I wont be on much for a while.



Last night I came home around 915 pm, all the lights in my house were out. Thats odd since I always leave the porch and inside light on when I leave. I smell smoke, and call 911. I put Trin back in the truck, and walk around to the garage. Its glowing inside.
My house burnt up on the inside. It was over 1000 degrees in my house and every thing is destroyed. I have insurance so its just sucks. Trinity, SugarDaddy and I are all ok. The birds died. The bike got a little melty but nothing major. The kitchen is gone, the table is burnt. The house is unihabitable. It will be a while before I can post some pics. I am at my dads for a minute so I thought I would post about it.
Anyway, I will be around, and I will post more as I know more.
Jesus Steve, I am glad you and Trin are OK thank god. I hope your insurance will cover the lot.
Have you any idea what caused it?
How about you put the bike back in and claim to get your balck 08:justkidding:

Good luck with it all, is Trin ok? Fires are pretty scary for children.

Steve, I am so sorry to hear that. We are all glad you and Trinity are okay. Do you have any idea on what may have caused the fire?? Good thing you and Trin weren't in there sleeping and sorry about the little birdies :(
Good luck Steve. My prayers are with you.
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I am sorry to hear about home.:( It is good that your family is OK. Shame about the birds. No words of wisdom, but we are all concerned for you and your family. Hope everything works out with the insurance company.
im reading this as the fire alarm of my building is ringing like crazy! , i checked the security camera downstairs,everything looks calm,,,fire trucks are outside as they are working on whatever the problem is,,i have no desire to go down 20 floors by stairs,,,i hope it is a false alarm as it happens once in a while...

im so sorry about the house,,,how did the fire started and who took it out? did you have to wait for the fire department or is it your effort? glad that everybody is ok except the poor birds...i hope everything thats lost is replacable..good luck with the recovery process and see you soon.. :(
Items can be replaced, people can't, glad to hear everyone is safe. Sorry to hear this and good luck with everything.

WOW sorry to hear about that Steve... I glad no one was hurt... Thats the important thing.. But I cant imagine... Sucks that your stuff got burned. Hope you didn't lose any ireplacable things like photos ect.
OMG, that is horrible, I am sorry for your losses but i am also thankful that they are limited to material things (other than the birds). If there is anything you can think of that you need let me know and I am sure we can try to come up with some things. did your computer get cooked? if so i have an old Mac powerbook G3 that only needs a power supply if it would help...other things i can keep an eye out for things.

Also, what melted on the bike? I would claim it and see if the forum can scrape together some bits to get the old going again and then you can have two.
Glad nobody got hurt. Can't imagine what you are going through because I've never experienced anything like that, but it's got to be hard. Let me know if you need anything and I will see what I can do... Just ask and pm me.
Holy crap man.! I wish the best for you and Trinity. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Sheesh, I'm so glad you and Trinity are OK! I'm very sorry to hear about your home - I can't imagine what that must be like. Hopefully, all will work out OK regarding replacement of home and belongings...