Is it just me?


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Tacoma Wa.
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Today while at work I was driving the state van to transport some fellow employee's to the parking lot. There is a 15 MPH right turn on the way. Now, I love riding more than anything, its all I think about all day long. In fact, I have rode several different routes with supreme excellence while at work, IN MY MIND (day dreaming ):squid:. Now back to the story. When approaching the turn, like a good rider, I turned my head and looked into the turn. What I failed to do, was realize that a 10 pass. van cannot take a turn like a 600cc sportbike. While looking through the turn I noticed that the van would not lean to the right like I wanted it to (due to serious lack of countersteering ) and I had to turn the wheel really hard and apply a generous amount of brakes. We made it through the turn O.K. but not without some embarrassment on my part and a little sharing of the opposite lane:spank:. I got to thinking, could riding so much ( all year round ) have turned me into the crappiest cager that ever lived?:don'tknow: Take it easy on me.
Yup, Gotta catch myself all the time. Even the Misses says," Hey! You're not on your bike!" Hahaha
LOL. I was driving my truck with a friend and I must have been going a little too fast because he told me that I'm not on the bike. I guess riding the bike a lot does have an effect when you get in your car or truck.
I think there's a post from a couple months back about how riding affects your diving skills. I've noticed a tendancy to start wide and then hug the curb on cager turns lately...
LOL,cool story.

No it's not just you,I have my head out the window on right handers ,lol

Must have a long neck. ;)

Haha nice story. I too have noticed a bit of change in my driving when in my car (I don't call them cages..I still do like cars. :thumbup: )
I find that I drive much less agressively in my car, and that riding the bike has positively affected my awareness while in the car. I actually pay much more attention to the road, am more polite and yielding and drive the speed limit.

I think this is because I can get my agressiveness out while on the motorcycle and just drive normally while in the car. Then again, my motorcycle is my daily driver, and I only drive the car when the wife isn't using it, or when we go to get groceries, run errands, etc.
LOL!! After I go for a long ride and get into the 4-cyl (about 33 hp I think) it feels like I'm pulling about 5,000 lbs. of cement blocks behind me!!