Bad driver alert


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Jul 30, 2007
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Adelaide,South Australia
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Ok ,all S.A guys that live near or ride through the Darlington area.Beware of a real tosser in a silver VE Senator with personalised plates TRINITY

I was going up the middle stationary traffic at the corner of Marion rd / South rd today at about 2pm and this guy , with his wife and young daughter in the car,forced me into a truck !

My elbow hit the tray but nothing else thankfully .
He then went really slow up Flagstaff rd so I couldn't pass .When we got to the top he kept slowing down more and hitting the brakes.He turned into Flagstaff Hill just after the lights at the top of the hill,I looked over and both him and his wife were laughing !

Watch out for this moron if you see him guys .
Its a shame assault is illegal someone needs to teach douches like that a lesson. A painful one. I'd say try and take off his mirror if you see him again but he'd prob swerve into you.
You could probably put in a police report. Filtering when the traffic isn't moving is legal (here in nsw at least) and he was being irresponsible and putting people at risk.
My 2c anyway
I would go the mirror first! Always wipes the smile right off their smartar$e faces....

Reporting it to the cops will do bugger all...they are too busy hanging out at Macca's at Darlington or manning speed camera's behind tree's, etc.

Thanks for the warning...if i see this tool, which i probably will, as it's in my area, i might just sneak up and fix his mirrors for you....whoops, didnt see you there buddy....

I'm afraid I would have had to follow this dude home. If nothing more than to let him see that I know where he lives. :sinister:
If people want to force other folk to play their games, they will learn the hard way that certain people find different things funny. If that were my bro for instance, that guy would be getting fed intravenously as we speak.

Obviously hasn't tried it on with the wrong person yet. Don't worry. It's only a matter of time....just hope my tax dollars don't go towards keeping this f%^&wit alive on a machine.

Thanks for the heads up.

I reckon call the cops. Nothing will happen to them but they will get questioned and if they do it again then it's already on the books.

Glad you came out OK.

I am not sure of the requirements in South Australia, but a visit to the Police Website there should provide you with the opportunity to at least inform Police of the behaviour this driver exhibited towards you.
This is available in Vic through an anonymous form.
Who knows, the driver may have a history or outstanding warrants.
Your enquiry would be the start of a history for his behaviour at the very least. Provide as much non-emotional information as possible.

Whilst I have little time for the upholders of our laws, helping them to remove bad drivers off the roads does help our cause.
I report bad drivers.
Bailey Balwark
I am not sure of the requirements in South Australia, but a visit to the Police Website there should provide you with the opportunity to at least inform Police of the behaviour this driver exhibited towards you.
This is available in Vic through an anonymous form.
Who knows, the driver may have a history or outstanding warrants.
Your enquiry would be the start of a history for his behaviour at the very least. Provide as much non-emotional information as possible.

Whilst I have little time for the upholders of our laws, helping them to remove bad drivers off the roads does help our cause.
I report bad drivers.
Bailey Balwark

LOL! A logical response to an illogical idiot....i report bad drivers too, nothing has ever happened....not even after the idiot put me in hospital for Christmas!
i am sorry -i would have made him bleed profusely---in front of his wife and daughter. that wasnt funny. i take it kinda seriously when some one tries to hurt me and laugh's about it.
yeah that guy would have been missing a mirror of the side of his car if anything. That kind of stunt is uncalled for and unsafe I really don't think people know what can happen when they try crap like that
Sadly they do know, they are just too stupid to think it through. Would be good to see him do that to an experienced rider, cause an accident without the rider being hurt (this is the important part) and get sent to jail for attempted murder. Would be nice to see some light shed on the ignorance and stupidity of many cagers.

Anything with a motor on the road is a weapon. If you don't understand this you shouldn't have a license. A friend of mine recently said that you must get a license out of the bottom of a cereal box these days with the idiots on the road, and I think he is right.

My dad was also at the local RTA getting some info for regoing an old imported bike. He speaks a bit of chinese from when he lived and worked over there. Apparently the 'translator' who was meant to be translating for someone who didn't speak english was just giving the answers.
My Dad mentioned this to the RTA staff member (who was standing right in front of a massive poster about how cheating and bribes won't be tolerated) and was told there was nothing they could do... WTF?
Maybe someone should put these tools in some bike gear, and throw them down a road, or into a car...and see how they like it....

I bet the stupid pr**** wouldnt be so fast to play "chicken" with our lives!

You did the right thing Mick...dunno if i would of, and i have been riding about as long as you...but still, i can be a bit of an "angry biker" at times!

Believe me mate..............I was so tempted.

I's a measure of you as a man, your ability to walk away, which makes you a far better man, than the vermon who attacked you!

he must have a really small........

hence the reason i ALWAYS have either change or lugnuts in my pockets. i have taken out one windshield ill take another one out :Flip: