Need help mounting Two Brothers Exhaust


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Jun 8, 2009
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Lansing, MI USA
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So I got a great deal on a CF TB exhaust, but in my excitement I didn't realize that it doesn't include the mounting hardware!!!! I contacted two brothers and ordered the rubber clamps that go around the cans but they want $99 just for the metal bracket that the cans attach to (which doubles as the FE).

Anyone have an suggestions for alternatives??? I'd rather not pay $$$ for a little piece of stamped steel. I was thinking about fabricating my own, so any measurements or hi-res pics of the bracket would be awesome.
I'd go shoot some pics of mine but the GF just left today for a 10 day Florida trip and she took the camera with her. I doubt my crappy cell would take pics that would help, best I can do for ya is this. Gives you the idea anyway.
Looked through my pic files of my bike. These are the only ones I found that might help ya shows how the bottom tabs are bent. No pics of the top.:(
yeah the piece in the lower left hand corner of your pic is what I was trying to buy, but $99 seemed a little steep for me.

Anyone interested in a used FAZR6 FE Kit? I was thinking of selling it to hedge the cost of the TB kit.
yeah the piece in the lower left hand corner of your pic is what I was trying to buy, but $99 seemed a little steep for me.

Anyone interested in a used FAZR6 FE Kit? I was thinking of selling it to hedge the cost of the TB kit.

I combined my FAZR6 FE with the TB FE kit. Boneman's FZ6 Site - Two Brothers M2 Carbon Fiber Exhaust

Here is the bracket in question:


Here it is mounted up & with the FAZR 6 FE kit attached:


It's mounted on the bike so I won't be able to get you any measurements.

$99 seems really steep for what is basically a stamped out piece of aluminum, but it is the main mounting bracket for the system so i suggest you get it. Can't really mount them without it.

...guess it wasn't such a 'great deal' afterall....
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Problem is you're going to have to either fabricate something, not only to fasten the clamps you ordered but also a FE to attach to this fabricated metal bent hanger. If you have access to welding machine, that might be do-able. Have you looked at other exhaust manufacturers, like Akrapovic? They have a relatively ingenious hanger that will work with your stock fender/plate holder and it might be cheaper...

Thanks for the suggestions...the exhaust is supposed to arrive tomorrow and you can bet my day is planned after I pick it up. SBN had a good post on using it without the mount at all, but I'm not sure I would feel comfortable with that.

I'll probably try fabricating some L-brackets to secure the cans. Boneman, love the way your hybrid FE looks, if all else fails, that will be the solution.