FZ6 Help, High pitched whine


Junior Member
Oct 6, 2007
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Lancashire UK
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Hi guys

My 2007 FZ6 is my first four cylinder. The bike is excellent apart from the high pitched whine that seems to eminate from the Transmission. Basically the higher the rpm the higher pitched the whine. Is this normal for the FZ6? or do I have a problem?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Mike,
This is my first four cylinder Bike to. I have spent weeks trying to identify various noises from my bike. I even took it back the dealer to be told it was ok. I believe that the engine is a touch on the agricultural side. I have also asked friends who ride if they notice any on the noises that I can find.
I have not heard about this problem that you mention though. Sport rider fz6 had an intermittent problem with a high pitched noise a while ago. I’m not sure if he got to the bottom of it though.
I would be interested in your findings.
check your chain tension, also check for exhaust leaks. I haven't heard of this noise but the that is the only things I can think of that would make a high pitched noise.
check your chain tension, also check for exhaust leaks. I haven't heard of this noise but the that is the only things I can think of that would make a high pitched noise.
Sorry mate,
I thought it was you who had the noise in the fairing, maybe it was vegas.... I dunno.
Thanks for the help guys.

Its definitely transmission/chain/sprocket based??????? Checked the chain tension and it seems ok. Could it be a problem with the gearbox???


Have you checked the oil level?

or an induction issue, it can make quite a noise if there is say no air filter.
I asked about a high-pitched whine on my 2006 FZ6 which was mainly in 4th gear....similar to a turbo spooling up.
Normal. They all do it...just some whine more than others. :)
I like the "agricultural" tag....I think of Yamaha as the Subaru of the bike world. :D
Mine has a transmission whine in almost every gear. Its most noticeable in 3rd and 4th, and almost inaudible in 5th and 6th (but i can hear it sometimes with my visor cracked and in a tuck). Also, get used to the thunk in 2nd, everyone says it gets better after a few K on the odo, but I don't know.
I kind of like it. Sounds kind of like a turbo, and if you run the RPMs right right in 4th you can sound like the car from MIB :). Its also fun to make a low RPM shift into 2nd next to a car with its window down and startle the cager when it goes THWACK. Though it usually only does that when its not quite up to operating temp (170ish F, it makes a nice muffled thump at that point).
High pitch whine

I have a 2004, and also have that whine around 45-55 mph, still can't fine the source. Have tried chain adjustment, did no good. The place where I bought the bike (used) all their mechanics denied hearing anything? Yeah right! I guess I have a hearing problem.
I think this is what you were refering to.
Cheers Danny, Im not the sluth I thought I was. Funny thing though. I have just carried out my first chain adjustment and I now have a transmission whine at 40mph ish. I have re-adjusted back to the previous tension and the sound is still there. The only thing I can possibly attribute it to is the chain lube itself. I did a really deep clean on my bike today and removed all of the old lube using a degreasing spray. I have re-lubed it but maybe it has not quite dispersed fully yet. Its a mystery (or a conspiracy or Im hearing things)

Completely normal. YAMAHA specifically designed the system to produce that constant flare upon acceleration.

Get used to it.
Thanks for all your comments.

Just to update.......... The bike has gone into the dealer to be thoroughly checked. The engineer who tested the bike initially thought the noise to be over and above the bikes normal operation. It won't be confirmed until checks take place but, the rear wheel bearing was mentioned (before the bike has been stripped) as a possible cause???????????????. I'll update as soon as its confirmed.

I still get a "whine" that sounds similar to "all terrain" tires on pavement. Haven't figured it out yet but the bike stil runs well. Drives me nuts, though. My first four cyl. bike. I've ridden others (gsxr, fj's) but they didn't make that sound. Changed front tire to a pilot 'road' (rear had a pilot already on).. no change. Wheel beaarings are cool to the touch, checked chain adjustment. seems like some of the others on this site are having similar situations. I just find a bike that makes sounds like that unacceptable. Good bike except for that. I'm just about ready to sell or shoot the thing.
High pitch whine

Hi I believe someone else came to this conclusion on another post earlier. I also could not figure out the source of the whine for a long time. The other day I loosened the chain to max play, cleaned and lubed it well, and lordy lordy the whine went away. I have the 2004 silver and black one. Hopefully this is not a fluke, and the problem is resolved.
I also have had problems with downshifting with clutch disengaged and coming up empty, dogs not engaging any gear?Could my dogs be worn? or maybe the chain was too tight? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks to all!
OK, I second all these problems.

I just cleaned off my chain today (a BUNCH of old WAX and grime) and I put PJ1 blue label chain oil on it. I have the howl from 47-53mph, and it gets a LOT louder when I pull in the clutch.

It is hard to downshift, (3rd-->2nd is the worst I think) but I can lightly tap the shifter up and then back down to shift. Is there a misadjustment with my chain? shifter? something else?
