How to smoke your bike.



First you will need a largish rolling paper.


OK I took my bike to the shop. They said UHHHH Ummmmm Uhhhhh well um. Take it and wash it and see what you got.
I washed it.
The paint is sorta hazed. It may come clean with a buffing or it may need a paint job. The wiring and connectors are obviously smoked. The handle bars and triple tree are smoked up pretty good, the windshield is hazed. The black plastic dash fill is sorta brownish now. The paint has a few burn holes in the clear where stuff landed on it.
Anywho, its at my new place in the garage, it stinks, and I will know more later.

Lifewise its pretty tough. If you have ever thought about sitting down with pictures of everything you own burnt up, and then trying to write it all down on sheets, where you bought it, how long you have had it, and how much to replace it. It sucks monkey balls. I was able to salvage 4 pickup truck loads of stuff from the garage and carport. The rest is ruined. I will get another computer as soon as I can, but I am just trying to stay afloat untill I get everything caught up.

I will never have candles or matches in my home again as long as I live. F. them things right in their ear. I am pretty sad, but I am still blessed. Its just been hard to see it. I know its true though. Hope all is well with you all, and remember, Vote for Monica Lewinsky's ex boyfriend's wife. LOL NOT!!!!
If there is anything we can do just let us know. As for the bike, I remeber seeing that powder coat stuff in you garage (wink, wink) so that will take care of the triple trees and bars, I'm sure some one who went naked will have another windscreen (or puig it) and paint may be fun. Just remember you got the lemons........

make lemonade!
Good luck friend!
sucks to hear that you are having a tough time with this situation, i thought you were dealing with it pretty well.

Also glad that you have a new place and a garage. Good luck with the bike and once again if there is anything you need let us know.
Sorry to hear its still a bit ****e for you mate. Insurance forms suck. It might be that your bike is a write off. Your rainbow may be that black 08 after all.
Good luck, my thoughts are with you and Trin.
Those insurance forms really suck, especially when you're coming to terms with everything you lost. All my best for you and Trin in this difficult time.
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HA! HA!!!

I completley disassembled my bike to the frame and engine. I cleaned everything with lime cleaner, and reassembled it.
Its fine.
There is a little melt on one side pod, a few spots in the clear. Its ok. Soooooo... I get to keep my baby.
Papa dont preach, I'm keeping my baby. LOL
Life is good, I was just down the other day.
HA! HA!!!

I completley disassembled my bike to the frame and engine. I cleaned everything with lime cleaner, and reassembled it.
Its fine.
There is a little melt on one side pod, a few spots in the clear. Its ok. Soooooo... I get to keep my baby.
Papa dont preach, I'm keeping my baby. LOL
Life is good, I was just down the other day.

That's good to hear mate .... things are looking up ;)

HA! HA!!!

I completley disassembled my bike to the frame and engine. I cleaned everything with lime cleaner, and reassembled it.
Its fine.
There is a little melt on one side pod, a few spots in the clear. Its ok. Soooooo... I get to keep my baby.
Papa dont preach, I'm keeping my baby. LOL
Life is good, I was just down the other day.

Great to hear it Steve, hows everything else panning out? Hows things with the house and the insurance?
House will be summer before its repaired. The ceiling and wall to the kitchen were ripped out by the fire department. I leased a townhouse with a small garage. Its tight but it will work.
I bought mattresses on the floor. A sectional couch, a coffe table, and some plates, and cooking stuff. A coffee pot, towels, and such. I rented a tv, a table and chairs, and a washer dryer. The rest will have to wait.
hey you got a coffe pot, couch, tv, and bed for the youngun. what else do you really need? J/K man glad to hear things a finally starting to go your way.
House will be summer before its repaired. The ceiling and wall to the kitchen were ripped out by the fire department. I leased a townhouse with a small garage. Its tight but it will work.
I bought mattresses on the floor. A sectional couch, a coffe table, and some plates, and cooking stuff. A coffee pot, towels, and such. I rented a tv, a table and chairs, and a washer dryer. The rest will have to wait.

Sounds like you are almost back in the game, good to hear :thumbup:
Man that sucks! My buddy had to go through that process and it was definitely not an easy time for him. The insurance company did not make things any better either as they questioned pretty much everything that he was claiming for. :mad: They wanted pics of him with everything that he was claiming before they'd payout for it. B*stards!

Hope things shape up for you.