New Years Resolutions - 2009

Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
Premium Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Southwest WI
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It has been a few years since I actually put some New Years resolutions down, and thought this year would be a good time to try doing it again. So - here goes...

1. Ride my bike as much as possible.
2. Eat healthier - by this I mean make better food choices.
3. Don't sweat the small stuff.
4. Drop some weight - I am not setting a definite pound amount - some would be better than none!
5. Exercise more.
6. Get a cholesterol test (this is a biggie for me since I have needle phobia)

Those, I think, at attainable.

What are yours? :Flash:
I have just a few, hopefully attainable goals.

1. Ride FZ6 more.
2. Slow down and enjoy things.
3. Get outside more (hiking, camping et cetera).
4. Finally take trip to visit friends on the East Coast.

I am planning on actually taking vacation this upcoming summer, I am sick of losing my vacation days at the end of the year. Even if my work is not complete, I'm taking off!!:Flip:
(Continue to) Be the best person I can possibly be and hope I get a ticket through the Pearly gates.

Lose 30 lbs and keep it off. (So long Ben! So Long Jerry!)
(Continue to) Be the best person I can possibly be and hope I get a ticket through the Pearly gates.

Lose 30 lbs and keep it off. (So long Ben! So Long Jerry!)

What? No more Chunky Monkey?!?!?!? The horror!!!!

Good luck with all your resolutions. I should be resolute myself, but I'm just happy to still be alive....:D
My resolution is to not make any resolution(s);)

Things I hope to accomplish this year...

Trust God in all things, not just some !

Improve in small increments in several areas.

Quit smoking ( hard to keep those patches lit though...)

Enjoy a fine beverage more than twice a year.

Eat better, exercise more

Actually play an entire song on my guitar:eek:

Improve my riding skills.


Make the bike about 30lbs lighter (with my not as fat A$$ on it)
ride more
convince the girl she won't die when riding with me. Good passenger mechanically, but screaming slow down I don't wanna die kinda distracts ya...
Study .04 gpa harder (got a 3.46 and 3.5 saves me roughly 500 a year for insurance)
I'm with FZ... Be as "good" of a person as possible. It doesn't benefit anyone when ya act like a dick.
Quit smoking ( hard to keep those patches lit though...)

I was talking with the wife of a co-worker who was trying to quit years ago, and she said he'd actually taken a heating pad and held it on his patch, trying to get more "juice" out of it!

Good luck! :thumbup:
What? No more Chunky Monkey?!?!?!? The horror!!!!

Good luck with all your resolutions. I should be resolute myself, but I'm just happy to still be alive....:D

Sigh..... yeah..... no more Chunky Monkey thus no more Chubby Hubby... ;)

Thanks! I'm shooting for a modest 5 lbs a month for the first 6 months then keep it off for the last 6 months. Going to be tough in the winter here....

I guess I'll have to get all the laundry off that rack... the one that resembles a treadmill. :rolleyes:
1. Lose 6-8 kg
2. Learn more Danish
3. Do the Iron Butt SS1000
4. Get something published in our national motorbike mag.

Ok here's mine.

1. Never go to a public Hospital emergency department ever again, if i can help it!
2. Continue to lose weight, and say bye bye to my "love handles".
3. Quit the cancer sticks.
4. Stay Upright on my trusty steed.
5. Sell my business, and just play tunes for a gig....more time to ride, more time with the kids, and most importantly, get me out of my office, and away from the PC a bit more...
6. Get Ozzieboy to do at least one mod to his bike! other than a Kangaroo scarer whistle!

well i don't typically make new year's resolutions, but i guess i always have things i would like to accomplish. this year i want to:

1. pay off all of our credit card debt
2. get my first counseling job

in addition to all the baby-related stuff, of course
Well, i gave up ciggs for new years before, then i just started to smoke more cigars, like 2 or 3 a day, which inhaling a cigar is like 10 ciggs... so then the wife forced me to quit that and i picked up dip.. and would do a pack of grizzly a day... now im forced to quit all tobacco, so i have to i find something to smoke that isnt tobacco... :thumbup: