Just divorced!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
May 6, 2008
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I'm not proud of it, but I am happy that it's finally over with! It really was my intention until death do us part, but things sadly did not get better with time. I got a knot in my stomach when the judge said the last words, is there anything that can be done to save this marriage, luckily she said no first, maybe I would have just burst into tears if I were first :confused:

God only understands why things happen, I hope something lies around the corner soon!!

It will all work out man. Been there, done that, it sucks, move on. This too shall pass. Good times Bad times lifes got it all.
Recently split with mine too mate. Had to move out of my house and rent it out to pay for the new mortgage since I had to pay her out a pile of dough. Missed out on the last couple months of my cat's life. It's a tough thing to deal with.
I suggest catching up with some old friends you haven't seen for a while and when it all gets a little much......go for a ride:rockon:.
It gets easier. Mine happened at Easter this year after a 10 year relationship. I'm certainly not over it, but I have learned how to take my mind off it now.
Hang in there. Life is good...mostly...lol.:thumbup:
Take some you time. Find something to keep you mind off of it. My sister's divorce was finalized 3 days ago. She said it sucks and is killing her, but it is for the best. Leaving that comfort zone is hard, but staying is sometimes worse. keep your chin up. It just means that there is someone better for you out there.
I have been in ths position before and it is hard and a bit strange to begin with. But it does get better...I promise you.

Find some bike friends and start socialising with them away from the bikes as well. The biggest enemy at your present stage is loneliness, so get out there.

It is a hard thing! I have been divorced for about three years now married 10, she just recentley remarried even though i'm happy for her it still hit me pretty hard. I too thought we would be together for ever and this time a year ago it look like we might reconcile.

Best wishes to you.
Sorry to hear that this had to happen. In my life, I've always been the optimist and firmly believe that with a great attitude, something better will come your way. Believing in yourself first is the key. That attitude reflects outward and everyone can see this.
Sorry to hear that man.

to help take your mind off of it: How gnarly is it in Tijuana right now? I heard there were shootings at this years' Baja 1000! My buddy has a house 10 mins north of Rosarito. Is it safe anymore? I always thought the toll road was pretty safe (once you got to it).
It's always best if a good marriage lasts! But so many times people change,
and they are not the same person we married. Many times those marriages don't work out.
All the our Fizzer friends are right, life sucks now, but it definetly will get
better. And there is someone better out there for you, perhaps they have
been through this also and will work harder on a new relationship.
Don't do anything dumb, but don't just sit around moping. Time to
take a trip or visit friends. A good motorcycle ride always makes me feel
Good luck to ya, and you do have friends right here.
Hey man.....I'm sorry things didn't work......everything happens for a reason. I hope you find happiness, hang in there.....I'm sure it's devastating no matter what the problems were. Good luck!
there is

her name is Danielle.

she has soft hands and luscious lips.

Totally uncalled for! Don't be a jerk.
I have been there - so I know how awful it feels. And - I was the one who asked for the divorce. The day of was the worst for me - I cried the whole day because I felt like a large part of me had died. It didn't help that he brought his girlfriend with to the court house. Jerk. After that day, it just kept getting better and better and I don't regret it for a minute.

Hang in there!!
I have been there - so I know how awful it feels. And - I was the one who asked for the divorce. The day of was the worst for me - I cried the whole day because I felt like a large part of me had died. It didn't help that he brought his girlfriend with to the court house. Jerk. After that day, it just kept getting better and better and I don't regret it for a minute.

Hang in there!!

That's just wrong!
+1 on the not regretting it! Chalk me up as one on this list. The funny thing was that I got over her more quickly than I did myself. I guess I'm trying to say that the hardest thing for me was that I made a promise to a lot of people and then didn't live up to it, even for good reasons. A few years later now and I've had a ton of fun and rarely think about it. Good luck!
Thanks everyone! Sometimes you get the feeling that you are the only one that has gone thru this. We had 12 years of marriage plus 4 years of dating, I can't beleive it, almost half of our lives together. We had been separated for about 15 months, I wish I could get into deatils but I'd take all night posting. What truly puts me down is our kids, although I'm greatful that they are old enough to kind of understand as to why we had to part this way. I do see them every other weekend, vacation and holidays.

You know, my parents also divorced when I was 7 yo. I don't remember a whole lot, maybe thats why I didn't suffer as much. I knocked my head up against the wall so many times promising my self that I was never to become another statistic, but I gave up. Our divorce is even though, we both had our faults, no one is really to blame. Typical marital problems work, money, tired, etc. Everyone has them, so I thought this is normal, but it just gets to the point of feeling overwhelmed when all of them bombard you constantly.

Ok, I feel better now. One of the cool times about this matter was that I had to drive to San Bernardino from TJ quite a few times, a nice 4 hour drive on my FZ6. That 215 freeway is a blast to ride on. BTW. How am I supposed to introduce myself, single or divorced??
Sorry to hear that man.

to help take your mind off of it: How gnarly is it in Tijuana right now? I heard there were shootings at this years' Baja 1000! My buddy has a house 10 mins north of Rosarito. Is it safe anymore? I always thought the toll road was pretty safe (once you got to it).

I've been living in TJ for about 10 years now. To this day, not one problem. Yes, there is a bunch of shootings, yes I'm scared, but it's a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, kind of. All of the violence is drug cartel related, as long as you are not part of it you are fine. I get off work at midnight, so I drive every night thru town, so far so good.