Don't tell me that we're not a throwaway society.


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Yesterday I was leaving for school and noticed that a neighbor had a piece of computer hardware sitting on the curb. Collector that I am, I stopped and collected it.

I just hooked it up and tested it. It's a perfectly good photo printer/scanner/copier. It just needed ink cartridges.

So rather than pay $40 for ink, they threw $100 of electronics that was so new, it didn't even have dust, scratches or fingerprints on it.

Part of me despises this kind of waste.

Part of me says,"Hey, free photo printer/scanner/copier."

Even if I don't spring for the ink, I have a free scanner!

The point is, don't be a wasteful idiot. But if you insist on it, leave the good stuff on the curb so I can pick it up.

Don't blame the wasteful idiot. Blame the ridiculous prices they charge for ink cartridges. It's often cheaper to buy a new printer than to buy replacement ink. I haven't priced printers recently, but I remember you could often find them for less than $25, sometimes free after rebate. Then you go to buy new ink and and it's $50.
That's true, but the manufacturers have since clued in. HP, for one, now loads new printers with "starter" cartridges which hold about 1/2 as much as a new one.
This reminds me of when Flat screen monitors took off.....Everyone was getting them, and for months...everywhere you drove..there was discarded old style Computer Monitors everywhere on the sides of roads! Nothing wrong with them...just out of fashion! Obsolete!

The ink cartridge for my laser printer, actually costs more than what i paid for the printer in the first place too! Crazy stuff!
Don't blame the wasteful idiot. Blame the ridiculous prices they charge for ink cartridges. It's often cheaper to buy a new printer than to buy replacement ink.

I paid $45 for new ink for this one.
If I'd had to buy the printer used, it would not have been such a good deal. But since the printer was free, $45 isn't such a bad price.

And it's also a scanner! The scanner part is better than the printer, and uses no ink at all!

For my day to day printing, I picked up a Brother HL2070N a few years ago. Black and white laser printer with a network connection. Rather than hook it to a computer, I connect it to my network hub and it shares itself. And the printing costs for laser as much lower. I've printed about two reams of paper on it and it's still on its first toner cartridge.

the problem is not a "throw-away society", it is that Vista doesn't support a lot of printers. :spank: Once they stop supporting them they are basically useless/trash. :eek:
people that buy new printers rather than buy ink are not smart.

it is NOT cheaper to buy a new printer.

starter cartridges that new ones ship out with will hold at MOST half as much ink/toner as a full one and usually considerably less than that even. the only printers which will ship with full cartridges are a HANDFUL of higher end colour laser machines.

i worked in sales selling these things in retail for a year and a bit.
my freind put an old fridge out on the curb hoping some one would pick it up.after a week no one had even slowed down to get a better look.he got the idea to put For Sale $50 bucks on the side of it before leaving for work.needless to say it was gone when he got home! LOL:D
Fred, "For my day to day printing, I picked up a Brother HL2070N a few years ago. Black and white laser printer with a network connection. Rather than hook it to a computer, I connect it to my network hub and it shares itself. And the printing costs for laser as much lower. I've printed about two reams of paper on it and it's still on its first toner cartridge."
That's the printer I bought too, January '07, and I haven't replaced the cartridge yet either.

Most of us smell the ink conspiracy, and my next printer will be the Kodak, they're bucking the trend and selling ink at its real value, kudos to them!
my freind put an old fridge out on the curb hoping some one would pick it up.after a week no one had even slowed down to get a better look.he got the idea to put For Sale $50 bucks on the side of it before leaving for work.needless to say it was gone when he got home! LOL:D
That's brilliant, and sad, at the same time...
my freind put an old fridge out on the curb hoping some one would pick it up.after a week no one had even slowed down to get a better look.he got the idea to put For Sale $50 bucks on the side of it before leaving for work.needless to say it was gone when he got home! LOL:D

Yep, that trick works every time. My friend just bought a new computer monitor because the old one died, and he was too lazy to throw it away, so he left it on his doorstep. It sat there for a week, until I stuck a sign on it that said "Do Not Steal." It was gone in 5 minutes.
Yep, that trick works every time. My friend just bought a new computer monitor because the old one died, and he was too lazy to throw it away, so he left it on his doorstep. It sat there for a week, until I stuck a sign on it that said "Do Not Steal." It was gone in 5 minutes.
Isn't it sad - we have become so disposable. However - I truely think that if we didn't have all the cheap overseas made crap, we wouldn't need to toss it so much!
... and my next printer will be the Kodak, they're bucking the trend and selling ink at its real value, kudos to them!

Threadjack of sorts: I have a kodak dye sublimation printer. I can't recommend their stuff as their after-the-sale support is beyond bad.