Hairbrain Scheme #763


Senior FZ6 Advisor
Aug 1, 2008
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Well , I did it, sort of. I just phoned in a deposit on...a 2009 blue FZ1! I just couldn't get the bike out of my head. I also decided that I'd go with the '09 over the '08 if I could get a deal on that. I offered my bike + $4000 and we settled on my bike + $4100. So of course I'm feeling guilty as anything and have to call my friend for some biker's anonymous support. Thanks Dan. :thumbup:

So I will probably pick it up tonight or tomorrow. I'm an idiot right?
Well , I did it, sort of. I just phoned in a deposit on...a 2009 blue FZ1! I just couldn't get the bike out of my head. I also decided that I'd go with the '09 over the '08 if I could get a deal on that. I offered my bike + $4000 and we settled on my bike + $4100. So of course I'm feeling guilty as anything and have to call my friend for some biker's anonymous support. Thanks Dan. :thumbup:

So I will probably pick it up tonight or tomorrow. I'm an idiot right?

Well I'll be damned! Haha, congratulations on the upgrade :thumbup:
Congrats on the FZ1. I read the thread where you were debating it back and forth. Glad to see you made a decision. No, you're not an idiot. Motorcycling is a passion and you must go with what stirs your blood. Ride what ever you love and you can't go wrong. Just like the 6 was the right bike yesterday, the FZ1 may be the right bike for tomorrow.

Again, congrats and ride safe!
Congrats on the FZ1. I read the thread where you were debating it back and forth. Glad to see you made a decision. No, you're not an idiot. Motorcycling is a passion and you must go with what stirs your blood. Ride what ever you love and you can't go wrong. Just like the 6 was the right bike yesterday, the FZ1 may be the right bike for tomorrow.

Again, congrats and ride safe!

Well I'll be damned! Haha, congratulations on the upgrade :thumbup:

Thank you both. I really appreciate it.
I also read your previous thread when you were struggling with the decision - my thought then is as now - go for it! You only get one chance at life so live it to the fullest. Congratulations!
With everyone buying new bikes, it's driving me nuts! I've been eying the FJR's for a year or two now, and really, REALLY want one, but can't afford it.

Y'all need to quit upgrading!
So, I guess I am a bad influence, eh? Seems I've started some type of revolution...

Norm, that is great! I did get your VM (was in meetings until 2pm...) and was very happy about the news for you. No, you're not an idiot and I doubt you'll have regrets, just lots of pure enjoyment. I'm giving you a call back right now.

:steve: Congrats!!! :rockon:

Oh! And don't forget to come register at Admin's other site! Still a young and growing site but striving to become what this site is in the FZ6 world. :D
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If it makes you happy, and you have the money, go for it. It may sound trite, but you really only do live once. I saw a great ad, long ago, for some hi-fi amp. It read "even if you can't afford the best of everything; you can afford the best of something". That's one of the best rationalizations I've ever heard.:thumbup:


:cheer:Congratulations on the FZ1...I will eventually make the switch myself.:cheer:

I was going to buy an FZ1 before my good friend Tom passed away last year from cancer and left me his 07 FZ6 with 4K on the clock. Of course I am emotionally attached to this bike and it will be very difficult for me to give it up, I feel like I would be betraying him since he could have left the bike to any number of people including his brother! It was his pride an joy and like many members on this forum, he spent many hours researching the many choices that out there on the market. He loved his FZ6.

Anyway, I think you made a good decision and got a great deal.

Enjoy it and don't look back!:thumbup:
Nope, you aren't an idiot. (But, I didn't think you would buy this fast.) :Flash:

Congratulations - and totally enjoy it!
I was going to buy an FZ1 before my good friend Tom passed away last year from cancer and left me his 07 FZ6 with 4K on the clock. Of course I am emotionally attached to this bike and it will be very difficult for me to give it up, I feel like I would be betraying him since he could have left the bike to any number of people including his brother! It was his pride an joy and like many members on this forum, he spent many hours researching the many choices that out there on the market. He loved his FZ6.

Jeez! I'm with you on this one... not sure I could ever give up that bike given the history. Maybe you can get the FZ1 and keep them both? ;) Sorry about Tom but glad a part of him lives on with you.

As for Norm, I cannot wait to hear his ride reports and then meet with him for coffee and a ride!
Just came home with it. Are you familiar with the saying "better to ask for forgiveness than permission." We'll I'm going through that right now. Felicia is none too pleased. It's not like anyone's going to miss a meal. I mean, I payed cash for it and own it outright. She's just a...what's the word...oh yea, practical woman! Anyway, the tension is a little high at the moment, but if you can wait tilll tomorrow I'll give you all the details. Let's just say: I LOVE THIS BIKE!

Eric, I gave you my work # and soon after I gave it to you I left early from work to pick up the bike. I'll call you tomorrow and give you my cell then. If my wife hears me on the phone tonight yucking it up...we'll lets not talk about that. And Eric, you didn't exaggerate any aspect of the bike. It's awesome. Not that I've ridden it a zillion miles, but just coming home from the dealership I got a pretty good idea of this bike. As a friend on another forum told me "if you liked the FZ6, you'll love the FZ1."
Just came home with it. Are you familiar with the saying "better to ask for forgiveness than permission." We'll I'm going through that right now. Felicia is none too pleased. It's not like anyone's going to miss a meal. I mean, I payed cash for it and own it outright. She's just a...what's the word...oh yea, practical woman! Anyway, the tension is a little high at the moment, but if you can wait tilll tomorrow I'll give you all the details. Let's just say: I LOVE THIS BIKE!

Take heart Norm. It took a full six months in the doghouse for my wife to get over it when I bought the Fizzer. Two years to get her on the back of it. If I ever get and FZ1, it'll probably be red for the sole reason that she'd never even notice the change. The seat seems different? Oh, yeah, that's just a mod. ;)

As far as the expense goes, someone else commented about having "the best of something". I've been a car guy all my life. I lust after Porsches, Ferraris, Vipers, Vettes, Audi S5, even Nissan Zs! All but the Z are pretty much permanently out of my price range. But bikes? Dude, you got one of the best bikes out there and it cost ya 4 grand. Try that in the car world! I'm savin' my pennies to join you.
Just came home with it. Are you familiar with the saying "better to ask for forgiveness than permission." We'll I'm going through that right now. Felicia is none too pleased. It's not like anyone's going to miss a meal. I mean, I payed cash for it and own it outright. She's just a...what's the word...oh yea, practical woman! Anyway, the tension is a little high at the moment, but if you can wait tilll tomorrow I'll give you all the details. Let's just say: I LOVE THIS BIKE!

Eric, I gave you my work # and soon after I gave it to you I left early from work to pick up the bike. I'll call you tomorrow and give you my cell then. If my wife hears me on the phone tonight yucking it up...we'll lets not talk about that. And Eric, you didn't exaggerate any aspect of the bike. It's awesome. Not that I've ridden it a zillion miles, but just coming home from the dealership I got a pretty good idea of this bike. As a friend on another forum told me "if you liked the FZ6, you'll love the FZ1."
I caught Hell for a year over my FZ6,and like you I paid cash for it.did'nt matter to the wife.
Just came home with it. Are you familiar with the saying "better to ask for forgiveness than permission." We'll I'm going through that right now. Felicia is none too pleased. It's not like anyone's going to miss a meal. I mean, I payed cash for it and own it outright. She's just a...what's the word...oh yea, practical woman! Anyway, the tension is a little high at the moment, but if you can wait tilll tomorrow I'll give you all the details. Let's just say: I LOVE THIS BIKE!

Eric, I gave you my work # and soon after I gave it to you I left early from work to pick up the bike. I'll call you tomorrow and give you my cell then. If my wife hears me on the phone tonight yucking it up...we'll lets not talk about that. And Eric, you didn't exaggerate any aspect of the bike. It's awesome. Not that I've ridden it a zillion miles, but just coming home from the dealership I got a pretty good idea of this bike. As a friend on another forum told me "if you liked the FZ6, you'll love the FZ1."

take her for a ride----she will get over it real quick. ohhh and CONGRATULATIONS!!! puts off a little heat but it is worth it. really pulls doesnt it??
Norm, awesome news! I'm so glad you love the bike! Whew! So glad I did not let you down! ;)

She'll be OK with it after a while... Have her call my wife and she'll get a new outlook on the situation. :D
congrats Norm. This FZ1 fever seems to be going around. I think if Yami released a few demo FZ1's and let FZ6 riders ride for a day, they would get more defectors
Norm, awesome news! I'm so glad you love the bike! Whew! So glad I did not let you down! ;)

She'll be OK with it after a while... Have her call my wife and she'll get a new outlook on the situation. :D

NO, do not do that, she'll have her convinced to get an FZ6R for herself...;) j/k

Enjoy the new ride:thumbup:

You all realize every time someone posts up about getting an FZ1, Eric sits back at his work station and cops an evil full faced grin:innocent: