
Former '04 FZ6 Rider
Aug 14, 2007
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San Francisco, CA
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And wear good gear, and think of those you share the road with! This could have been much worse!!!

Braking, but not turning....probably fixating on the truck

lost a shoe

man he lucked out

doesn't look like the truck hit he brakes, just held his line (a good one)



Dude is lucky to still have his leg. Hell even be alive. Nice boots though.

You know hell at least try to turn, it cant get much worse if you try to turn.
NICE! He lost his sneaker and ground the top of his right knee very nicely. :thumbup:

I feel for the driver of the truck. I wonder if he got out and began kicking the rider?

Damn! I can't say that I haven't gone into the other lane like that before, but thankfully there's never been a car there.
You live and learn...right? :D
Wow, more bike than brains there, he is probably a newer rider trying to keep up with his friend on the bike in front of him and was obviously riding above his abilities. I hope he gets back on a bike and rides safer, lots of people get in their first crash and give up the sport...
i just looked at the first picture again and it looks like he hit that truck pretty hard, look how much the tire is leaned in
And this is why wearing a full head to toe motorcycle gear is so important. He is really lucky his did not loose his legs from the impact or worse. I hope he is OK tho.
Man, I hate it for the rider, and I hope he is ok, but that is some good photography. I hope the driver of the cage is ok as well. That has to be scary driving down a nice calm road, relaxing day, and then wham!!! Biker knocking on your door with his motorcycle.
it almost looks like the other rider just keeps going...... I would almost put money on object fixation....... Just needs to Look, Press, Lean, and Roll :thumbup:

same thing happened to me but I hit a median and sugar sand not oncoming traffic

hope he is O.K.
What an idiot, he is miles over that line and there is enough room to get 4 bikes in his lane.

If you cross that line you can die so easily. There are vids on Youtube of guys doing exactly that..dying crossing the line.

I wonder what the cameraman was doing there? Possibly filming his mates racing??

Looks like a fun stretch of road! At least there is proof that is wasn't the cager's fault! I always tell people NOT to follow anyone else's pace but their own. Especially my housemate who is just learning and coming out to the cruise I do for Ride Nights on Thursdays...just relax..it's what the night is all about. Not wheelies, stoppies, and crap. It's okay to not be wearing boots...he had ultra armoured socks on!
Awesome image series!!!

Yeah that was cool! In pic 3 you can see he was going for the chin and knee caps first approach to landing on pavement, then in pic 5 I his injured, shoeless leg looks kind of gnarly, but then in the last one he's using it to get up. Either it didn't break or he's in shock and damaging it more, then again we'd all do the same if we were sprawled out in the middle of a corner. He looks new and just didn't commit to the turn I'd say.

edit: wait maybe he's just still rolling and not trying to get up. I wish you could see the driver's face in these shots!
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During riding season at Deal's Gap (where the incident occured) there are usually 4-6 photographers that set up and shoot all day. They shoot anyone that rides by, hoping the riders will buy their pics off the web.

Killboy is the most (in?)famous. :D His site is worth checking out.

killboy.com - Your Professional Photos from US129 Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap

OMG, the reason why all those accidents happen in the first place is the fact these photographers are on the side of the road distracting riders.

As mentioned, target fixation. We do it subconsciously, may it be a police car, traffic accident, or stalled car...anything out of the ordinary we'll lose focus.

While it's not illegal for them to do this, I suppose we as riders must remember to not get overconfident, don't be a show off and stay focus. Or you'll end up having your entire accident photographed.
OMG, the reason why all those accidents happen in the first place is the fact these photographers are on the side of the road distracting riders.

or is it because the riders are trying to "show off" for the camera, by riding over their head?