Do you wave to other riders??

Do you wave to other riders??

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I do either wave or nod(if I can't wave) to all riders. I find most everyone waves back , except the cruiser guys(not harley). The big Gold Wings and such.
Heehee. Yesterday I was driving up Ogden Canyon and passed five, er, cruisers, and waved at them. The guy in the back was the only one who waved back, guess cuz his buddies couldn't see... :p :justkidding:
Another good question is do you stop when a rider has pulled over on the side of the road?
Sometimes they have broken down & I offer a hand or a double to where they are goin. Other times I pull up they are just stretching their legs & are up for a chat. Good way to meet fellow bikers, also a good way to meet some strange & freaky people. Take the good with the bad I suppose.

That's a good philosophy, I'm going to do that from now on.
I almost always wave when it's safe to do so, and I have a few times when it wasn't... but I have also noticed that those who ride Harley's/cruisers seem less inclined to wave. Perhaps it has to do with some sort of superiority or inferiority complex?? I always wonder if they wave at other cruisers but not sport bikes.
I almost always wave when it's safe to do so, and I have a few times when it wasn't... but I have also noticed that those who ride Harley's/cruisers seem less inclined to wave. Perhaps it has to do with some sort of superiority or inferiority complex?? I always wonder if they wave at other cruisers but not sport bikes.

they feel superior because they are GATORS not noles
I was walking through the centre of town today (a miserable experience - the town being Reading (sorry Neil)) holding my helmet as I'd ridden in and I walked passed another guy in riding gear holding his helmet. We made eye contact and....nodded at each other. Felt slightly wierd and self conscious afterwards.:confused:
I was walking through the centre of town today (a miserable experience - the town being Reading (sorry Neil)) holding my helmet as I'd ridden in and I walked passed another guy in riding gear holding his helmet. We made eye contact and....nodded at each other. Felt slightly wierd and self conscious afterwards.:confused:

ooohhh, that would be awkward. Just imagine if he'd said hello!
It's much safer to walk around town wearing you helmet, just in case of one of those moments...especially in Reading!
Allright so I'm a miserable oik from the sticks!!! There's no nodding or waving in London though. Once inside the M25 it's a different world altogether! No-one acknowledges anyone.
i wave when i can, if i cant then a nod does the trick, unless its a harley/cruiser they get ignored as they NEVER acknowlege me. seems they have an international agreement to act like twats errr ignore everyone.
YEAH! I'm one of those styrofoam, spandex wearing, bicycle dudes! I may have more miles on my bicycles than motorcycles, I ride about 5,000 miles a year. I've had beer bottles thrown at me, I've been hit twice by drunks and once by a moran, all in bicycle lanes BTW. When I ride I ride to the right and I am very aware of where cars are and do my best to stay out to the way. I signal and make eye contact with them as I'm moving through traffic. I also choose routes that are smart for bikes and don't ride down a major busy road.

As far as the motorcycle I pretty much wave at everyone. The custom chopper guys seem to never wave back, I've pretty much given up on them.
Does anyone else wave to bicyclist? They are on two wheel too. They have it even worse than we do. At least people worry we will get off the bikes and kick thier asses. Some poor sap in a styro helmet, and spandex doesnt really inspire a lot of fear in a cager. LOL

yes to sports bikes its usually a nod not a wave, push bikes, sorry get off the friggin road, or pay rego, sorry to all that ride but i hate pushies on the road, they are bad here.
The results of this poll appears to based by region. I'm one of only three members who wave only to sportsbike, at least here locally. I will wave to other riders, including Harleys when I'm in more of an isolated or remote area where bikes are not as common in which responses are pretty much automatic. As far as waving during turns, I've never recalled that I wasn't able to not acknowledge. Left hand is always easy, however their has been occasions where I needed to use my right hand but I choose to nod at them and pull in my clutch and give it a good thottle up or two and rev up my FZ6 so they can hear my acknowedgement.
I understand how you feel about the cruiser types not waving. (I wouldn't isolate to just H-D's.) Before I got my FZ all I rode were cruziers, and I got waves back from everyone, mostly. I have noticed however that I get less waves on the FZ, it is quite annoying. I dont know if its the sport bike thing, or if it is part to do with you can't see my skin color at all when I ride in the winter. (I do live in the south, its sad that is still an issue)

However, I think I have figured out what part of the problem is in large areas like Charlotte. When backroading out here I wanna say the level of riders on average is not as high as compared to if you go to the mtns for a ride. There tend to be a lot of "newbies" and still dont seem to understand, where as when you go to the mtns. everybody waves, well for the most part, at least more than they do here in suburbia hell.

Oh well, I am a nice rider and I wave to everyone. I make it a challange sometimes to see if I can do it corners from time to time.

Oh and I don't wave to mopeds. Around here there is usually a reason they are on a "liquor cycle" and for that reason I have no respect for them at all.

70 degrees in Knoxville today. A sportbiker dropped his left hand and waved as I approached, I gave him a big head nod. Made my day. Its the shared experience thing.

"We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Ben Franklin
70 degrees in Knoxville today. A sportbiker dropped his left hand and waved as I approached, I gave him a big head nod. Made my day. Its the shared experience thing.

"We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Ben Franklin

Cool. Do you ever get a wave back from a cop? Depending on which part of the neighborhood you're riding in L.A., you may not get the expected friendly "wave" back from a cop. About a week ago I was pulled over by an A$$hole cop (alas he was not on a bike). I was not obstructing any traffic laws, nor riding unsafely when I noticed flashing lights, and loud siren scream right behind me. I pulled over, hit the kill-switch, only to hear - "Get of the bike, take off the helmet, and place it on the sidewalk!". The cop asked me to show him my license to which I happily showed him my earned class C and M1 license. He asked why I did not have my plates on the bike, so I had to explain how the bike is brand new and that I am simply going to the dealer to get my break-in service in. Anyway he seemed uninformed as he was surprised at the fact that the bike had only 600 miles and required a maintenance service. Oh, and before letting me go, he also commanded me to place my plate on as soon as it arrived from the DMV. YESSIR!, I replied ;-) I know he was not a bike cop, but he deserved other type of gesture from me :Flip: The funny thing is that my license plate arrived that very same day in the mail