Is it just me?


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Mobile, AL
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Every time someone nearly hits me, they act like it's my fault.

Example 1: I'm riding through the parking lot and some woman putting on make-up is cutting through the parking spaces. She comes out from behind a building nearly t-bones me and I stopped just short of colliding with her. She throws her hands up and looks at me in disgust like I was just doing stoppies to impress my friends.

Example 2: Woman in an SUV was too busy talking to her passenger and I was going down the main road downtown where all crossing roads have stop signs and have to yield. I was going BELOW the 20mph speed limit because its a bumpy road and she pulled out as I was about 5 feet away. I stop the bike as hard as I could on the gravel-covered road and stopped directly in front of her. She lays down on their horn like I was supposed to yield to her.

Example 3: Guy is cruising down both lanes with half of his car creeping over into the right hand lane that I'm in. I see him coming in my mirror and swerve out of the way before he clips me and then I see him throw up his hand with that "What the hell, man?" glare in reflection of his side mirror. He continues along taking up both lanes.

Example 4: Redneck in his compensation car gets tired of traffic and thinks he's going to save time by making a sudden switch to the left hand lane when the truck in front of him was going too slow and nearly rams me off of the road. I shift into the turning lane, speed up, and get in front of him. I look in my mirror and he's making that "Oh my god, look at these motorcyclists using the turning lane like it's their own road!" and honks his horn.

Am I just living in the wrong place or does this happen to everyone?
Mate its not just you , im a Truck Driving , Motorbike Rider so EVERYTHING in my fault :( :spank:.....Blame me for the global warming , global finacial crisis and ohh i dunno George W :D....Ive got broad shoulders i can take it :thumbup:
Mate its not just you , im a Truck Driving , Motorbike Rider so EVERYTHING in my fault :( :spank:.....Blame me for the global warming , global finacial crisis and ohh i dunno George W :D....Ive got broad shoulders i can take it :thumbup:

Finally its you, my wife blames me for everything. I'm going to give her you name. Thanks for that.:cheer:
Bikers are the idiot drivers scape-goat. "It's not my fault my head was in my ass, that damn biker was doing wheelies and stoppies and breaking the speed limit and I swear I saw him envoke Satan........."
I don't know what it's like in other parts of the country but around here people drive like Fn idiots all the time. Stop signs no longer mean anything, people just blow through them. There's one about a block from my house that I've almost been hit at a dozen times - most of them when I'm in my explorer. They approach the intersection knowing they aren't going to stop then glare at any on coming traffic that actually makes them yield the right of way :confused:

I wish we could just blast people with an Idiot sticker when they do that and then the next LEO that sees them would have to pull them over and arrest them! Straight to jail, no trial, death by bongo bongo!!!
One: You need to start learning to use your horn. The lady beat you to it, making you look bad.

Two: You need to upgrade to the Stebel Horn. The ear piercing 140 decibles would have caused the woman putting on her lipstick or makeup to look like the Joker in the movie Batman.

I was attending our weekly Two Wheels Tuesday's get together from the local forum I belong to here in Vegas. Met up with a real nice expereiced rider who moved from LA. He said he was afraid to get on his motorcycle once he got to Vegas. He thought that the people driving here was the worst he's ever seen, with all the tourist and cabs. So he's riding around with this bright orange safety vest.
It's not just you. I've had people do all sorts of stupid things and never once acknowledged they made a mistake. Not just on a bike. In the store when they made incorrect change, at the restaurant when they got the wrong order, etc. They must have all been raised by lawyers: "Never admit fault." (Sorry to our lawyer members. Some of my best friends are lawyers. Well actually, that's not true. None of my best friends are lawyers. What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?)
It's not just you. I've had people do all sorts of stupid things and never once acknowledged they made a mistake. Not just on a bike. In the store when they made incorrect change, at the restaurant when they got the wrong order, etc. They must have all been raised by lawyers: "Never admit fault." (Sorry to our lawyer members. Some of my best friends are lawyers. Well actually, that's not true. None of my best friends are lawyers. What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?)

I bought my FZ6 to make my trip back and forth from law school more economical. :(
translation: I had get a bike because I could no longer afford the gas bill of a muscle car at wot but didn't want to give up speed.;)

Nah, I had a Shadow 1100 ACE before the FZ6, but commuting on the highway with a super-rumbly V-Twin became tedious. Plus, cruisers turn into money sinks when you get chrome fever and I live in the humid South where rust reigns king.

I think it's impossible to beat the value of a bike that goes $4600, looks incredible, has all the features we get, and can perform as a light ST with ~45mpg. But I'm preaching to the choir now.