Top Speed Run

N Spec

Junior Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Just got done a few hours ago with a top speed run tonight after several attempts throughout the weeks. It's pretty hard holding a camera still with one hand while going very fast. I did this about 3:00 am going through a tunnel where wind is not a huge variable, neither is traffic.

[ame=""]YouTube - FZ6 150 MPH Top Speed[/ame]

The last 15-20mph were battling uphill, so perhaps I could have squeezed out a few more mph had I accelerated earlier. I waited to get leveled in the tunnel so that I could make sure there were no cars in front of me. On a previous run, I started accelerating before leveling out, hence going downhill and I was able to squeeze out 160 mph. Unfortunately my haste did not allow me to hold the camera steady for that run or aimed at the speedo for that matter, lol. Also it was cold tonight and so I had a long leather jacket on. My body definately was swaying from the flapping of the jacket from the turbulance. I felt much more stable and comfortable on previous runs. Perhaps, this also limited my top end this time.

Of course, there has been talk about speedo inaccuracy, so maybe I really only went 14xish. After viewing the video, I could make out it hits right at 12000 rpm when 150 mph is reached. So I guess theoritical top speed if 175 mph for the FZ6's gearing, but of course as you could tell for the last few mph struggle, power and perhaps aerodynamics is limiting.
I may get shot down here for my views but here it ids anyway. IMHO riding that fast on a public road with one hand, is just asking to be honoured in the "Darwin Awards".
I am glad your in one piece still, please try to keep it that way.

Appreciate the concern. I figure I may be in for some flames. I tried to keep it in a controlled environment and there virtually was no traffic in my lane. Just wanted to see the limits of the bike and the rpm question that has been bugging me. I def won't be going much faster for a long time, at least not on the Fazer anyways...
You could have saved yourself the trouble of doing your little experiment if you would have searched the forum a bit harder. You could have found out what your bike was capable of doing by just reading. The link below is what I'm talking about. A lot of members have done the samething, but under much safer circumstances. Not that I'm endorsing this type of riding, but yes, we all have the bug and curiosity, just human nature. But really, I have to agree with Nelly and Mike, not the smartest place to do it in. A tunnel? With traffic. Let me guess Cheasapeke Bay Bridge? Stunts like these give motorcyclist a bad rap. You could have picked a better time and spot.
You could have saved yourself the trouble of doing your little experiment if you would have searched the forum a bit harder. You could have found out what your bike was capable of doing by just reading. The link below is what I'm talking about. A lot of members have done the samething, but under much safer circumstances. Not that I'm endorsing this type of riding, but yes, we all have the bug and curiosity, just human nature. But really, I have to agree with Nelly and Mike, not the smartest place to do it in. A tunnel? With traffic. Let me guess Cheasapeke Bay Bridge? Stunts like these give motorcyclist a bad rap. You could have picked a better time and spot.

No traffic. One car on the right lane and when I leveled out, I had full visibility and there were no cars in my lane. Usually there are no cars at all going through the tunnel at 3:00am in the morning. There just so happens to be one when I took this footage. Cars can't change lanes in the tunnel, and I have never seen one do it. I commute through this tunnel many times a day and no cars/trucks ever change lanes. When I passed him, there was plenty of room given I am a bike and he was a sedan in wide 2 lane tunnel.

The tunnel allows for no wind interference, very well lit with many lights, it's a straight on so I don't have to concentrate on turns and the pavement is a lot better. There is a sweeper that usually comes around 12:00-1:00am and sweeps the tunnel of debri. There are cameras posted just in case I do crash and emergency vehicles are on call right outside at the ends. The tunnel is a lot safer than doing it on uneven, open air interstate, traffic or no traffic.

I don't think I am invincible. I know speed can kill. I took the chance, but I thought it through more than you think I did. I understand there is always skepticism. Just like I can't take what someone else says, I would like to find out myself how the Fazer can go. Made the video so others can take the video's word or watever they think about it.
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I'd be worried about road imperfections and lane chaging cages on a road like that.

Can you post pictures of this long flapping leather jacket? :D
been there, can't say much else I'm guilty of doing the same.

be safe out there:thumbup:

LMAO! But seriously, i cannot sit in judgement as i have been guilty of similar exploits, but through a tunnel, ouch, walls hurt real bad when you come off!

If you are going to do it on the road, go find a nice flat deserted back road, with very little things for you to hit either side of the road if it does go all pear shaped...

Hmmm...I wonder how many of us have done 100mph? Just wondering.
We are not talking about 100mph here.
What you should be wondering is how many have done 150mph with one hand, whilst multi tasking hmmmm.

I am sure you will agree, there are safer ways to run at 150mph .

...No traffic. One car on the right lane ....
What if that one car in the right lane decides he wants to change lanes? He checks his mirror, sees you way back, and, not counting on you doing 150 MPH, decides to come on over. If you were 250 feet back when he checked, you'd be on him in about 2 seconds, probably right when he starts to drift into your lane. A one-handed emergency avoidance swerve at 150 MPH in a tunnel might not go too well.
We are not talking about 100mph here.
What you should be wondering is how many have done 150mph with one hand, whilst multi tasking hmmmm.

I am sure you will agree, there are safer ways to run at 150mph .


I agree 100 percent. :thumbup:

My question, and I can see why it may have come across in a different way, was merely just a simple question. Just didn't want to start a thread to ask it. :hijack:
I won't flame you for going 150. I think your choice of location was fairly smart, with no traffic turning in and no risk of bambi.

You know the risks inherent with that speed.

I will mention one thing that I suspect you forgot.

Tunnels are FULL of cameras with people watching them.

If they got your plate, you may be getting a letter from the police in the next few weeks. I hope you got away with it, but be prepared for the worst.

im guilty :( 145ish last night on a highway road... i was keeping up with a couple r6's cbr and gsxr.... i did fairly well... i know yada yada yada :squid: just be safe
I agree 100 percent. :thumbup:

My question, and I can see why it may have come across in a different way, was merely just a simple question. Just didn't want to start a thread to ask it. :hijack:
OK my bad for not understanding you intention.
I think the fact that N Spec isn't really getting any pelter's indicates how many of us aren't throttle shy.
Speed is only a part of the issue, its how and where its done. You have read the other thread about FZ6 top speed and you will have seen a good proportion of people have exceeded the speed limit.
As Fread states as well, I hope N Spec don't get a ticket or even worse a ban.
