reckless. Of course, many banking officers still get those big, big bonuses after being bailed out by our government.
500+ ppl here and around 10% layoffs last year...

We also had 2 weeks of company shut-downs (not paid) at the end of 2009, and 2 more coming up in April and July...

The aerospace market usually gets hit a few months after everybody else as the effects take time to go down from the Airlines and OEMs down through the supplier chain, so we're actually starting to seriously worry about next year...

Tough times...
shoot, here in california the economy is really bad. Unemployment is around 12% (actually higher). Big layoff notice is due to be released any day now here in my school district. Hundreds of layoffs---and this is a public school. Cops, fire, everybody is getting layoff notices. Thanks, big banking/loan firms for being so reckless. Of course, many banking officers still get those big, big bonuses after being bailed out by our government.

wow thats realy bad out there!!!!
500+ ppl here and around 10% layoffs last year...

We also had 2 weeks of company shut-downs (not paid) at the end of 2009, and 2 more coming up in April and July...

The aerospace market usually gets hit a few months after everybody else as the effects take time to go down from the Airlines and OEMs down through the supplier chain, so we're actually starting to seriously worry about next year...

Tough times...
And get this.... a report went out last week sayin shreveport was one of the best places in the country to live and work..well i don't know how they came up with those stats ,but I can say myself things are'nt that great here....
Man sorry to here that.the automated dispatcher does make the work being handed out fair..maybe you could get on with an independent shop....its worth a try anyway.

I gave up on mechanics totally. 12 years of it and I was burned out anyway. BMW's have a way of wearing on a tech bad. Nothing pays what it should...not even close. (even the super fast guys said that) And BMW has one of the highest flat rate time structures in the market. But the design of the cars makes it impossible to complete a job and beat the flat rate time...most jobs...a few are ok. Maybe 3 or 4. The other 2000 are lose your ass type jobs.

We were required to spend hours looking for squeaks and rattles and then not get paid a dime of we didnt "fix" anything. But the cars were under warranty and BMW will not pay to replace a part that causes a squeak or rattle. So we were screwed from the beginning. Most of that is the dealership I worked for, greedy bastards they are. Another dealer I worked for had an account to pay the techs in those situations.

So many repairs REQUIRE the BMW diagnostic system to complete...even if you dont need it, to get a warranty claim paid, you have to use it. 9/10, just the time waiting for the computer to do its thing took longer than the job paid, and keep in mind im not including ANY time to actually replace or repair a component. total, absolute and utter BS. F BMW....basically.
Our workshop only has 2 guys on the floor and me in the office/floor, lately we have had 0-1 jobs a day going back to before christmas but the owner doesnt seem too worried about it yet. Im due for a payrise next week i dont think ive got much chance. Im told most of the workshops in the area are the same, apart from the performance ones, which are booked out weeks in advance,
Our workshop only has 2 guys on the floor and me in the office/floor, lately we have had 0-1 jobs a day going back to before christmas but the owner doesnt seem too worried about it yet. Im due for a payrise next week i dont think ive got much chance. Im told most of the workshops in the area are the same, apart from the performance ones, which are booked out weeks in advance,

WOW... THIS IS WORLDWIDE!! :eek: Most of our customers are only getting the necessitys repaired or mostly the work is warranty.... I had to replace a steering gear on an 02 dts the other day and line it up with four bald tires with threads hangin out of 3 of them....guy could'nt afford the tires almost broke him to replace the rack.....
Yea the states has a hugh bearing on the rest of the world, something happens there and the ripples in the pond hit us all. We are not doing too bad at the moment because the government stupidly threw money everywhere so that the global economic crisis didnt hit us so hard, the problem being when the world comes good again our country is now broke. We soon will be taxed so hard we will bleed to pay back all the money that has been spent.
Yea the states has a hugh bearing on the rest of the world, something happens there and the ripples in the pond hit us all. We are not doing too bad at the moment because the government stupidly threw money everywhere so that the global economic crisis didnt hit us so hard, the problem being when the world comes good again our country is now broke. We soon will be taxed so hard we will bleed to pay back all the money that has been spent.

i got $190.00 usd took out of last weeks check by the federal tax..its allready hitting me in the pocket book i hope it don't get much worse!! That was only a $820.00 gross
I was just sittin here watching the world news and i saw the 8.8 earthquake that hit Chili and I feel bad now for being so ungratful and starting this thread...i mean those people lost everything and family members....I am truly blessed to have a job and a home....