John Clease on Palin


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May 10, 2008
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Seatle, WA
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John Cleese on Sarah Palin

i just found this rather funny.

[ame=""]YouTube - John Cleese Calls Sarah Palin a Parrot[/ame]
In all seriousness. What would I laugh about? Why would I laugh about any of those vids? I am serious will you explain a little more? What did you laugh about finding funny? Thanks
I don't know about funny, but John did bring up a good point. Do you really want her running the country? If McCain is elected, and does kick the bucket, Palin is a pretty scary president.
my .02
I don't know about funny, but John did bring up a good point. Do you really want her running the country? If McCain is elected, and does kick the bucket, Palin is a pretty scary president.
my .02

This is exactly my point. It's not that I don't like McCain, it's that I can't stand the idea of Palin running the country if McCain becomes sick again. The fact is, he's 72 years old and has had several forms of cancer, all of which can easily resurface at any time with a vengence.

Normally I would say to not bother looking at the VP, but in this election I think it's pretty darn important.

Back to the OP, this video was awesome. I love John Clease and his perspective is spot on!
i found it funny because john clease sees whats wrong but not many else do
Just curious what do you think about Obama? What do you think would be the good and or bad if Obama was elected president? Im not trying to trap you into something. Ok? I am being serious. Me? I personally don't care. I don't believe either one of them control my future. I leave my trust of my future in the hands of someone else. I think sometimes if this world will make it long enough for me to grow old and have grandkids. But I believe something more significant is going to happen before then. I told you that to be open on my opinion and you don't have to think I am playing a game. But I am curious what do you think would be the good and bad if Obama is elected. Take care.
This video is not really that funny, although John C. is awesome. The video is more sad-because-its-true "funny". Thanks for for posting it!

Palin for VP?..........


because i do not agree with McCains Econinomic views and i strongly disagree with his choice of VP

also i find McCains lack of respect for women absolutly disgusting
It's almost as funny as this one...

[ame=""]YouTube - Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out[/ame]
I like the evidence..... Imagine well no just think about it. The president is the leader of this country and is suppose to be the role model for which this country represents. Can you imagine someone leading this country who can't even tell us the truth for which they stand and believe with out someone or something else feeding them the words to say? Could you imagine being in a war zone or being a fire fighter stuck in a burning house or any critical situation and the leader of your group can't even inspire or guide his group through honest effective communication to succeed with out a teleprompter? I am not cracking on Obama I am talking about all of them. Honestly I don't know who would be the best president or vice president. Voting is the same as trying to decide on which snake you want to bite you in back. You know either choice you decide is going to result in getting bitten, but you are trying to pick which snake will do the less damage and tells the less amount of lies. You know any government official politician etc... is a liar. Especially if they are successful. This country and most the companies in it especially government driven organizations are driven strictly by politics. To me from what I have ever seen, observed, and learned politics benefits no one but the few elites and special interest groups. Politics does not and never will benefit this country in a whole. Politics just benefits the wants and needs of the few, rich and powerful ppl. I see it all the time. Feel free to comment I just can't see how anyone would believe someone who has to use a telepromter or some sort of device to tell them what they need to say next. What is even more strange that a lot of ppl don't seem to see is when the prompter go out he has no clue what to say next other than a lot of ughs. Can you see your self trying to tell someone something or teach them something and all they can say is ugh. The president of this country should be a honest, well moraled, very very educated that is very knowledgeable of so many things. When a person is wanting to be a president or is president should be able to give you a speech with out being feed the words. His worlds should come from the heart, with truth, and knowledge so he doesn't need to be feed words which to say.
Very good point Hollow. This will be my first year voting as I am 18. As far as I see it, we are screwed either way. It seems like one candidate has good plans for one area, but fails in others, while the other is the opposite. We need someone who serves the people.

You are completely right about the politicians only helping people of high power and money. They can't climb up the ladder by working hard and being honest, they have to lie and cheat their way up. Thats how they all do it, they have to make up stuff that sounds good to appeal to the higher up.

The truth is, anyone on this planet can go and say "I plan to strengthen the economy by blah blah blah" or "I plan to lessen taxes" or "I plan this, I plan that"
What it comes down to is who is going to actually accomplish their "plans" and achieve their goals they told the people they were going to do. Hell, either one of them can make up anything they want right now by saying "I plan..."

As far as the Palin thing, I think she is about as smart as a rock, but what politician isn't?? No one ever said you had to be smart to be in politics. All you have to do is know how to talk. It makes no sense sometimes.
The truth is, anyone on this planet can go and say \"I plan to strengthen the economy by blah blah blah\" or \"I plan to lessen taxes\" or \"I plan this, I plan that\"
What it comes down to is who is going to actually accomplish their \"plans\" and achieve their goals they told the people they were going to do. Hell, either one of them can make up anything they want right now by saying \"I plan...\"

The problem here is that we have a Dem congress, i.e. for Obama no check and balance. Fox guarding the hen house, and we've seen how successful that can be (on both sides).